Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 982 The Courage to Live

Chapter 982 The Courage to Live

Cheng Xuening, who was suddenly strangled by the neck, wanted to struggle subconsciously, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free!
"What do you want?"

"It hurts?" Hou Fei gave her a cold look, and then suddenly let go.

Cheng Xuening fell heavily to the ground, panting heavily.

"Xue Ning, you know it hurts, I thought you were a bad cousin without a conscience!" Hou Fei suddenly pulled out the cloth belt tied around his waist, and slapped Cheng Xue Ning vigorously, "Back then You promised me that you would never show up in front of me with those two little bastards again in this life!

How did you forget your promise in the blink of an eye?How dare you sue me in front of Xiao Baorui?Say, who gave you courage? "

Cheng Xuening looked at the devil in front of him coldly, a line of bright red blood appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Officer Dog, you will have retribution!"

"Retribution?" As if hearing a big joke, Hou Fei looked at her with ridicule in his eyes, he slowly squatted down, approaching step by step, forcing Cheng Xuening to touch her little by little. Back away until curled up in a corner.

"Are you scared?" Seeing the panic in her eyes, Hou Fei suddenly smiled, that smile was extremely rampant, "Xiao Ning, you clearly know that you will be afraid of me, why do you want to cooperate with others to deal with me? You said this Why bother?"

Facing his mocking eyes, Cheng Xuening subconsciously looked away.

"Back then, Yang Ji never colluded with Xiliang people at all. The real traitor is you, the dog official Hou Fei!"


Hou Fei suddenly stretched out his hand, and slapped her resoundingly!

Cheng Xuening only felt that her ears started to buzz. She looked at Hou Fei's angry expression, but she couldn't hear what he said clearly.


Cheng Xuening felt that her skirt had been torn apart, and she closed her eyes in pain.

Those nightmare-like memories were like a tidal wave, coming fiercely and about to drown her.


Just when Cheng Xuening was about to bite her tongue, a red figure descended from the sky and kicked Hou Fei away!

Hou Fei, who was kicked suddenly, backed away in pain, and then began to watch his moves, and quickly entangled with Hongfu!
Cheng Xuening, who was curled up in the corner, felt ashamed at this moment.

Until a gray cloak was draped over her body, she raised her eyes and met Tang Huanxi's gentle expression.

"It'll be fine!" Tang Huanxi took her hand and comforted her gently.

At this moment, a bit of courage suddenly grew in Cheng Xuening's heart.

The courage to live.

Hou Fei was subdued by Hongfu, he looked up at Cheng Xuening, his eyes were full of warnings.

Tang Huanxi took Cheng Xuening back to the garrison mansion, and Hou Fei was imprisoned in the prison of the county government.

"Why did you leave?" Tang Huanxi looked at her with a little more worry in her tone, "You don't trust me?"

Cheng Xuening took a deep look at her, and then took out two red strings tied with copper coins from his arms, "This is something my husband left for the two children. The two children have been wearing them since they were young, and they have never worn them before." Take it off. So I panicked, but I know that with your ability, the two children will not be injured, but I am still afraid. Even if there is only one ten thousandth possibility, I don't want the two children to be injured. "

Being a mother is stronger.

Even if it was the other party's trap, she didn't dare to risk the lives of the two children easily.

So she is willing.

"You concealed the relationship between you and Hou Fei." Tang Huanxi looked into her eyes and said sharply, "Why did you conceal it?"

Cheng Xuening looked up at her and smiled, but tears kept falling, "If you were me, would you deliberately tell others about your nightmare?"

"Hou Fei ever... bullied you?"

"Everything happened yesterday, I know I won't live long, and my only hope is two children..." Cheng Xuening sighed deeply, her tone was sad, "Back then Hou Fei found Yang Ji and Xi Liang in Yang's house. The secret letters of the people who have been in close contact with each other also found some weapons unique to Xiliang in the cellar of the Yang Mansion. Therefore, the entire Yang Family Mansion was imprisoned in the prison of the county government."

"Before that, Hou Fei had already met me..." Cheng Xuening closed her eyes, and began to recall the darkness that was like a nightmare, "My father-in-law was in poor health, and he passed away not long after he arrived in prison, my husband... Although my husband I was strong, but I couldn't stand being poisoned day by day, and finally died in my sleep... I am a weak woman, and trying to save two children is as difficult as climbing the sky!"

"Hou Fei's wife probably heard about Hou Fei's feelings for me. I originally thought she would harm me, but I didn't expect that she came to me that day to make a deal."

"I..." Cheng Xuening's voice began to choke little by little, "I was sent to the Hou Mansion for three days. After three days, I was sent back to the thatched hut in the east of the city. Brother also returned to me intact, but the rest of the Yang family, all..."

"In those three days, you experienced inhuman torture."

"I don't want to mention it anymore..."

Seeing her painful expression, Tang Huanxi couldn't bear it.

"Hou Fei has always had a grudge against you. This time the evidence is convincing. We will take off the official hat on his head. But if he insists that you are willing to stay together, then he will not be guilty of the crime!"

Cheng Xuening's eyes widened angrily, and she clenched her fists tightly. She gritted her teeth and said with a chill in her voice, "Willingly?"

"Hou Fei is a treacherous villain, there is nothing he can't say, do you understand?"

Cheng Xuening bit her lip, refusing to let herself make a sound.

"I want to be alone for a while."

"it is good."

Back in the study, Tang Huanxi leaned back on the teacher's chair, and closed her eyes tiredly.

Xiao Baorui walked around behind her, gently placed his hands on her temples, and rubbed the acupuncture points on both sides of her at an even speed.

"When did my husband learn it?" Tang Huanxi slowly opened his eyes, with a little smile in his eyes.

"You often give me a massage to relax, I can learn it, it's not unusual." Xiao Baorui said with a smile, "Is it more comfortable?"

"much better."

"What about here?" Xiao Baorui asked gently, pointing at her chest.

"It's still a little sad." Tang Huanxi looked at him, and smiled wryly, "It's been three years since I was pregnant, and I've given birth to three children. Now my head is indeed not as bright as before!"


"Actually, you knew from the beginning that Cheng Xuening's appearance was not an accident, right?" Tang Huanxi suddenly looked into his eyes and smiled softly.

(End of this chapter)

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