Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 973 Qin Xiao’s Death

Chapter 973 Qin Xiao's Death ([-])

Murong Xi raised his head suddenly, his eyes were full of struggle.

"Mother, I..."

"I wonder how Mother knew about this?" An Xiuhui saw through his expression, and gently curled her lips.

"En." At this moment, Murong Xi was full of doubts.

"Your grandfather, you have a lot of thoughts." An Xiuhui sighed a little, then looked at him and said, "He has a lot of scheming, how could he willingly give up the position and power that has been held in his hands? Back then, your grandfather insisted on The mother and concubine agreed to hold you under her knees and raise you. The emperor's scheming is unfathomable.

Ke Xi'er, things have changed now, and the power your grandfather left you seems to be solid, but it's actually vulnerable. "

An Xiuhui ruthlessly pierced the illusion hidden deep in Murongxi's heart.

"Xiao Baorui was able to push back the [-] Xiliang army by himself. He is a rare and good general! Whether it is the Northwest Army, or the Imperial Forest Army, or the Red Luan Guard held in his hands, every side All forces are indestructible. And what about you? What you have is just a secret guard left to you by your grandfather, is it possible that you are really like hitting a stone with a pebble?"

"Mother Concubine..." Murong Xi, who was hit hard, also suddenly became extremely pale.

"I know you brought that team from Kyoto to Luoyang. I thought you were just afraid that you couldn't stand the Hexi Palace, so you wanted to control some power of your own. So I turned a blind eye Eyes. But Xi'er, you absolutely shouldn't, you shouldn't have someone assassinate Xiao Baorui."

One step wrong, step by step wrong.

Originally, Xiao Baorui still cared about her being Xiao Jingyuan's love, and took care of Luoyang's family.

Now... I'm afraid it has changed.

"Yangweifang is your grandfather's former business, right? I hope you can disband this intelligence agency."

"What the concubine mother said is very..."

"Tomorrow, I will take Ming'er and Hao'er to live in another garden for a while. Mother hopes that you can think clearly during this time."

Murong Xi turned around and stumbled back to her own room.

The words An Xiuhui said kept echoing in his mind.

Finally he closed his eyes in pain.

"Young master! You must not shake your original belief just because of the few words of the princess, and you must not forget the words left by the master!"

"Uncle Fang, I'm a little tired." Murong Xi suddenly raised his eyes, staring coldly at the masked man in black in front of him, "You step back first, I want to be alone for a while."

At that time, Xiao Baorui had brought Tang Huanxi to the port in the west of Luoyang City.

"By boat?" Tang Huanxi looked back at the man behind him, "Are you planning to go to Wintersun City by boat?"

"Well," Xiao Baorui nodded, "In view of what happened in the teahouse earlier, I want to change our traveling route so as not to cause side effects."

"Alright." Tang Huanxi nodded.

Even though Xiao Baorui's martial arts are excellent, he is only a body of flesh and blood after all.

She didn't want him to get hurt either.

Xiao Baorui rented a passenger boat generously and ordered the fisherman to proceed immediately.

At sunset, Tang Huanxi stood on the deck, looking at Luoyang Port, which was gradually becoming invisible, and smiled slightly.

"From this angle, Luoyang City is extremely beautiful."

It was approaching dusk, and sparks gradually lit up on the port, which was too beautiful to behold.

"I hope it will continue to be beautiful." Xiao Baorui wrapped her in his arms from behind and said gently.

"I thought you would stay in Luoyang for a few more days, at least you would dismantle that sheep flavor shop yourself." Tang Huanxi suddenly looked sideways, touched his earlobe, and joked with a smile.

"It's just a young child, I don't want to worry too much, let alone see the scene of blood flowing into rivers."

"How could a child come up with such a perfect murder plan?" Tang Huanxi frowned slightly, unavoidably feeling a little worried, "I'm worried that Murong Ze's power wasn't completely disintegrated back then."

"I believe in Jingyuan." Xiao Baorui smiled gently, "Compared to Kyoto, she prefers Luoyang. I also believe that she will be able to teach her children well."

"En." Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, and said silently in her heart, I hope so.

After traveling on the sea for ten days, the carriage finally arrived at the port of Wintersun City.

It's just that when Xiao Baorui and his wife first stepped into Wintersun City, they were shocked to hear a bad news.

"General Qin died so tragically!" In a teahouse, the waiter in the shop sighed regretfully, "Such a good person, if he says he is killed, he will be killed!"


Xiao Baorui, who was drinking tea, stood up suddenly, and looked at Xiao Er in front of him with piercing eyes.

"You just said, who died?"

"Qin... General Qin..."

"Which General Qin?"

"Naturally, it is General Qin Xiao, the garrison of Wintersun City!" The scholar at the other table quickly explained, "General Qin died at home, and there is no one in the entire garrison mansion, even the dog guarding the yard was poisoned to death! "

Xiao Baorui's eyes turned red in an instant.

Tang Huanxi took his hand silently, then took out a piece of silver from his bosom, "I'm sorry."

A quarter of an hour later.

Xiao Baorui stood outside the gate of the garrison mansion, looking up at the eye-catching white sail, feeling extremely regretful in his heart.

"Let's go and have a look first." Tang Huanxi was also very sad, but she was too worried that Xiao Baorui would lose control of her emotions, so she took out a token and handed it to the butler of the garrison mansion, and then went to the mourning hall smoothly.

"My lord's death...it's so miserable!" Steward Zhou cried while wiping away his tears, "The villain's grandson in the country just had a baby two days ago, so the lord gave the villain half a month's leave. But The villain never expected that this thief would be so cruel, killing a whole 35 people in the defense mansion!"

"Have people from the government come to see it?"

"Look, when the county magistrate saw the death of the lord, he cried for a long time and passed out for a while... It's just that the gangster was so cruel and bloody that he didn't leave a trace. So the murderer behind it has not been found yet. .”

"Our husband and wife are old friends with General Qin." Tang Huanxi's voice gradually choked up, "We are also... grieved by the sudden death of General Qin. Now you are the only one left in the garrison mansion, butler. We plan to stay and have a good time. Take care of General Qin's funeral."

"Alright," Zhou Butler nodded, "Madam just showed me that token belongs to our general, I believe Madam's words."

Tang Huanxi spoke a few more words with Butler Zhou, and then asked softly, "Does Zhou Bo know where General Qin was killed in the mansion?"


"Take us to have a look, maybe we can find some new clues."

"it is good!"

The structure of the garrison mansion is very simple. After entering the mansion, walk through a path paved with bluestone slabs about 20 meters, and you will arrive at the main hall.

There are four wing rooms in the backyard, and there are three rows of servant rooms near the east, a total of fifteen rooms.

The study is at the left rear of the main hall.

Tang Huanxi opened the door of the study, and could still smell the smell of blood in the air.

"Husband, come and have a look." Tang Huanxi pointed to the table not far away, with a little surprise in her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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