Chapter 975


Yang Jian, whose mouth was covered, threw off his brother's arm angrily, "The general is kind to us, we can't just sit idly by!"

"What do you want to do?"

"Go to the capital! Sue the imperial court! No matter what, we must seek justice for General Qin!" Yang Kang looked at him and said indignantly.

"Wintersun City and Kyoto are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. If we want to reach Kyoto safely, we need a lot of silver. In addition, even if we arrive in Kyoto, can you guarantee that we can see the current emperor? Even if we meet the current emperor, you How do you know that the Holy Majesty will avenge General Qin?"

Yang Kang threw several questions in a row, but Yang Jian was speechless when he asked.

"I I I..."

"Brother, I know that General Qin passed away suddenly. You feel sad, so why am I not?" Yang Kang looked at him and said earnestly, "Heaven's law is clear, and retribution is not good. The murderer who killed General Qin will definitely receive the most severe punishment. You and I were lucky enough to escape from the tiger's mouth that day. If we continue to entangle this case, it will definitely lead to disaster. My mother is still paralyzed in bed, as sons of man, how can you and I turn our backs for the sake of passion? filial piety?"

"But..." Yang Jian bit his lip, feeling a little unwilling.

"I know what you're thinking, but we can't stand out now, if we attract the attention of the murderer, you and I will die." Yang Kang stared into his eyes with a burning gaze, "What you and I saw that day, we must forget everything! Do you remember?"

"Brother, I can't do it!"

Watching General Qin being plotted against by gangsters, Yang Jian at that time wished he could rush out of the closet.

But Yang Kang tightly covered his mouth!

They saw General Qin's mouth shape at that time.

He said, don't move, don't move!

At the moment when he was assassinated by gangsters, he was still thinking about how to protect their brothers.

"What did you see that day?" Xiao Baorui, who had been standing on the tree, heard the conversation between the two brothers, and couldn't hold back the anxiety deep in his heart. In front of people!

"Who are you?" Yang Kang hurriedly raised the ax beside him, and looked at the two people in front of him warily, "Did you hear what our two brothers said just now?"

"Yes, I heard." Xiao Baorui nodded calmly, "What happened that day? Why are you in the Garrison? Judging from your tone, you seem to understand the whole truth of the matter?"

"Just now I was just talking nonsense with my brother, so I can't take it seriously." Yang Kang gradually calmed down, "Dare to ask who is Xiongtai? Why did you suddenly appear in my house?"

"I am the emperor of the Great Yong Dynasty, Xiao Baorui."

Yang Jian's pupils widened in shock, with an expression of disbelief.

Yang Kang looked at him with deep doubts in his eyes.

"Do not believe?"

"Well," Yang Kang nodded frankly, "I really don't believe it."

"What do I have to do so you can believe it?"

Yang Kang thought about it seriously, and asked softly, "I heard that the Empress Dowager is beautiful, and my mother once looked at the Empress Empress from a distance in the palace. Dare I ask if the Empress Empress also came with me?"

Tang Huanxi, who was standing next to Xiao Baorui, was immediately curious when she heard this.

"Your mother has seen me?"

"Well," Yang Kang glanced at her, and then said softly, "Please come with me."

Tang Huanxi walked into the inner room slowly with curiosity.

When she saw the figure lying on the bed, her eyes were full of shock.

"Cheng Xuening?" Tang Huanxi was extremely astonished after seeing that person's face clearly, "You...why are you here?"

Cheng Xuening is one of the four rich merchants in Yunshui County, the jewel in the palm of the Cheng family.

Back then, Cheng Shao's had troubled Tang Huanxi, but it was Cheng Xuening who persuaded her so that Cheng Shao's stopped making things difficult for Tang Huanxi.

"Queen... empress...cough cough..."

To be able to meet old friends and nobles who haven't seen each other for many years before dying.Cheng Xuening was very excited.

Tang Huanxi immediately held her hand, and felt her pulse calmly.

"Are you ill? Consumption?"

"Well, the doctor also said it was tuberculosis."

"The two half-grown boys outside just now are your children?"


Seeing that his mother really knew this lady, Yang Jian anxiously tugged at the corner of Yang Kang's clothes.

"Brother, are they really empresses?"

"Probably so."

Cheng Xuening couldn't help coughing a few more times, Tang Huanxi quickly turned around and poured a glass of water for her.

With clear water pouring into her throat, Cheng Xuening felt much more comfortable.

"I didn't expect that it would be such a scene to meet again after not seeing each other for many years."

"Why did you come to Wintersun City? Where is your husband?"

Cheng Xuening lowered her eyes sadly, the face that was startled like a fairy in the past, although now it is emaciated and disfigured, but her beauty can still be seen.

"The Cheng family clung to the Wen family in Kyoto back then. Later, the University scholar Wen was suspected of collaborating with the enemy and treason. All those involved with the Wen family were sentenced. Our Cheng family is also on the list of criminals. Fortunately, Daddy used money After making some connections, we were exempted from the crime of exile, and only ransacked our home.

The county magistrate of Yunshui County knew how much friendship I had with you, so he didn't search the property under my name.I don't want to be noticed anymore, I discussed it with my parents, sold the shop under my name, and came to Dongyang City, where I met my husband. My husband's surname is Yang, and he is a native of Dongyang City. After marrying her husband, the days were considered harmonious, but the good times didn't last long. The Yang family was exposed as a remnant of the previous dynasty, and the entire Yang family was burned down by the newly appointed county magistrate Hou Fei.

I was probably lucky. During that time, I took my two children to my natal family and avoided this catastrophe.But Husband and the others..."

"The Yang family is really a remnant of the previous dynasty?" Tang Huanxi frowned, always feeling that this matter was a bit unusual.

"Who can explain those trumped-up charges?" Cheng Xuening laughed at herself, "Later, my natal family was also charged with trumped-up charges, and in the end all of them..."

"I'm sorry, I reminded you of the sad things in the past." Tang Huanxi looked at her, feeling apologetic, "Back then, the Wen family targeted me time and time again, so I also secretly contributed to the rapid decline of the Wen family.

However, Wen Huairen did secretly collude with Xiliang people, and this crime is true. "

"Kanger, Jianer." Cheng Xuening waved to the two children who had been standing not far away, "Come here."


The two brothers shouted in unison.

"Huanxi, although the relationship between you and me was not deep in the past, I still have an unfeeling request." Cheng Xuening turned to her and smiled, "These two children are the only remaining blood of the Yang family. God swear, the Yang family is definitely not the remnants of the previous dynasty, these are the dirty water deliberately poured on the Yang family by that villain Hou Fei! Huanxi, I beg you, please help me take care of these two children, and please do whatever you want We must find out the truth behind the extermination of the Chen family!"

(End of this chapter)

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