Chapter 981 etc.

Following the end of the first lunar month, when several members of the Qin family in the garrison were murdered, at the beginning of February, another event that shocked the whole city happened in Dongyang City!
Yang Cheng, the proprietress of the former Fushou Restaurant, presented a complaint in front of today's son Xiao Baorui!
Only then did the common people know that today's emperor came to Wintersun City for a private visit in a micro-clothes!
The case of the Yang family was brought up again, and everyone discussed it.

In the garrison mansion, Xiao Baorui finished reading the petition submitted by Cheng Xuening, and then set his eyes on Hou Fei who was kneeling with his head down.

"Master Hou, what do you think of this matter?"

"I'm terrified!" Hou Fei hastily pleaded guilty, "The case of the Yang family was settled six years ago! At that time, I thought that the two children of the Yang family were still young, and the Yang Cheng family was ignorant." The woman was completely unaware of the various crimes her husband had committed, so the humble minister acted according to the law and spared their mother and son from being imprisoned!

It's just that this minister never expected that this kindness would not be rewarded, that Yang Cheng would deliberately slander and frame this minister. This minister is really wronged, and I hope that the Holy One can find out the truth as soon as possible, so I can pay my minister back clean! "

Facing such a sharp-tongued and eloquent Hou Fei, Xiao Baorui couldn't help but sneered, "It seems that Master Hou is really innocent!"

"This humble minister is indeed innocent, I implore His Majesty to investigate clearly!"

"I don't know if Mr. Hou has ever heard a saying, "There is no wind without waves? This Yang Chengshi wrote clearly in the complaint. Is it true that Mr. Hou helped him in Fushou Restaurant?"

"This is really a big misunderstanding!" Hou Fei quickly explained, "That day, I went to a restaurant with a few colleagues to have a drink, and I caught a glimpse of Yang Chengshi inadvertently, and I was immediately shocked, but what did I say? She didn’t even do anything, and her husband Yang Ji beat her up severely!”

"You mean that Yang Ji did something to you without investigating the facts clearly?"


"But Yang Cheng kept saying that there was not enough evidence in the case of the Yang family collaborating with the enemy and treason. Why did you destroy the entire Yang family?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the case files from that year were investigated and dealt with according to the law of my court! If Your Majesty does not believe it, you can investigate the case files from that year."

"Then present it, and I will take a closer look."


"In addition, Yang Cheng sued you in public, so you should stay in the mansion to recuperate in the near future. After I find out all the ins and outs of the matter, you will come back to serve me!"

Hou Fei lowered his head, covering the hatred in his eyes.

"The minister obeys the order!"

After Hou Fei left, Tang Huanxi immediately went around from the side door to the main hall.

"What a cunning old fox. At this point, he can still keep his mouth shut." Looking at the back, Tang Huanxi said with serious eyes.

"As long as it's a fox, it will always show its tail, so don't be in a hurry." Xiao Baorui looked at her, smiled gently, and comforted her softly, "What's more, the fox has already shown its flaws, hasn't it?"

"What Hou Fei said just now is watertight."

"Sometimes, being too complete is also a kind of flaw."

"What does Husband mean?" Listening to his explanation, Tang Huanxi's eyes lit up instantly.

"Then what should we do next?"


After Cheng Xuening delivered the complaint to the defense mansion, he rented a bullock cart and went back to the thatched hut in the east of the city.

The two brothers, Yang Kang and Yang Jian, were sent by Tang Huanxi to Butler Zhou's old house outside the city to settle down.

After recuperating in the defense mansion for a period of time, Cheng Xuening's body is gradually showing signs of improvement.

At least not in bed all the time.

She went to the woodshed, lit the fire, and prepared to cook porridge.

Suddenly there was a pungent smell of medicine in the air.

Cheng Xuening subconsciously held her mouth and nose, and looked coldly at the man in black holding a sword in front of him.

"That dog official Hou Fei sent you here?"

"If you know too much, you will die soon!"

At the moment when the man in black quickly drew his sword, a cold glow suddenly bloomed in front of his eyes.

The red lady in a red dress descended from the sky, but in a split second, she picked off the long sword from the man in black.

bang bang bang-

The lightning and flint burst out in an instant!

In the end, the man in black lost to Hong Fu and wanted to escape, but was hit by Hong Fu on the shoulder, seriously injured, and completely fainted.

"The empress sent you here?" Cheng Xuening, who survived the catastrophe, only felt lingering fear. She looked at Hongfu and asked curiously, "Thank you!"

"You don't need to thank me, I'm just following orders." Hong Fu glanced at her with no expression on her face.

"Anyway, I should thank you."

"You're welcome."

Hong Fu quickly disappeared in front of Cheng Xuening with the man in black on her shoulders.

She continued to cook porridge, and after finishing her lunch, she went back to her room.

dong dong——

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, Cheng Xuening raised her eyes, and met a face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"You are……"

"It doesn't matter who I am," the man looked at her with sarcasm in his eyes, "Cheng Xuening, you don't really think that you will be safe and sound after climbing the big tree like Tang Huanxi, do you?"

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Cheng Xuening squinted her eyes and looked at her with a questioning tone.

"I want your two sons to be safe and sound, so follow me immediately."

"Why should I trust you?"


The woman chuckled, and then threw the two red strings tied with copper coins in front of her.

"This is the safety talisman on Jian'er and Kang'er, why is it in your hands?"

"Now follow me obediently, and you can save the lives of your two sons, otherwise the next time you will appear in front of you will be two heads!"

Shocked, Cheng Xuening nodded hurriedly, "Okay, I'll go with you!"

"That's about the same!" The woman smiled triumphantly, then threw a black cloth and handed it in front of her, "Blindfold your own eyes, then shut your mouth, and follow me obediently!"

Cheng Xuening is missing!

Tang Huanxi was also deeply surprised when the news came back to the Garrison Mansion!

"From this point of view, the man in black who fought against Hongfu is a decoy, and the opponent's purpose is to make a fool of himself?"

"There was no trace of struggle at the scene, which means that Cheng Xuening left willingly." Tang Huanxi thought about it seriously, then frowned and said, "Xiao Baorui, order someone to check the whereabouts of the two brothers of the Yang family immediately!"

Hou House.

Cheng Xuening's eyes were still covered with a black cloth.

She could feel that she was locked in a secret room, and there was no sound around her, not even the wind.

Hou Fei walked in with a smile, vigorously removed the black cloth from her face, and showed an incomparably terrifying smile towards her.

"Xue Ning, after a few years of separation, have you ever thought of me in the dead of night?" Hou Fei sighed softly, then grabbed her neck forcefully, and asked coldly!
(End of this chapter)

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