Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 977 The mastermind behind

Chapter 977 The mastermind behind
Yang Kang hesitated for a while, and finally lowered his head and said, "He is the dog officer who killed our family. He was also on the scene at the time, so when you asked me, I said he was the murderer."

After listening to his explanation, Tang Huanxi understood, but was also surprised.

"I heard your mother mention it before, but what kind of grievances are there between your family and Hou Fei?"

Yang Kang glanced at her, then lowered his head and said, "My family runs a restaurant. My grandfather also served in the army before, but my father prefers to do business. Later, my father opened a restaurant. The business of the restaurant is very good." That's right. One day, when my mother came to the restaurant to look for my father, she accidentally bumped into the dog officer. The dog officer took a fancy to my mother's beauty and wanted to bully my mother, but was injured by my father..."

"Hou Fei used to be a general of the Xinzhou Army, how could your father injure him?"

"Under the training of my grandfather, my father also practiced martial arts."

"So Hou Fei held a grudge and purposely accused your family of collaborating with the enemy and treason?"

"I don't know." Yang Kang closed his eyes in pain, "I don't know whether this crime is true or false."

Tang Huanxi took a deep look at him, with a little appreciation in his eyes.

"You look at things objectively." Tang Huanxi looked at Yang Kang with deep approval in her eyes, and she immediately reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, if your family is wronged, I will definitely replace you." You seek justice."

"Well," Yang Kang nodded, looking into Tang Huanxi's eyes, he relaxed a little.

Xiao Baorui asked Yang Kang a few more questions, and finally sent someone to send him back to the east of the city.

"Hou Fei's news is very well-informed." Tang Huanxi frowned and said, "We entered Wintersun City this time with a fake identity, and he found out our identity so quickly. It's going to be a dangerous situation."

"I have ordered the Red Luan Guards to secretly protect the two brothers." Xiao Baorui said in a low voice, "I'm afraid that the current Winter Sun City has reached the point where Hou Fei can cover the sky with one hand."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I should leave in ten days, so I can't do anything in these ten days." Xiao Baorui thought for a while, then smiled, "My lady thinks, if I don't investigate the cause of General Qin's sudden death, what should I do?" matter?"

Tang Huanxi thought about it seriously, and then smiled, "Why don't you check the case files of Dongyang City over the years?"

"Miss, smart!"

Xiao Baorui gave her a thumbs up, his eyes full of appreciation.

"What do you need to say?" Tang Huanxi glanced at him silently, then turned around arrogantly.

Another quarter of an hour later, Xiao Baorui suddenly received a secret letter from Kyoto.

After releasing the homing pigeon, his heart became more and more heavy.

"What's the matter?" Tang Huanxi, who was flipping through the documents, noticed the change in his mood, and asked worriedly, "What happened?"

"Scorpio is hurt."

"Why? Seriously?"

"Fortunately, my uncle has been staying in the Huiwei Building, so there is nothing serious about Scorpio, but he was poisoned. Xu Jiudi deliberately publicized the news that he was seriously injured." Xiao Baorui handed the secret letter in his hand to Tang Huanxi. Check it out."

"It seems that someone knows about you and I leaving Beijing?" Tang Huanxi immediately sensed the unusualness of the matter, and said in a sensitive tone, "Scorpio was injured in order to save Yijin, but why did Yijin leave the palace? "

"Yijin has always been calm and will not leave the palace easily. Unless he has to leave the palace..." Xiao Baorui seemed to have thought of something, and immediately summoned Hong Tao, wrote a letter himself, and asked him to send it back to the capital as soon as possible.

"With Wang Yibo and Scorpio sitting in the capital, there won't be any big troubles in a short period of time. The only problem is Yijin himself." Tang Huanxi also realized the problem, "But I lived in the Great Buddha Temple for a while. Over time, Yijin's mood has calmed down a lot, and according to common sense, there shouldn't be any troubles."

"Unless there is also a problem with the Great Buddha Temple..."

"Lady, don't worry." Xiao Baorui immediately held her hand, his calm and powerful voice was full of relief, "Don't panic, maybe all this is a trap deliberately designed by others? The purpose is to lure us Return to Beijing."

"It seems that the water in Wintersun City is deeper than we thought?" Tang Huanxi gradually calmed down after meeting his gentle gaze, "Xiao Baorui, no matter what, we have to find out about Uncle Qin's death. "


Tang Huanxi abandoned those chaotic thoughts in her mind, but looked at the document in front of her seriously.

This is all the information about the Yang family that Hongluanwei found.

"Yang Kang's grandfather, Yang Wei, used to be a member of General Qin's command. Later, Yang Wei injured his arm in the battlefield and could no longer lift a sword, so he retired." Tang Huanxi carefully checked the information, and calmly analyzed, " It is mentioned in the information that Yang Wei and Wen Huairen are old friends?"

"Wen Huairen's collaborating with the enemy and treason is a fact. Could it be that Yang Wei is also a collaborator and treason?" Xiao Baorui thought for a while, and felt that the possibility was not very high, "If Yang Wei is really under General Qin's command, I don't believe he will Do something like this."

Those soldiers who have been on the battlefield and witnessed the shocking scene of their brothers and relatives dying in the enemy's army, how could they easily abandon the blood in their bones?
Xiao Baorui dared not and was unwilling to believe it.

"Yang Wei and Wen Huairen are old friends, they just had a drink together when they were in the capital." Tang Huanxi flipped through a page of information, and then calmly analyzed, "The person who was in charge at that time was King Yu. "

"King Yu?" Xiao Baorui raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, "If I remember correctly, King Yu is still in the dungeon of the clan mansion!"

King Yu is suspected of murdering Princess Yu, and the charges have not yet been cleared. In addition, Prince Yu's son Murong Hanjie has gone to Bingzhou to take up a post.

Therefore, King Yu will not easily contact people from the outside world.

"So maybe this is just a banquet." Tang Huanxi thought for a while and analyzed softly, "But if someone has a premeditated plan to accuse the Yang family of being a traitor, it would be a very good one." point."

"That's true." Xiao Baorui nodded, "So the lady thinks this is a point deliberately circled by the people behind it? The purpose is to convince others that the Yang family is a traitor?"

"Well," Tang Huanxi nodded, "I have read all the materials of the Yang family. Except for this point, everything about the Yang family is clean and free from stains. In addition, Yang Kang once said that Hou Fei once worked in the restaurant. He was beaten by his father, Yang Ji, from this point of view, Hou Fei is very likely to be the mastermind behind the Yang family's injustice."

(End of this chapter)

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