Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 969 Figured it out

Chapter 969 Figured it out
"You want to go to Xiliang?" Xu Jiudi was a little surprised, "You are the queen, how can you be so free?"

Tang Huanxi looked at her, smiled and told her plan with Xiao Baorui.

Xu Jiudi immediately yearned for it, "Huanxi, can I have a small request?"


"I haven't said anything yet!" Xu Jiudi looked at her with more and more aggrieved eyes, "Do you really have the heart to leave me alone in the capital? It would be so boring without you in this capital!"

"In two months, you're going to have a baby." Tang Huanxi looked at her and comforted her softly, "Besides, you are indispensable in Huiweilou, and the security of the capital cannot be less than General Scorpio. So I can't take you away with me. Beijing."

"Hmph, these are all excuses, I won't listen!" Xu Jiudi covered her ears angrily, refusing to speak any more.

"I guessed that you were coming, so I specially asked Fu Ling to prepare salt and pepper chicken tenders. At this time, it should have just been prepared, don't you want to try it?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Aside from salt and pepper chicken tenders, what else can I eat?" They also made several pairs of honey grilled wings, sister really doesn't want to eat at all?"

"Eat!" Xu Jiudi nodded hurriedly, "Eat a lot!"

"it is good!"

After finishing a large bowl of crispy salted chicken tenders by himself, Xu Jiudi belched contentedly, only then did he feel that he was not so wronged.

"When is the departure?"

"The original plan was early March, but now, I plan to leave at the end of this month." Tang Huanxi said with a smile.

"In such a hurry?" Xu Jiudi was a little dazed, "It's just that you and Xiao Baorui are planning to leave the capital, is it really possible?"

"I believe that Xiao Baorui will be able to plan everything well." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, then lowered his head and touched her swollen abdomen, "It's just a pity that I couldn't see the birth of my little nephew with my own eyes."

"I will stay in the capital and take good care of the Huiwei building, waiting for you to return to Beijing." Xu Jiudi looked into her eyes and promised earnestly.


In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Xiao Baorui looked at Xiao Yijin and gave him serious instructions.

"Do you remember what I said?"

"I remember it." Xiao Yijin nodded obediently.

"If there are no accidents, your mother and I will come back to pick you up in early March, but before that, you have to take good care of the harem."

"My son will not disappoint my father's trust."

"Ah That's good."

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Xiao Baorui and Tang Huanxi, who had changed their disguises, left the palace silently under the moonlight.

"Let's go to Luoyang first to meet an old friend." Tang Huanxi suggested with a smile, "Then make a detour to Winteryang City."

"Okay." Xiao Baorui pulled the horse rope and said in a deep voice, "Mistress, sit still! Drive!"

The bloody BMW galloped fast, and Tang Huanxi, who was wrapped in Xiao Baorui's arms, smiled slightly as he felt the cold wind whizzing past his ears.

After rushing on the road for three days, the two finally arrived at Luoyang City.

Hexi Palace.

When she suddenly saw Tang Huanxi, An Xiuhui's eyes were full of surprise.

"Why are you here?"

"I happened to be passing by, so I came here to stay overnight, won't the princess not welcome me?" Tang Huanxi smiled slightly.

"If you can come, the palace is full of splendor, so why don't you welcome me?" An Xiuhui smiled brightly, and personally welcomed the person to the back room, "Lvyin, why don't you serve tea?"

"Slaves, prepare immediately!"

"It seems that you are living well in Luoyang." Tang Huanxi looked at An Xiuhui's energetic appearance and said with a smile, "I haven't heard any good news about you so far. When do you and He Yihang plan to get married?"

"No hurry." An Xiuhui replied with a smile.

Now that the relationship between her and He Yihang is stable, it is the time for deep affection, so there is no rush.

Xiao Baorui has been silently looking at An Xiuhui's expression, and found that she is a little rounder than before, and the light in her eyes is also a little brighter.

He was completely at ease.

After Lu Yin brought the tea, An Xiuhui looked at Tang Huanxi with a little curiosity in her eyes, "Now that the first month is not over yet, why did you come to Luoyang in such a hurry? Don't you have something important to deal with?"

"We have some things to deal with, but the destination is not Luoyang, but the capital of the Xiliang King. The reason why I made a detour to Luoyang is to thank you personally." Tang Huanxi looked at her with a smile on her face. It is gentle, and the tone is very sincere, "Thanks to the roster you gave us earlier, that roster has helped a lot."

"It's nothing to worry about?" An Xiuhui smiled indifferently, "I used to think that Kyoto is prosperous, but now I realize that the scenery in Luoyang is also unique. If I want to thank you, I should be the one thanking you all."

The three of them, mother and child, were able to settle in one corner, and she was grateful.

"Have you never had doubts about your identity?" Xiao Baorui, who had been silent all this time, couldn't hold back after all, looked into her eyes, and asked anxiously, "Why did you agree Come with us?"

Xiao Baorui had too many questions in his heart.

Changle is not the real Xiao Jingyuan, but An Xiuhui in front of her.

Their looks are at least [-]% similar.

What he couldn't understand was that he had already told An Xiuhui about his identity back then, but why did she abandon Xiao Jingyuan's identity in the end?

"Yesterday is like the past, so why should the emperor worry about it?" An Xiuhui looked at him and smiled softly, "When I was young and energetic, I always yearned for the love of children in the world. Now that I have a family and have children, What I want is no longer vigor and vitality, but peace and tranquility. If I explain it this way, the emperor may understand?"

Xiao Baorui took a deep look at her, and finally smiled in relief.

"Everyone has their own fate, I was the one who was abrupt, and I hope the princess will forgive me."

"Since you're an old friend, why should you be so fussy?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

It was getting late now, An Xiuhui ordered Lu Yin to quickly tidy up a guest room.

Compared with Kyoto, the night in Luoyang seems to be more silent.

"What are you thinking?" Looking at Xiao Baorui's back standing in front of the window, Tang Huanxi walked slowly to his side, and gently raised the corners of her lips.

"I was thinking about what she said just now." Xiao Baorui looked back and smiled at her, "I still had a lot of doubts in my heart, but now I have solved a lot."

"Can you figure it out?"

"I probably figured it out." Xiao Baorui smiled in relief, and then put his arms around her, "My lady, thank you."

"There is no need to say thank you between husband and wife?" Tang Huanxi gave him a feigned annoyed look, and then thumped his chest.

Xiao Baorui grabbed her hand and placed it quietly on his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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