Chapter 138

Zhang Tian is also a little worried now, after all Bing Yuening should know more or less that he is coming to Kyushu City, if he knows he is coming and still doesn't call him, it is impossible for Zhang Tian not to be worried.

"Sorry, the call you made..."

Next, Zhang Tian immediately heard a series of reminders. After the reminders, he frowned, and a sense of worry spontaneously arose.

"Did something happen?" Zhang Tian worried, and immediately called Qin Zhen. Qin Zhen was an eight-star existence in the military department, and the things he came into contact with were much more powerful than those Zhang Tian had contacted in the military department.

"What are you doing brat?" Qin Zhen said angrily after connecting on the phone.

"Where is Bingyue Ning?"

"Damn, you woman, don't you know what you're asking me for?"

"I want to know what I'm asking you for?"

"I'll tell you if your kid asks me to punch you a few times."

"You don't tell me that Hunting God won't listen to you in the future, do you want to give it a try?"

"Are you threatening me, kid?"

"Yes, Not Bad."

"Bing Yuening was still at the headquarters of the military headquarters yesterday, but today I basically don't know. She may have come to Kyushu City, or to do something important. Also, remember me, you boy. One day, I will make you look good." .” After Qin Zhen finished speaking, he hung up directly.

"After leaving the military headquarters, you really won't come to Kyushu City, right?" Zhang Tian called Jackal immediately after finishing speaking.

After the jackal connected, he said, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"Find me all the monitoring in Kyushu City, and search if Bing Yuening has come to Kyushu City."

"Boss, how do you want me to find it? At least there must be a clue!" The jackal said speechlessly.

"Then narrow down the scope and look for places near the airport, bullet trains, trains, etc."

"Boss, don't forget, my sister-in-law has a private jet."

"I don't care where she comes from. You can't do it alone. I'll let other people accompany you."


"The parrots are here, is five enough?"

"That's enough, shall I go to Shuiju Pavilion now?"

"Well, come here! As for Xiaotong, I will let her stay at home for a few days, nothing will happen."

"It's the boss." The jackal finished excitedly, and immediately hung up the phone.

"Yue Ning, you can do whatever you want, can you not scare me?" Zhang Tian said speechlessly, this woman became mysterious, it was too scary.

"What's wrong? Is sister Yue Ning in danger?" Leng Yurou asked with some concern.

"It's not dangerous, but it's dangerous because she's missing."

"What should I do?"

"It's okay, her strength has reached the realm of the king, and it's still a very powerful realm. In the whole of China, or the whole world, there shouldn't be many people who can threaten her." Zhang Tian said seriously.

"That's good." Leng Yurou nodded, feeling relieved.

"Yurou, these women are very powerful, so we have to unite and fight against them."

"No, it's your own fault, why should I bear it with you, don't."

"Hmph, I won't stop you two women from fighting."

"Hmph, if Yue Ning is such a woman, I will never stay with this kind of woman for the rest of my life, and you don't even want to get me." After Leng Yurou finished speaking, she left with a temper.

"I finally understand that every woman is not easy to mess with." Zhang Tian said helplessly.

"Boss, don't be downcast, let's have a few drinks!" Xiao Fei came to Zhang Tian and said.

"What to drink, I am very annoyed now, I want you to drink it yourself." Zhang Tian said speechlessly.

"Boss, there's nothing that a meal of wine can't solve. If there is, it's a matter of several meals."

"That's right, drink more and forget your worries." Zhang Tian said speechlessly, as if he was using alcohol to relieve his worries.

Next, Zhang Tian, ​​Xiao Fei, Qiongtu, Shahunsheng, Qi and others gathered around to drink, as for Leng Yurou, he didn't bother to care about these stinky men anymore, and went upstairs with Zihan and Lin Qing, I don't know what to do.

Time passed quickly, and after two hours passed in a blink of an eye, everyone except Zhang Tian and the wolf later, everyone got down, and there were all kinds of wine bottles on the table and on the ground, but there were dozens of them all. degree or above.

"Boss, when it comes to drinking and bragging, I will obey you." The jackal looked at Zhang Tian and said.

"What do you want to do, kid?"

"Boss, I can't drink enough, I'm off to work." Jackal left with the computer in his arms.

At this time, Xiao Tian had already arrived, and Ye Xuanxue, Ye Xuanshi, and Zhou Yina, three daughters, came one by one and helped to pack things, but they all admired Zhang Tian's drinking capacity and flirted with them.

Of course, the four women have self-knowledge, that is, that pure sense of admiration.

If Zhang Tian wanted to, it would be possible for the four women to wash up and lie on his bed one after another.

"Where's Yurou?" Zhang Tian asked.

"Sister-in-law went upstairs."

"Oh." Zhang Tian finished speaking with a slightly red face, and left immediately.

"Boss is really good at drinking, this kind of man is really attractive." Xiaotian said with a smile.

"I don't know if the boss has a plot to fall in love with twins."

"Don't even think about it, the boss didn't even like me, a beautiful woman with a score of 95. I guess in ancient times, I could only be the boss's maid or something."

"Hey, just thinking about it."

"Yeah! Just think about it."

On the other side, after Zhang Tian came to the top floor, he didn't know why, the reason for drinking, or what, so Zhang Tian had only one thought, to deal with Leng Yurou.

Under this kind of thinking, she came to her room and opened the door immediately, but she was a little embarrassed. Lin Qing was wearing a thin pajamas, showing her figure, which was perfect. After seeing Zhang Tian, ​​she said angrily :"what are you doing?"

After finishing speaking, he immediately picked up the quilt to cover himself.

"Where's Yurou?" Zhang Tian asked.

"next door."


"Wait, what are you doing?"

"Fuck the sheets, do you want to see it?"

"Get out." Lin Qing blushed immediately and said in the next moment, but Lin Qing had such a fierce appearance, and she was very shy in the face of these things.

"You dare to murder me?" Zhang Tian questioned, not knowing what was wrong.

"Hurry up and go, Yurou is right next to you, let's harm your woman."

"Hmph." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he left immediately.

"Does this man think that the whole world belongs to him when he's drinking? How dare he kill me." Lin Qing said angrily.

Zhang Tian here, I don't know if his stamina has picked up, he looks half drunk and half awake, leisurely came to Zihan's room, their room didn't close the door, so they came inside naturally.

"Why are you smelling like alcohol? How much have you drunk?" Leng Yurou said angrily when she saw Zhang Tian appear while lying on the bed watching TV.

(End of this chapter)

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