My stunning iceberg goddess wife

Chapter 139 Counseled, Counseled

Chapter 139 Counseled, Counseled
"No more, no less, there should be several bottles!"

"Are you kidding me? You drink so much, aren't you afraid that your health will go bad?"

"It won't be bad, because your man's body is great, and it's a body that women will like."

"What do you bastard say, do you think us women are so superficial?"

"We men are also very superficial. We almost only like buttocks. They are big and have a good figure. Whether they are pretty or not is actually a second priority."

"Then why are you looking for me, you bastard?"

"Because you are in good shape and beautiful."

"Hmph, you're a little self-aware."

"Yurou, why don't you show some affection?"

"No, Zihan is taking a bath, and she came out of the shower, what should I do if I see us?"

"That's up to you." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he immediately got under the quilt.

After all, Leng Yurou is a daughter, and Zhang Tian is now almost going straight to the point, not caring about the state of 21, he has already kissed Leng Yurou, and then started to run amok.

"You big pig's hoof, if you dare to untie my clothes, I will never let you go."

As soon as I finished speaking, I immediately untied it.

"You bastard, why are you planting strawberries on my neck, just lighten up..."

"Big bastard, I beg you, it won't work here, Zihan will come out immediately, you stop immediately."

But Zhang Tian didn't intend to stop. Leng Yurou is no longer the Leng Yurou she used to be. After having sex with Zhang Tian twice, she slowly experienced this delicious feeling. For a while, she wanted to refuse but didn't want to refuse. In the heart, and the stimulation of Zihan next to her made her body so soft that she couldn't move.

"Damn it, you stinky hooligan dare to bully Yurou and seek a beating." Lin Qing was originally in a state of curiosity, and when she came to the door of the room and heard Leng Yurou's plea for help, she immediately ran over to pull Zhang Tian, ​​preventing Zhang Tian from continuing. Run amok.

"Lin Qing, why are you here..." Leng Yurou felt shy when she saw Lin Qing coming. It's not that she can't be with Zhang Tian. What she's really afraid of is being seen by other women. It's too embarrassing. Now Lin Qing knew it too, and it was even more embarrassing.

Next, Zhang Tian pulled Lin Qing over like a beast, and kissed him directly. Zhang Tian seemed to be so stimulated by the alcohol that he had lost consciousness and couldn't manage so many states.

"You bastard." The next moment Lin Qing pushed Zhang Tian away immediately, then slapped Zhang Tian on the face, and then ran out with tears welling up.

Zhang Tian was also stimulated by this slap, his consciousness came to him, and he said in a drunken way: "Yurou, did I kiss Lin Qing just now?"

"Bastard, you don't care about the occasion. We turned off the lights when we went home at night, and we're up to you. Why do you have to kiss Lin Qing now? She regards her first kiss as life. You Big pig's trotters." Leng Yurou pushed Zhang Tian away and ran out immediately.

Although the clothes are disheveled, they will get dressed immediately.

"Did I do something wrong?" Zhang Tian said a little confused. He felt that his head was hot just now, and then he wanted to get rid of Leng Yurou, and then someone stopped him, and then he kissed this woman, and then he was helpless.

Zihan was peeking in the bathroom, her eyes were straight, and when she looked at Zhang Tian, ​​she wanted to laugh, or felt a little different.

"What happened?" Zhang Tian looked at Zihan a little soberly now and said.

"I saw Master, after you came in, you suppressed Yurou to do something wrong, and then kissed Lin Qing, almost fighting against two phoenixes."

"Am I so domineering?" Zhang Tian said in fear. He was really a little scared, afraid of making people sober, and always felt that he had done a bastard thing.

"The master is not so domineering towards me." Zihan appeared wearing a very nice dress at this time.

"Zihan, I've already made Leng Yurou angry, can you stop tempting me?" Zhang Tian said, swallowing his saliva.

"Why am I the master? Does the master only have this concentration?" Zihan said with a smile.

"Zihan, next time." Zhang Tian fled immediately after kissing Zihan's cheek.

Zhang Tian really didn't dare to deal with Zi Han casually, whether it was the Queen of the Underground, the Goddess of the Military Department, or Leng Yurou, since he was with them in the dark, he couldn't just find other women, it was against him Women's respect.

"Coward, but the master seems to be really afraid of women, hehe, very cute." Zihan said with a smile, feeling that Zhang Tian like this is very good.

"Okay... I'd better go out and apologize!" Zhang Tian said speechlessly, no matter what, Zhang Tianduo got her first kiss, no matter what, it was his fault first.

Zhang Tian immediately came to Lin Qing's room, just after he appeared, he saw Lin Qing crying in the bathroom, Leng Yurou pouting, very angry.

"Is a first kiss that serious?" Zhang Tian said a little timidly now that he was completely drunk.

"Hmph, forget about bullying me. You still bully Lin Qing. It doesn't matter if you still have your first kiss. If my first kiss is gone, will you feel comfortable?"

"It should be uncomfortable." Zhang Tian thought for a while and said, his intuition still hoped that his woman would get everything by himself, with a kind of domineering feeling.

"Then it's over, hum." Leng Yurou became even angrier as she spoke.

"Why don't I help her break through the heavenly realm, just for a day, so that she won't be angry." Zhang Tian said immediately.

"Wait for Lin Qing to come out and I'll tell her."

"Hey, what is this?" Zhang Tian said helplessly.

"Let you drink."

"Next time you drink, force out the alcohol as soon as possible."


"But Yurou, you actually liked it just now, didn't you?"

"No, you bastard, don't talk nonsense." Leng Yurou said with a blushing face.

"No? Then why don't you cry or make trouble?"

"If you say it again, I will be angry."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk, I will kiss." Zhang Tian said, and he was about to kiss Leng Yurou.

But immediately, Leng Yurou pinched her stomach and twisted it hard.

"Okay, okay, please comfort me slowly, I'm not here." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he left immediately.

Next, Zhang Tian immediately came to Zihan's room. He absorbed the power of the two kings at the peak level, which was enough to help Zihan break through some realms.

"Master, what are you doing?" Zihan instinctively thought that Zhang Tian was going to do something bad after seeing Zhang Tian appearing.

(End of this chapter)

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