Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 980 I Admire You

Chapter 980 I Admire You

"please wait a while!"

Just as Tang Huanxi was leaving, Yang Kang hurried to catch up.

"Is something wrong?"

"I want to talk to you," Yang Kang asked sincerely after thinking for a while.

"it is good."

Tang Huanxi glanced at him, and then led him to the front yard of the Garrison Mansion.

"What do you want to say?"

"Based on what my brother and I have said, it is impossible to determine the crime of Hou Fei, right?"

"En." Tang Huanxi looked at him with a little appreciation in his eyes.

"So you persuaded my mother to let her drag her sick body to beat drums and complain?" Yang Kang looked at her with a very peaceful tone.

But Tang Huanxi could clearly hear his implicit anger.

"At present, this is the best way."

"Is it the best way to confirm the crime of the dog official by sacrificing my mother?" Yang Kang put his arms around his chest, looked at her, and didn't answer the question.

"It's a bit extreme for you to think like this."

"Isn't that the truth?" Yang Kang suddenly felt a little ironic, "I thought you really wanted to help our mother and son, but I didn't think you just wanted to use us."

Tang Huanxi did not speak, but took a deep look at him.

"I understand that after experiencing all kinds of changes in your family at a young age, your thoughts will become a little extreme. But I need to correct you on one point. I will not confirm Hou Fei's crime on the condition of sacrificing your mother! Just now I asked I've already analyzed the pros and cons of this matter, and the decision to do it or not is completely in your mother's hands, not mine, I hope you can understand this."

Tang Huanxi turned and left, her heart getting heavier.

Just when Yang Kang was feeling a little restless, Xiao Baorui's figure suddenly appeared in his sight.

"Just now your attitude towards her was not very good, I can definitely punish you for a crime of disrespect!" Xiao Baorui frowned, his eyes became colder and colder, "You should be glad that you, mother and son, still have some use value left, otherwise now The three of you, mother and son, have been killed long ago."

"Why do you say that?"

"With Hou Fei's influence in Wintersun City, do you think he will never know that you two brothers were at the scene of the crime?"

"You leaked the news? You want to kill me and my brother?"

"Stupid!" Xiao Baorui looked at him coldly, his tone full of sarcasm, "Think about it for yourself!"

Yang Kang couldn't understand what he said, and immediately turned back to the courtyard where his mother lived temporarily.

Knowing what he said to Tang Huanxi, Cheng Xuening was very angry.

"Give me a sigh!"

"Mother?" Yang Kang's eyes widened, he was a little surprised, but still puzzled.

"Do you know what will happen to us if she really wants to punish you for a crime of disrespect?" Cheng Xuening looked at him, and started to cry out of anger, "How can you be so stupid?"

"Mother, I don't understand what I did wrong?" Yang Kang stiffened his neck with a puzzled expression on his face.

"You are wrong in two places. First, you shouldn't question the current empress behind your parents' backs. Do you know what kind of crime this is? Second, you are confused. Don't you understand it now? If If someone hadn't deliberately defended our mother and son, we would have long since become the souls of that dog official Hou Fei!"

Yang Kang had never seen his mother speak so harshly, he lowered his head with a guilty conscience and said nothing.

"Kang'er, you have always been calmer than Jian'er, but this time, you are really wrong." Cheng Xuening looked at him, eyes full of grief, "You go out first."


"Could it be that you don't even want to listen to what I say now?"

"Child dare not."

Yang Kang lowered his head, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The reason why he questioned Tang Huanxi was because he didn't want his mother to be hurt.

So he really didn't know where he was wrong.

Those people with noble status, isn't that noble status the same?

Could it be possible to rely on one's own identity and regard human life as worthless?
Yang Kang's heart was full of doubts.

Garrison mansion, in the study.

After Tang Huanxi read the secret letter secretly sent by Nanny Gui, she couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

"Unexpectedly, Yu Wang Yang Wei is a life-and-death friend?"

"Therefore, there are traces of the crime that the Yang family was charged with. It's just that I don't think Yang Wei's temperament would allow him to collude with the enemy and treason. I think this is a deliberately fabricated crime by Hou Fei."

"Yang Wei has a good relationship with King Yu, and King Yu is loyal to Murongze." Tang Huanxi calmly analyzed, "Maybe all of this is aimed at us."

"What does the lady mean?"

"The Yang family, it won't be too clean."

"It's not difficult to thoroughly investigate Hou Fei by taking advantage of the cleansing of the Yang family's injustice case, but it's just that there will inevitably be side issues. My lady, how about we directly kidnap Hou Fei to question him?"

"If Hou Fei really has a close relationship with the Xiliang National Teacher, maybe this is a good entry point?"

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and a sly smile flashed across his eyes, "I'll catch him off guard!"

"Okay, please wait and see, my lady!" Xiao Baorui raised his lips and smiled slightly.

The wind in February is particularly bitter.

Tang Huanxi put a white fox fur cloak on Cheng Xuening's shoulders, seeing her still pale face, she asked worriedly, "Is it really possible?"

"Well," Cheng Xuening forced a smile, coughed several times, "Did that kid Kang'er bump into you two days ago?"

"He's just a child, and I won't argue with him." Tang Huanxi gave her a reassuring look, and then said with a smile, "Besides, the reason why he said such things is also because he is worried about you."

"Kang'er has always been calm. Maybe she was so confused when she heard that I was in danger. Fortunately, you are generous and don't care about the past." Cheng Xuening smiled gratefully at her, "Huanxi, I have thought about it for the past two days A lot. I can use my life to guarantee that there are absolutely no collaborators and traitors in the Yang family, but I can't guarantee that my father-in-law or my husband have never made other mistakes."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Seek truth from facts, and distinguish right from wrong." Cheng Xuening looked at her, her eyes like autumn water shone with a firm light, "In short, what I wish in my heart is to wash away those trumped-up charges, and if there are still some crimes that I don't know about , I am willing to take everything on my own.”

Tang Huanxi took a deep look at her, with a little more appreciation in her eyes.

"You have always been sensible. When you encountered such a thing, why didn't you go to my sister-in-law?"

"In the past, my friendship with you was so shallow, how could I calmly seek your help? What's more, until now, I have never regretted every choice I have made."

"Cheng Xuening, I admire you very much." Tang Huanxi looked into her eyes and said sincerely, "This is what I say from the bottom of my heart."

"If I can get a word of appreciation from you, I will die without regret." Cheng Xuening smiled.

The two walked slowly to the gate of the garrison mansion. Cheng Xuening took off the cloak tied around her body and handed it to her.

"I appreciate your kindness. It's just that the women are here to distinguish right from wrong and to avenge the Yang family. It's really inappropriate to wear such flamboyant clothes."

Her tone was firm.

Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, and smiled gently, "Then I wish you a safe trip, and you will be rewarded for your injustice!"

"Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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