Chapter 971

The little girl sighed with grief, then knelt heavily in front of Xiao Baorui.

"My lord doesn't know, this Hexi Prince's Mansion is a local snake in Luoyang City! This arm can't twist the thigh, the villain really has nothing to do!"

"You're too weird." Tang Huanxi suddenly pulled Xiao Baorui back a step, frowned and looked at the second child who was kneeling on the ground, "You and our husband and wife have never met before, why do you think we can help you?" You solve the problem in front of you? More importantly, why do you call my husband to be your lord? He is just a white man, even if he has all the strength, he can't solve the problem for you!"

"Aren't you two nobles from the capital city?" Xiaoer hurriedly asked in desperation.


Xiao Baorui suddenly pulled out the soft sword from his waist, and put it on the shoulder of the thin and dark Xiaoer.

"My husband and I only stayed in this teahouse for half an hour, why do you know where we are from?"

"Little man, little man..."

Just when the waiter in the shop was a little at a loss, horns suddenly sounded from all directions.

Xiao Baorui's gaze became extremely sharp in an instant, he grabbed Tang Huanxi's arm and protected it behind his back.

Whoosh whoosh—

bang bang bang-

Countless feathered arrows shot from all directions, Xiao Baorui hugged Tang Huanxi and tapped his toes, soaring into the air, the other hand kept swinging the soft sword in his hand.

All those feathered arrows were chopped down into the soil!
"It seems that the other party came prepared!"

"En." Xiao Baorui responded softly, and continued to fight!

The two sides were fighting fiercely, and gradually, the strength of the other side was a little weak.

Xiao Baorui, on the other hand, was always calm and composed.


Tang Huanxi suddenly heard a sharp voice, she immediately hugged Xiao Baorui's waist, and took two steps back with all her strength.

The poisoned flying knife scraped across her hair quickly.

A black thread fell instantly.

"It seems that he wants to kill us!" Tang Huanxi said sullenly, her tone no longer gentle.

Xiao Baorui immediately released the signal flare in his arms.

After half an hour.

It's still the teahouse.

It's just that the boss couple of the teahouse and the two shop waiters were all tied up.

"What's your name?" Tang Huanxi took a step forward and asked in a deep voice towards the waiter who had asked them for help earlier.

"Small... the villain is strong."

"You know our couple? Know our identities?" Tang Huanxi raised her lips and asked curiously.

"No, no, no... I don't know." Niu Zhuangshi shook his head hastily.

After seeing the scene just now, he wished he could bite off his tongue.

For two taels of silver, I almost lost my life!

This deal is really not worth it!

"Then why did you stop us and tell your grievance?" Tang Huanxi sat on the bench, looked him in the eyes, and asked softly, "Tell me, who sent you to do this?"

"Little man, little man..."

"If you tell the truth, I will consider saving your life." Tang Huanxi gave him a sympathetic look, "You have seen my husband's martial arts just now, if he wants to kill you, it is like crushing a bird It's as simple as an ant. Is it possible that you really don't want your own life?"

That Niu Zhuangshi was so frightened that he shuddered, hurriedly knelt down on the ground, and explained the ins and outs of the whole thing clearly.

It turned out that just last night, a man in black found Niu Zhuangshi, gave the portrait of Xiao Baorui and his wife, and instigated him to find a way to make Xiao Baorui and his wife stay in the teahouse for a longer period of time, at least until the end of Chenshi.

The man in black put the knife on Niu Zhuangshi's shoulder, threatening and intimidating, forcing Niu Zhuangshi to dare not refuse.

"Do you still remember the face of the man in black?"

"No... I don't have any impression. It was too dark. The man kept pointing the knife at the villain's neck. The villain was so scared that he didn't even look up."

"Then what's so special about the man in black?"

Niu Zhuangshi thought about it seriously, and finally raised his head suddenly and said, "That man smells like dog meat!"

"Dog meat?" Tang Huanxi raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Yes, yes, yes, that's right. The dog meat in Yangweifang is famous for its deliciousness! It's all freshly killed dog meat, and it's served with the secret sauce in Yangweifang. The taste is absolutely delicious. Already!"

"Yangweifang, do you sell dog meat?" Tang Huanxi glanced at the little girl suspiciously, "Do you know what will happen to a liar?"


Xiao Baorui smashed a table with his palm.

That Niu Zhuangshi was so frightened that he almost cried.

"The villain really didn't lie!"

"Where is the sheep flavor shop?"

"Dongcheng District of Luoyang City!"

"Just now you said that your relatives were severely beaten by the Hexi Palace, is this true or false?" Xiao Baorui, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stared into his eyes and asked coldly.

"It's absolutely true!" Niu Zhuangshi nodded in fright, "The relatives of the villain were indeed beaten and bruised all over by the eldest son of Hexi Palace!"

Xiao Baorui and Tang Huanxi looked at each other, and they both saw some surprise in each other's eyes.

"Today's matter, so far, nothing has happened just now, and you have never seen our husband and wife! If you dare to reveal half of it, the table just now will be your fate!"

"The villain dare not, the villain dare not!"

Hongluan Guard quickly cleaned up the scene.

A gust of wind hits, and the scenery in front of me is the same as before.

Only some mottled traces remained on the gray ground, which showed that the fierce battle just happened was not an illusion.

Tang Huanxi, who got on the horse, looked back at Xiao Baorui lightly, "How about it? Do you want to go to the sheep flavor shop?"

"Since it is a place where mutton is sold and dog meat is sold, it must be a place where three religions and nine streams are mixed. Luoyang City should not have such a place where filth is hidden." Xiao Baorui looked at her and said softly.

"Then how do you plan to solve it?"

"Since Luoyang is the fiefdom of the King of Hexi, these matters should be resolved by the people in the mansion of the King of Hexi." Xiao Baorui raised his lips, his legs clamped tightly on Taxue's stomach, and flew quickly like an arrow leaving the string. out.

Half an hour later, Hexi Palace.

An Xiuhui was shocked when she received the news.

Someone actually assassinated Xiao Baorui outside the city?
"Princess?" Seeing her sudden change of expression, Lu Yin asked worriedly, "Are you alright?"

An Xiuhui barely managed to stabilize her mind, and sat heavily on the round stool behind her, her pupils were slightly dilated, and her heart was full of disbelief.

how can that be!

"Lu Yin, invite the prince here."


Murong Xi, who was already five years old, was already very personable now, a young boy with a resolute expression on his face.

"I have seen my concubine mother! I don't know what the concubine mother invited me to come here!"

"Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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