Chapter 976
Tang Huanxi looked at Cheng Xuening with surprise and curiosity in his eyes.

"I know I don't have long." Seemingly seeing the doubt in her eyes, Cheng Xuening smiled softly, "The reason why I have dragged my body to this point is because I don't want to part with these two children. This mother is the biggest burden for the two of them!"

"Mother!" Yang Kang quickly knelt beside her and said anxiously, "Don't say that, how can you be a burden..."

Cheng Xuening patted his hand lightly, her eyes were full of comfort, "Kang'er, tell the empress everything about what you saw in the defense mansion that day, she will look after you Take good care of you and Jian'er for my sake."


"Mother is tired, you and Jian'er go out first." Cheng Xuening waved his hands and said firmly.

After Yang Kang left, Cheng Xuening couldn't bear it any longer. She coughed for several days in a row, her face became paler, and dark red blood flowed from the corner of her lips.

Tang Huanxi took a deep look at her, then took out a small porcelain bottle from his bosom and handed it to her.

"If you want revenge, cheer yourself up and let yourself live well."

Before leaving, Xiao Baorui took out some scattered silver from his pocket and handed it to Yang Kang.

"Your mother's illness can still be cured."

"No merit and no reward."

"You are the people of Dayong, that is, my people. If you don't feel sorry, how about serving the court when you grow up?" Xiao Baorui looked at Yang Kang with a sincere smile in his eyes.

"Will you punish that dog official Hou Fei?" Yang Kang looked at him with deep anticipation hidden in his eyes.

"If he is found guilty, I will bring him to justice."

"Yeah." Yang Kang nodded and didn't speak again.

When Xiao Baorui brought Tang Huanxi back to the Qin Mansion, both of them felt a little depressed.

Tang Huanxi pulled herself together, went to the kitchen, cooked for herself, and made two bowls of noodles with fried sauce.

"Don't think about it, it's more important to have a full stomach." Tang Huanxi looked at Xiao Baorui who was always frowning, and smiled.

The taste of the noodles is very good, with a salty taste.

What's more, they are all a little hungry.

"Perhaps the decision I made back then was wrong." Xiao Baorui put down his chopsticks silently, with a bitter arc on his lips, "My original intention was to keep Hou Fei in the capital and join the Imperial Forest Army. Qin Uncle said that this person's mind is not right, it's best not to keep him by your side, so as not to cause disaster in the future. Uncle Qin promised me that he will supervise Hou Fei well..."

"Don't be sad." Tang Huanxi gently held his hand, and said softly, "No one can predict when the accident will come, not to mention whether Hou Fei is the mastermind behind it is still open to question."

"Brother Yang Kang's mother is Cheng Xuening. According to my wife, is what she said credible?"

"It's hard to distinguish between true and false."

Tang Huanxi analyzed softly, "Even if the Cheng family was implicated by the Wen family, they didn't have to move their family. Although the Yang family was killed by Hou Fei, the charges of collaborating with the enemy and treason may be true."

"The lady doesn't trust her?"

"It's not that I don't trust it, but I always feel that it's too coincidental."

The Yang Kang brothers have been living near the ruined temple in the east of the city, why did they suddenly meet General Qin?
General Qin guarded the two brothers tightly even before his death.

Is there any hidden secret in this?

"In any case, the hidden truth will be revealed to the world sooner or later." Xiao Baorui looked at her and said firmly.


The spring breeze in February is like scissors, especially the wind in Dongyang City is like a knife, and it hurts when it is scraped on a person's face.

Hou House.

Hou Fei, who was writing a letter in his study, heard the report from his confidant, and his eyes became a bit more murderous.

"A detour to Wintersun City?"

"That's right, I'm afraid we arrived five days ago." Hou Fei's right-hand assistant Li Kun said anxiously, "Sir, do you want to..."

Li Kun made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Are you crazy?" Hou Fei glared at him coldly, "If you really killed them, wouldn't it be a fire? Since they have hidden their identities, then pretend not to know and keep everything as before. Another order Those people, restrain yourself a little, and don't let people see their tracks."

"Yes, my subordinates understand!"

After Li Kun retreated, Hou Fei lowered his eyes slightly, picked up a pen and quickly wrote down a word.

The night wind blows, and the candlelight is either bright or dark.

The piece of paper on which the word "kill" was written instantly burned to ashes.


Xiao Baorui looked at Hou Fei who suddenly appeared in front of him, and there was a bit of complicated and dark emotion in his eyes.

"Why did Master Hou come?"

"Hearing that His Majesty is coming to Wintersun City in person, I am terrified, so I am here to see you." Hou Fei slowly knelt on the ground and saluted respectfully.

"Fear?" Xiao Baorui sneered, "Why didn't I see it?"

Facing the coercion deliberately released by Xiao Baorui, Hou Fei kept his head down and said nothing.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Baorui said in a deep voice, "Get up!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"I really want to know how General Qin died!"

"Weichen is also investigating this matter," Hou Fei slowly straightened his waist, and said softly, "In the entire garrison, except Zhou Bo who happened to go home to visit his relatives, everyone else was killed. It can be seen that the murderer is brutal. Wei When I ordered the people below to clean up the scene, I found some clues."

"What is it?"

"At that time, General Qin was attacked by surprise, and I have already sent Wu Zuo to examine the wounds on General Qin's body, and confirmed that the murder weapon was a short dagger from Xiliang."

"The dagger is narrow in the front and wide in the back. If the perpetrator is a martial artist who has practiced martial arts all year round, he can easily hold that dagger and pierce someone's heart!"

"You mean that the murder of General Qin has an inseparable relationship with Xiliang?"

"This is just some guesswork by my minister." Hou Fei said cautiously.

"I give you ten days to investigate this case! After ten days, I will leave Wintersun City. If I can't find out the truth by then, then you don't have to stay here."

Xiao Baorui waved his hand, his eyes became colder and colder.

Hou Fei bowed to him, then turned and left.

It's just that when he walked out of the hall, the expression on his face became much more relaxed.

It's only ten days, so soon.

Behind the screen, Tang Huanxi frowned slightly as she looked at Yang Kang who kept his head down and said nothing.

"Are you sure this person is the murderer who killed General Qin?"

"It wasn't him." Yang Kang thought for a while, then shook his head gently, "At that time, he was sitting at the table drinking tea, watching General Qin being killed by another person."

"Is he an accomplice of the murderer?" Tang Huanxi suddenly became curious, "Didn't you insist that Hou Fei was the murderer before?"

(End of this chapter)

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