Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 983 Don't even think about it

Chapter 983 Don't even think about it
Meeting her eyes like that, Xiao Baorui hugged her with some distress.

"My lady's heart is as soft as ever."

"All living things are suffering," Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, "I thought I could help some people in need with my meager strength, but I never thought about things as comprehensively as before. At the beginning, I also felt that the timing of Cheng Xuening's appearance was a bit of a coincidence , but after all, I am unwilling to speculate on human nature with the greatest malice..."

"Miss, you are right. Kindness is a rare quality."

"But I pushed her into a nightmare again." Tang Huanxi lowered her eyes slightly, with a hint of guilt still in her tone.

"Even if we don't show up, she will continue to be entangled in the nightmare." Xiao Baorui looked at her and explained softly, "If she really manages to forget that nightmare, she should take the two children far away, even if all the way You don't have to stay here even if you beg."

"I've always been reluctant to speculate on others with malice."

"Then don't think about it." Xiao Baorui gently rubbed her face, and tenderly raised his lips, "If you don't want to speculate on others with malice, then don't think about it."

"it is good."

Tang Huanxi looked at him and smiled sweetly.

An hour later, the news that Hou Fei, the magistrate of Dongyang City, insulted a woman from a good family quickly spread throughout the public.

All of a sudden, all the shady things Hou Fei had done were exposed.

Hou House.

Lu Qingxiu quickly packed her luggage, and ordered the housekeeper to hire a carriage, and prepared to leave quickly with her son Hou Yue.

But before she opened the door, Tang Huanxi's face was enlarged in front of her.

"I heard that Mrs. Hou and the county magistrate are harmonious and have a deep relationship. Why did Mrs. Hou leave at such a critical time?"

"Empress, the reason why my wife wants to leave Winter Sun City is because my wife received a letter from her family yesterday." Lu Qingxiu smiled calmly, "My father is seriously ill, so my wife wants to leave this place temporarily."

"Really?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows, with a sharp smile in her eyes, "Lu Qingxiu, your reason is pretty solid! It's just that someone is suing you for malicious threats and intimidation, so I invite you to go Have a cup of tea in the dungeon."

Lu Qingxiu silently lowered her eyes, then flashed out the dagger in her bosom with lightning speed, aiming at Tang Huanxi's brow.

"Empress, why are you always refusing to let me go?" Lu Qingxiu frowned, her gaze became deeper and deeper, "Why do you always target me?"

"You think too much." Tang Huanxi smiled indifferently.

"You let me go, I won't hurt you." Lu Qingxiu looked at her with a straight face, and said coldly.

"Hou Fei bullied Yang Cheng, you are an accomplice."

"Tang Huanxi! I don't have the patience to continue spending time with you. If you let me go, I will let the past go. If you refuse, don't blame me for being cruel!"

"You can't hurt me."

"You are too proud."

"Really?" Tang Huanxi curled up her lips, her dimples appeared, and quickly raised her arms, striking out quickly!


The dagger in Lu Qingxiu's hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound!

"Come on, take the criminal down!"

Cheng Xuening, who saw this scene from a distance, felt that the fog that had shrouded her heart for many years had finally dissipated.

Tang Huanxi turned around and met her eyes.

"I didn't expect you to come here."

"The best way to forget the nightmare is to face it bravely, isn't it?" Cheng Xuening looked at her, smiled slightly, and the pale face became a little more bloody.

"Are you really ready?"

"En." Cheng Xuening nodded, and then walked forward, "That day I was brought to the county government again by Lu Qingxiu, and I knew that Hou Fei's good luck had come to an end."

"If you hadn't arrived in time that day, I'm afraid that I would have become a bone of bones. Huanxi, I am sincerely grateful to you."

"Really?" Tang Huanxi smiled and asked without answering.

"Yes." Cheng Xuening nodded, and said softly, "There is a secret room in Hou Fei's study."

"How do you know?"

"He was drunk before, and said it carelessly after drinking."

Tang Huanxi immediately glanced at Hong Fu, who immediately led a group of people to the study of the Hou Mansion.

Surrounding the surroundings, Tang Huanxi pointed to the glazed vase placed on the Babao bookshelf, "Turn around."

Hong Fu understood immediately, and turned the vase with her ingenuity.


The screen depicting the snow scene of Wintersun City was slowly opened, revealing a hole about half a person's height.

Suddenly there was a stench in the air, and Tang Huanxi frowned subconsciously.

When she saw the scene in the secret room clearly, the blood on her face faded instantly——

In the early morning of the next day, the Garrison Mansion.

Xiao Baorui wrung out the hot towel and gently wiped the beads of sweat on Tang Huanxi's forehead, his eyes filled with distress.

Tang Huanxi, who was sleeping, seemed to have fallen into a nightmare, and frowned uncomfortably.

After returning from the Hou Mansion yesterday, Tang Huanxi felt dizzy, and finally developed a high fever.

County government dungeon.

Xiao Baorui looked at Hou Fei leaning in the corner with his eyes closed, his eyes were full of killing intent.

"You used to be a general. I never expected that you would be such a crazy person."

Hou Fei slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with unstoppable ridicule.

"If you want to kill, you can kill, what are you talking about?"

"Killing you, wouldn't it be cheaper for you?" Xiao Baorui sneered, "You have only served in Wintersun City for three years, but in these three years, how many innocent people have died at your hands? You even Even young girls are not spared, hidden in the secret room of your study, there are so many bones piled up, every time the night is quiet, don’t you feel a little bit of fear?"

"Fear? Isn't His Majesty's hand also soaked in blood? What's the difference between you and me?"

"Of course there is a difference. All I kill are people who should be killed, but what is the difference between you and a beast?"

"Heh, what you said is really high-sounding, Xiao Baorui, your hands are not clean!" Hou Fei sneered, "If our brothers from Xinzhou Island hadn't saved you back then, I'm afraid you would have died! Now You took the last emperor's edict given to you by the head of the family, and ascended the throne smoothly, but the birds are gone, the good bows are hidden, what have we brothers who followed you through life and death, what have we gained?
Miss me, Hou Fei, the dignified fifth head of Xinzhou Island, but ended up becoming the county magistrate of a small city of Wintersun?Do you think I can swallow this bird breath? "

"Even if you are dissatisfied, this is not an excuse for killing innocent people indiscriminately!"

"Whatever you say, kill as long as you want, stop talking nonsense!"

"You're not so naive as to think that Xiliang Guoshi Guo Jianlan will really come to save you, right?" Xiao Baorui looked at him and smiled lightly.

Surprise flashed across Hou Fei's eyes, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Really don't understand?" Xiao Baorui raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Then you are familiar with this dagger, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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