Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 972 Can You Do It?

Chapter 972 Can You Do It?
An Xiuhui, who was always gentle and tolerant, turned out to be so harsh this time.

Murong Xi's expression couldn't help being somewhat astonished, but he still lifted his robe and knelt heavily on the ground.

"Murongxi, do you know what you have done!"

"My son doesn't know!"

Looking at the face that was exactly the same as her own, An Xiuhui suddenly felt that the young man in front of her was a little strange.

She closed her eyes in pain, and two lines of tears fell instantly.

"Murongxi, do you resent mother in your heart?"

"I don't dare." Murong Xi silently lowered his head, a look of disappointment flashed across his eyes.

The mother and concubine already knew about this, and it seemed that the assassination plan that Uncle Fang had mentioned had failed.

"Don't you dare?" An Xiuhui suddenly sneered, "Yes, you don't dare, it's not that you don't complain! The moment I asked you to hand over the throne that you were about to acquire, you must have hated the concubine mother to death, right? wrong?"

Murong Xi bit her lip and said nothing.

He trusted Concubine Mu and every decision she made for the two of them.

It's just that he really doesn't understand.

As far as he was concerned, the original emperor was at his fingertips.

But why did the concubine mother insist on giving the throne to Xiao Baorui?

Although he is young, he is neither younger nor more.

On the contrary, he saw many things very clearly.

"Xi'er, do you know that your grandfather is not of real royal blood? Even if your mother helped you ascend to the throne, you still couldn't sit firmly on that dragon chair, do you understand?" An Xiuhui slowly opened her eyes. He closed his eyes, looked into his eyes, and said earnestly, "Now the world of the Great Yong Dynasty looks clear, but it is actually chaotic and restless. Internal and external troubles, all kinds of problems are not something you, a young boy, can solve!"

"Does the concubine mother not trust her son so much?" Murong Xi suddenly interrupted her, his tone full of dissatisfaction.

"Xi'er, if you really become the king of this country, how will you deal with Xiliang's invasion and the fact that the king of Xiliang has secretly planted many spies in the capital?"

"It's time to start the war."

"What about the general who leads the army? Do you have anyone available by your side?"

"The imperial court is corrupt, how many officials were infected with Wushisan last year, what if it were you?"

"On the surface, the king of Xiliang surrendered his sincerity and asked for a marriage, but in fact he secretly planned to assassinate the Holy One, so what should you do?"

An Xiuhui looked at him and asked three questions in a row.

Murong Xi was speechless for a moment.

"What's the point of the mother concubine saying these words now?" Murong Xi sneered, his tone full of sarcasm, "Now the throne is already in the hands of others."

"I really didn't know that you had so much resentment hidden in your heart." An Xiuhui suddenly felt that the son in front of her was too strange, "Xi'er, have you still not understood the painstaking efforts of the concubine mother? ?”

"Since the concubine mother came to Luoyang, the smile on her face has increased a lot, and it is also very real. Erchen is very pleased, but the minister thinks that the concubine mother's smile was brought by Doctor He. They are all sincerely loving, but the mother concubine loves you more, doesn't she?"

"My lord!" Lu Yin, who had been standing on one side, couldn't bear it anymore, her eyes were already red with anger, "My lord, how can you talk to the princess like this, such words are really treasonous!"

Murong Xi gave her a cold look, but finally remained silent.

"Follow me." An Xiuhui got up and walked around behind the screen.

She took out a purple-gold box from the bookshelf and handed it to Murong Xi.

"Open it and see."

"This is?"

"A letter from your father."

At this moment, An Xiuhui suddenly thanked Murong He very much.

Back then, Murong Ze hugged Murong He under his knee regardless, An Xiuhui originally thought that the Supreme Emperor wanted to support Xi'er as the crown prince, so she did not reject Murong Ze's behavior.

But Murong He is well aware of his father's disposition.

So before he died, he left a letter written by Murong Xi.

Curious, Murong Xi opened the letter.

After he finished reading the contents of the letter, his heart became more and more melancholy.

"Mother Concubine..." Murong Xi's voice was a little panicked for a moment.

"Xi'er, you should go back first. I will live in another garden for a while. You might as well think about it while your mother and concubine are no longer in the palace."

An Xiuhui glanced at him extremely disappointed, then walked out with Lu Yin's hand supported.

Looking at her back full of disappointment, Murong Xi suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Maybe, he really did wrong.

The letter held in his hand was like a heavy weight.

Lu Yin personally brewed a cup of rose tea and handed it to An Xiuhui who had been silent for more than two hours, "Madam, don't worry too much. The son is young and needs Madam's troublesome teaching. There are some things Madam doesn't need to worry about."

"Young?" An Xiuhui forced a smile, "He has experienced wind and rain at a young age, so why should I bother to teach him? I received Tang Huanxi's secret letter today, and I realized that he actually has a deep love for me in his heart." So much resentment."

An Xiuhui began to seriously examine herself, whether she was busy contacting He Yihang during this period of time, thus ignoring the teaching of her children.

If this is the case, it is her mother's dereliction of duty.

"Madam, don't be discouraged. After all, the son is...after all, a little younger, and there is a child's willfulness in his words."

"Forget it," An Xiuhui waved her hand lightly, "Lu Yin, you go out first, I want to be alone."

"Yes, the slaves obey the order."

From dawn to dusk, and finally to nightfall.

An Xiuhui slowly stood up from the chair.


The door in front of her was slowly opened, and she raised her eyes to meet Murong Xi's regretful expression.


"It's more serious, what are you kneeling here for?" An Xiuhui stepped forward and gently helped him up.

"Mother, I know my mistake, please punish me!"

An Xiuhui sighed softly, "Xi'er, your concubine mother can understand that you have a knot in your heart. Concubine mother is really lucky now, fortunately she found the resentment in your heart at this time."


"After reading the letter your father left for you, what do you think?"

"My son... understands the good intentions of father and mother. My son is stupid and can't be the king of a country at all." Murong Xi lowered his head, his tone was full of shock, "Mother, my son knows his mistake, son I am willing to be punished, I beg my mother to forgive my son."

"You are the flesh and blood born of my mother's pregnancy in October. How can my mother be willing to hurt you?" An Xiuhui gently stroked his head, her tone became more and more gentle, "Mother has thought about it for a long time, and also reflected on it for a long time. You didn't do well enough, so mother doesn't blame you. It's just that mother hopes that you can disband the power left by your grandfather, and from now on, you can be an unfettered King of Hexi, Xi'er, can you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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