Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 979 Progress

Chapter 979 Progress
Hou Fei raised his lips triumphantly, waved at her, then pinched her jaw, and poured all the bowl of soup into her mouth.

Lu Qingxiu, on the other hand, enjoyed the abuse.

This situation is embarrassing.


Seeing the willow trees sprouting new buds in the yard, Tang Huanxi suddenly felt a little heavy.

"What is the lady thinking?"

"I'm thinking about whether some of the previous decisions were right or wrong." Tang Huanxi looked back at him, smiled slightly, and said with a bit of sadness in her tone, "At the beginning you said that you wanted to clean up the entire court, and you would have to deal with Wen Huairen and Chen Chen. All the officials involved in the family should investigate it, and I stopped you."

"Didn't the lady feel that my foundation in the court was not stable, so I shouldn't go to war?"

"But while some innocent people were spared, some heinous people were also spared. For example, Lu Jun."

"Heaven's clear retribution is not good. Even if Lu Jun has retreated, the mistakes he made will always have traces. So we will bring him to justice one day." Xiao Baorui held her shoulder, and gently comforted, "The case of Uncle Qin's murder has already made progress. Do you want to hear it, my lady?"

"Say it!" Tang Huanxi looked at him expectantly.

"After Wu Zuo's inspection, the weapon that caused Uncle Qin's fatal injury was indeed a short dagger from Xiliang."

"That means Hou Fei didn't lie? Could it be that Uncle Qin was really killed by Xiliang people?"

"After Tuoba Wei's sudden death in Kyoto, Tuoba Li signed an unequal treaty with me, Dayong. If Xiliang people really killed Uncle Qin, then Xiliang people are really stupid! Besides, isn't the lady already Have you investigated the scene of the murder? The person who killed Uncle Qin should be someone he knew, and Yang Kang has also testified that Hou Fei was at the scene when Uncle Qin was killed."

"So at present, Hou Fei's suspicion is the biggest?"

"Well, the Red Luan Guard has found an important piece of news." Xiao Baorui looked at her, his expression suddenly became a little heavy, "Hou Fei is secretly involved with Xiliang Guoshi Guo Jianlan."

"National teacher of Xiliang?"

"Well, Guo Jianlan, the national teacher of Xiliang, is best at using daggers."

"Could it be that the person who killed Uncle Qin was the Imperial Teacher of Xiliang?"

"Well, it's very possible." Xiao Baorui nodded with deep eyes, "So the trip to Xiliang is essential for us. But before that, we need to quickly find out the crimes committed by Hou Fei .”

"Then where do you plan to start the review?"

"The case of the Yang family is a good fuse."

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and finally figured out the meaning behind Xiao Baorui's words.

"The two brothers Yang and Kang are too young. Even if they are willing to testify in court, they cannot immediately confirm Hou Fei's charges." Tang Huanxi analyzed seriously, "So the best way is to let Cheng Xuening come forward and beat the drum to express his grievances?"

"From the current point of view, this is indeed the best way. It's just that Cheng Xuening is sick in bed, and there are certain risks in this matter, so she may not be willing."

"I'll go see her." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, "I think she's probably willing too."

As early as yesterday, Uncle Zhou had already hired a carriage to take Cheng Xuening, mother and son back to the Garrison Mansion.

At that time, Cheng Xuening was arranged to rest in the guest room of the Garrison Mansion.

When Tang Huanxi first entered the yard, she smelled a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

Cough cough--

Cheng Xuening coughed again.

"Are you here?" Cheng Xuening, who was leaning on the bed, saw Tang Huanxi appear, a light flashed in his eyes.

"Well, let's take a look at you." Tang Huanxi looked at her and smiled slightly, "The doctor prescribed medicine?"

Cheng Xuening nodded gratefully, "I know that you arranged all of this. It's a great kindness that will never be forgotten. I will repay you in the next life."

"It's just a matter of little effort, why is it so?" Tang Huanxi gently held her hand, her expression as gentle as ever, "Actually, I have one more thing I want to ask for your opinion when I come here today."

"You said."

"Hou Fei is too cunning. In the entire garrison, except for the housekeeper Zhou Bo who happened to go home to visit his relatives, everyone else was killed, and no one survived. Therefore, there is no direct evidence to prove that Hou Fei was behind the killing of General Qin. The mastermind, besides, Yang Kang and Yang Jian are too young after all, and there is no way to prove Hou Fei's charges based on their testimony alone! So we want to make a fuss, as long as you are willing to go to the county government to testify that Hou Fei has done to the Yang family. Things, we can go ahead and start investigating this person.

But doing so is risky, so I want to hear your opinion, if you don't want to..."

"I am willing!" Cheng Xuening interrupted her with a smile, "If I can clear the Yang family's charges before I die, I will be satisfied."

"It's really risky to do this," Tang Huanxi frowned at her and said, "I still hope you can think about it carefully."

"Huanxi, I understand what you mean, but I've already thought about it." Cheng Xuening smiled gently, "The doctor came to see me yesterday, and I know my body well. If you do something meaningful before you die, you will die without regret. I am just happy, if the charges against the Yang family are cleared, will the two brothers Kanger and Jianer be able to participate in the scientific examination in the future?"

"Naturally it is possible."

"That would be enough."

"Have you really thought about it?"

"Well, when I feel better in two days, I'll go to the county government to beat drums and complain." Cheng Xuening smiled slightly.

Tang Huanxi said a few more words with her, and finally left the guest room with heavy steps.

Yang Jian, who had been hiding behind the screen, suddenly rushed out. He knelt beside Cheng Xuening and kept shaking his head, "Let my son go to the county government for you? My son can't let you take risks."

"Didn't you hear what the empress said just now?" Cheng Xuening reached out and touched his face gently, and smiled slightly, "Jian'er, mother knows, you are a good boy, but the way you act is still You are a little impulsive, you have to learn more from your brother, when encountering things, you must calm down and don't get anxious."

"Mother, my child doesn't want you to take risks."

"Mother is not going to take risks, mother is going to do what she should do." Cheng Xuening looked at him, eyes full of hope, "Mother originally thought that the rest of her life would lead you two brothers to live in such a lonely life." It’s true, but God finally heard Mother’s voice, so he specially let the Empress come to Wintersun City! As long as the Yang family can be cleared of those trumped-up charges, Mother is willing to pay for this life, Jian'er, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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