Chapter 907

"You said she is also a ghost cultivator I refined?" Yu Zhong narrowed his charming eyes, suddenly stood in front of the bone, and grabbed the bone.

Bones did not resist, but let Yu Zhong approach blankly.

But Tao Wang would not allow such a thing to happen.

He slapped Yu Zhong flying with his palm.

But no one expected that the moment he patted Fei Yuzhong, the bone suddenly attacked him.

Tao Wang looked back at Yu Lian in disbelief, "Yu Lian, you..."

"You are not allowed to hurt him!"

"Yu Lian, did you remember something?"

"Let me go, I don't know anything!"

"Then why don't you let me hurt him?"

Bone was silent, "I don't know, but I just feel that no one is allowed to hurt him."

"What to do, now the bones don't remember the past, neither does Yu Zhong, how can you check?" Feng Yi gloated at Tao Wang.

"I know who knows about Yu Zhong and Yu Lian." Qingqing said suddenly, attracting everyone's attention.

"Tell me, what can I do?"

Qingqing pursed her lips, what she thought of was the incident where she asked the fish demon to recall the lotus in the small wooden pavilion.

She had observed the expression of the fish demon at that time, and she felt that the fish demon should know something inside.

Otherwise, the fish demon would not hesitate, and when asked about the lotus, the fish demon actually wanted to glance at Yu Zhong.

What's more, the fish demon still knows Yu Lian!

Qingqing told Tao Wang and the others about these things, and Tao Wang immediately asked Yu Zhong to release the fish demon.

Yu Zhong was reluctant at first, obviously he felt that he was the master of this place and should not be oppressed.

Moreover, Yu Zhong actually discussed with Feng Yi in private, taking advantage of no one caring about him just now.

I want Feng Yi not to use the fire spirit to suppress him for the time being, so that he can get rid of Tao Wang.

Yu Chong was very upset when he saw Tao Wang, this is what Feng Yi told Qingqing through voice transmission.

Moreover, Feng Yi was very gossipy and said that Yu Zhong and Tao Wang were probably rivals in love.

"Elder Yu Zhong, I think you must also want to know the past? Who is Yu Lian? Why did you plant this pond of lotus, and why did you become a ghost cultivator again after you died?" Qing Qing looked at Yu Lian. Heavy, with a serious look.

She knows that everyone in this world has curiosity.

And something like curiosity is actually very special, it has a kind of magic power, constantly tempting people to discover some secrets.

Yu Zhong would naturally have such curiosity.

Especially when he was a strong man, but lost a piece of memory.

What is in this memory will make him even more worried.

After thinking twice, Yu Zhong released the fish demon.

In view of the fish monster dragging its tail, Yu Zhong simply turned the guard into a phantom of a lake-view lotus.

At this time, everyone suddenly sat in the wooden pavilion.

"Fish demon, I will give you a chance to tell everything you know about Yu Zhong and Yu Lian, otherwise you will die." Qingqing threatened the fish demon with a cheeky face.

But no one thought that the fish demon, who seemed greedy for life and afraid of death, actually sneered after hearing Qingqing's words.

"It's a pity, I don't want to tell you even if I die!"

"Say." It was Yu Zhong who spoke this time.

The fish demon forgot to take a look at Yu Chong, and tears gradually came out of the corners of his eyes, his expression extremely sad.

Seeing this, Qingqing couldn't help expressing emotion in her heart, I am afraid that there is also a grievance entanglement between Yu Yao and Yu Zhong.

Things on this ghost island are really troublesome! ! !

"Elder, I won't say it. Before you died, you knew that you would forget something, and you have already ordered me not to tell everything. What's more... I don't want to say anything even if I die!" The fish demon hesitated to speak. .

(End of this chapter)

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