Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 968 is essential

Chapter 968 is essential
Listening to Xu Jiudi's questions, Tang Huanxi had more and more questions.

"Maybe we should see Nanny Gui again." Xu Jiudi thought for a while, then said softly, "Huanxi, I know you feel sad that Nanny Gui has failed your trust and sincerity. I just want to find out the truth of the matter If not, we must see Nanny Gui one more time."

Tang Huanxi thought about it, and finally agreed.

After a day, Nanny Gui, who stepped into Fengluan Palace again, was in a very unique mood.

She knew that she really broke Tang Huanxi's heart this time, but now she didn't know how to make it up.

"This old slave has met your mistress, and my mistress is blessed."

Tang Huanxi did not speak, but took a deep look at her.

Xu Jiudi coughed twice, then took a step forward and helped Nanny Gui up herself.

"Nurse's face looks haggard, did you not have a good rest last night?"

"Thank you, Mrs. Hu, for your concern. I'm fine with this old slave." Nanny Gui looked at Tang Huanxi's expression carefully, and asked with some concern, "Did your lady not rest well last night?"

"Is this palace really He Dongxue's daughter?" Tang Huanxi looked into her eyes and asked in a deep voice, "How much do you know about Bengong's life experience, mother?"

A look of surprise quickly flashed across Nanny Gui's eyes.

She never expected that Tang Huanxi would ask this question.

"For Mammy, this question is difficult to answer?"

"The empress is indeed He Dongxue's daughter, it's absolutely true." Nanny Gui thought for a while, and said softly, "Although this servant did not see the appearance of the empress when she was born, the appearance of the empress is exactly the same as that of the princess back then. .”

"What the nanny said can only prove that I am indeed related to Princess Nanxiang, but it cannot prove that I am He Dongxue's daughter? Or these words cannot prove that He Dongxue is the daughter of Princess Nanxiang." Tang Huanxi thought After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice, "Nurse, I want to know the whole truth of the matter, please tell me the whole truth of the matter."

"Is your empress still willing to trust this old slave?"

"As long as you are willing to say it, I am willing to believe it."

"Okay." Nanny Gui sighed deeply, then looked into her eyes, and said earnestly, "Mother, sometimes the truth is a very cruel thing, do you really want to know?"

"Even if the truth is cruel, why don't you face it? Do you want to live in lies all the time?"

"Since the empress is ready, let the old slave tell a story." Nanny Gui smiled slightly and began to talk.

"Back then, the princess of Nanxiang County did give birth to a pair of twin daughters, but because she was being chased and killed all the way, she had no choice but to entrust one of the daughters to a confidant of her own, and then took her with her. The remaining daughter continued to flee."

"Why did you run away? Didn't the mother say that the princess left the palace because she wanted to elope with Han Jianming?"

"If you want to commit a crime, why is there no excuse? No one would have thought that the Nanxiang County Lord and the late Emperor had long had feelings for each other. The Nanxiang County Lord was the adopted daughter of the Empress Dowager, but no matter what, she and the late Emperor also had a brother-sister relationship!

The princess was pregnant, and the queen mother was furious. It happened that someone Qiu Shushi wanted to frame the princess.So the Empress Dowager used Qiu Shu's hand to add many unwarranted charges to the princess! "

"You mean, the two daughters born to the princess are both the daughters of the late emperor?"

"Exactly." Nanny Gui nodded helplessly, "This is a scandal of the royal family. At that time, the first emperor was blinded by the villains, and he believed the instigation of others, and really believed that the princess and Han Jianming eloped, so An order has been issued, and the princess is wanted all over the country."

"The old slave brought Qiushuang back to the palace. At that time, Concubine Hu took pity on Princess Nanxiang, so she always took care of Qiushuang in secret. Later, when Qiushuang was 15 years old, she stole the concubine's belt and left the palace. Since then never came back.

The old slave has been conscientiously serving the concubine. After the concubine passed away, the old slave was granted permission to leave the palace.

The old slave wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of Qiushuang, but by chance, he found out the whereabouts of another daughter of the princess..."

"So my mother is really He Dongxue?"

"It is indeed her, but her temperament is very similar to that of the late emperor, and she is really cold."

Tang Huanxi nodded, feeling more and more emotional.

Xiao Baorui is not the real blood of the Murong royal family, but she is the granddaughter of the late emperor.

In this way, it is really surprising.

"What about Ben Gong's father? Ben Gong has an intuition in his heart that my father is absolutely impossible to be a Han Gong."

"It's really not him." Nanny Gui shook her head lightly, "It's just that He Dongxue has always kept his mouth shut, so I don't know. Maybe Qiushuang knows that Qiushuang once went to Dongxue."

"Thanks Mammy for telling me that."

"Madam, this old servant has been thinking about it all night, and this old servant wants to stay by Madam's side." Nanny Gui knelt on the ground, her eyes full of pleading, "This time it was indeed the old servant's negligence that almost made Madam suffer. Hurt. The empress really respects and loves the old slave, so the old slave wants to stay with the empress and take good care of the empress and the princess, and begs the empress to be extra merciful and give the old slave another chance."

"Mom, do you know that the princess of Nanxiang County is still alive and has even become the Empress Dowager of Xiliang?" Tang Huanxi looked into her eyes and asked curiously.

Nanny Gui shook her head lightly, her eyes filled with shock.

"How is this possible? When the princess sent someone to entrust the suicide note to the old slave, she said that her time is numbered!"

"Maybe there are other secrets in the middle?" Tang Huanxi asked without answering, "Mother, you go down first."

Nanny Gui still wanted to continue pleading, but met Xu Jiudi's eyes, finally sighed deeply, turned and left.

"Sister Jiudi wants to intercede for Nanny Gui?"

"I believe Mammy's plea just now was from the bottom of her heart." Xu Jiudi looked at her and said softly, "Maybe this time, she really didn't mean it."

"Sister Jiudi, I don't care if the black-clothed assassin is only coming at me this time, really." Tang Huanxi smiled and said, "But I saw clearly that day that the assassin was coming towards me. Xiao Baorui came, she wanted to kill Xiao Baorui."

"I believe Nanny Gui's sincerity towards me is not fake, but I can't tolerate them wanting to hurt Xiao Baorui."

Xu Jiudi didn't speak any more, but lowered his eyes and pondered for a long time.

"I understand. I won't intercede for Nanny Gui in the future." Xu Jiudi looked at her and said with deep eyes, "It's just joy. When do you plan to solve the mystery of your life experience?"

"A trip to Xiliang is essential." Tang Huanxi smiled brightly at her.

(End of this chapter)

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