Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 970 Don't Worry About Yourself

Chapter 970 Don't Worry About Yourself
Although Tang Huanxi didn't express it, Xiao Baorui knew it in his heart.

The reason why the lady insisted on coming to Luoyang this time was not just to say thank you to An Xiuhui.

More reasons, or because of him.

Because the lady wants to untie the knot in his heart.

After all, the bell has to be tied to the bell.

What An Xiuhui said seemed to explain nothing, but in fact, everything had already been explained.

She has her own choice and she has no regrets.

This is enough.

"Now that you've figured it out, let's rest early." Tang Huanxi leaned into his arms, listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat, "Xiao Baorui, I'm sleepy."

"Okay." Xiao Baorui smiled softly, hugged her in his arms, and the two of them lay side by side on the bed, speechless all night.

In the early morning of the next day, the bright sunlight quietly sprinkled on the blue marble slab through the screen window.

An Xiuhui ordered the kitchen to make some delicious breakfast early in the morning.

It was only when she sent someone to knock on the door of the guest room that she found that Xiao Baorui and his wife had already left.

Looking at the letter quietly placed on the desk, An Xiuhui raised her eyebrows slightly.

Jing Yuan greeted him personally.

When seeing these four words, there seemed to be an undercurrent surging in An Xiuhui's eyes.

Jing Yuan, brother knows that you don't want to admit this identity, so I'm sorry that I misunderstood you back then.

Everything was like the past yesterday, what you said, my brother thinks it is right.

Luoyang is a good place. When I return to Beijing in the future, I will make the decision to reduce or exempt the people of Luoyang from taxes.Xi'er and Ming'er are good boys, I trust them, and I trust you even more.For the rest of your life, I wish you a safe and happy life!
The few numbers made An Xiuhui feel warm.

"Hui'er?" He Yihang searched the entire palace, and finally found An Xiuhui in the guest room, "Hui'er, are you alright?"

Seeing her scarlet eyes, He Yihang was suddenly worried, "Is there something uncomfortable? Stretch out your hand, and I'll take a pulse for you?"

"Yihang..." An Xiuhui raised her eyes slowly, looked at him, and smiled slightly, "Can I borrow your shoulder?"

"Of course you can."

An Xiuhui leaned her head gently on his shoulder, sobbing nonstop.

After a quarter of an hour, An Xiuhui recovered from her emotions and looked at him, "Yihang, thank you very much, and I'm sorry for staining your clothes."

"Are you okay?" He Yihang gently held her shoulder and asked in a gentle voice.

"I'm fine." An Xiuhui carefully folded the letter in her hand, and then put it in her sleeve, "It's time to go to the Huiwei Building today, and then we will go to Buzhuang to have a look." , when spring comes, I will make you another spring shirt."

"Hui'er wants to make clothes for me?" He Yihang was instantly ecstatic and excited.

"Hmm." An Xiuhui looked away a little embarrassed, "I used to be in the boudoir, and my needlework was not very good. When the clothes are finished, don't dislike me."

"What Huier gave to Yihang, Yihang should cherish it very much." He Yihang looked at her and said firmly.

"Now Xi'er and Ming'er are gradually accepting you. If you want, we can get married in the next spring." An Xiuhui looked at him and smiled.

"Hui'er, are you serious? Am I hallucinating?" He Yihang only felt that he was so happy today, but sad that a magpie landed on the peach tree in his yard early in the morning!

"It's hard to follow a word once it's said." Seeing him so happy, An Xiuhui was both amused and moved.

"Hui'er, you wait for me, I'll write a book and go home immediately!"

Seeing his excited appearance, An Xiuhui shook her head helplessly.

After returning to her own yard, An Xiuhui saw Lu Yin's worried face, and immediately asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

"Princess," Lu Yin looked at her, with a little worry in her eyes, "I am a little worried about you."

"what happened?"

"Just now, my servant heard what you said to Dr. He, and this servant dared to ask your mother, did you really think about it?"

"Well, my life is only a few dozen years old, and I don't want to wrong myself anymore." An Xiuhui looked at her and said sincerely, "Lu Yin, you are not too young now, what do you think about your own future? plan?"

"Princess, it was the concubine who helped the slave at the lowest point in her life back then. The slave made a mistake in the past, and it was the princess who continued to trust the slave regardless of the past. The slave is really grateful, so I never thought of leaving you .It’s just that the concubine, Mr. He, is from a family of medicine, and his family background can be regarded as a prominent one. This servant is worried that you will be bullied in the future..."

"Silly girl, you are worried about my thoughts, how can I not understand?" An Xiuhui smiled, and then gently rubbed her head, "The things you are worried about have not happened yet, so don't worry too much What's more, in your eyes, am I the kind of person who would be willing to be bullied?"

Lu Yin seriously considered this question, and finally shook her head slightly.

Her master is smart and open-minded.

Otherwise, he would not be willing to give up the throne that was already at his fingertips.

"I only hope that you will be happy..." After a while, Lu Yin looked at her and said in a daze.

"I understand," An Xiuhui nodded, and said firmly, "Lu Yin, I will be happy."

Stepping on the twilight of the morning sun, Xiao Baorui left Luoyang City with Tang Huanxi.

The two stopped their horses beside a teahouse outside the city.

Ordered two bowls of Yangchun noodles.

"Luoyang's Yangchun noodles seem to be more unrestrained." Tang Huanxi looked at the big sea bowl in front of him, and joked with a smile, "Husband, what do you think?"

"The taste is a bit spicy, but it suits my appetite." Xiao Baorui quickly finished a large bowl of noodles, and said with a satisfied smile, "In this weather, eating such a bowl of hot and spicy noodles is very refreshing. very!"

Tang Huanxi smiled, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve, and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead.

When other people in the teahouse heard Xiao Baorui's hearty laughter, they all smiled knowingly.

After eating and drinking enough, Xiao Baorui took out a couple of scattered silver coins, got up and held Tang Huanxi's hand, ready to leave.

"Guest officer, wait a moment!" At this moment, the waiter in the teahouse suddenly called to stop the two of them.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Baorui frowned, and gave him a deep look.

"Looking at the dusty appearance of the guest officer, are you going to Luoyang?"

"If you have something to say, just say it."

"It's like this. The villain has a relative in Luoyang City. A few days ago, he entered the Hexi Palace to serve him, but within two days he was beaten up and kicked out. The villain really has nowhere to go..."

"Since there are grievances, why don't you go to the county government to beat the drums and complain?" Tang Huanxi looked at him and asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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