Chapter 908

The words of the fish demon did not stop Qingqing and Yu Zhong from asking.

On the contrary, because of the fish demon's words, the two of them had a stronger desire to explore the things in the past.

What happened that year?
"Fish demon, it was Elder Yu Zhong who ordered you not to tell you everything, but now, it is also Elder Yu Zhong who ordered you to tell everything. Why don't you want to say it?"

"Furthermore, there are many ghosts on this ghost island. If you want to know what happened back then, you don't have to."

Qingqing's previous sentence was persuasion, but the latter sentence was a naked threat.

The fish demon lowered his head and said nothing, this attitude of pretending to be dead made everyone frown.

"Try another one?" Xie Luo listened to Qingqing's words, so he thought of asking someone else.

Yu Zhong did not reject the proposal, and immediately picked out another disciple.

However, this disciple didn't know what to ask, and according to Qingqing's observation, she found that this disciple's behavior and thinking seemed to be extremely sluggish.

"Elder Yu Zhong, these people are ghost cultivators because of you. Why is there such a big difference between the fish demon and this disciple?"

Yu Zhong took the disciple back, and said: "Making a ghost cultivator is a very difficult process, and more materials are needed. The materials I had at hand were only used on the fish demon, so other ghost cultivators' spiritual wisdom... Just like a child of three or four years old, he can understand my orders."

Qingqing almost vomited blood at Yu Zhong's words, even Tao Wang and Wan Nian's paralyzed Jiang Chengqing frowned.

"Elder Yu Zhong, did you do it on purpose? You know that only the fish demon's intelligence is normal here, why didn't you say it?" Qingqing was a little angry, Feng wrapped Qingqing's hand around, and patted her to tell her not to worry .

"There are so many things, who would think of this specifically." Yu Zhong looked contented, and he was not ashamed at all because of everyone's unhappiness.

Qingqing is helpless, a person who has been dead for a hundred years really has thick skin.

"So now we can only start with the fish demon. Can't you use the hard ones, should you use the soft ones?" Qingqing looked at Feng Yi with a questioning look in her eyes.

Feng Yi raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yu Zhong.

"What is the relationship between Elder Yu Zhong and this fish demon?" Feng Yi asked in an ambiguous tone, and the question was even more ambiguous.

The few people around heard that the gazes on Yu Zhong and Yu Yao were not so pure.

Yu Zhong snorted coldly, and unexpectedly slapped the fish demon with his palm.

"Ah!" The fish demon screamed, and the entire tail of the fish was split open.

Because it is a ghost, when the tail of the fish split open, no blood flowed out, but a lot of evil spirit gushed out.

"Yu Chong!" Qing Qing panicked, fearing that Yu Zhong would kill the fish demon with such a heavy blow, so she immediately jumped up and wanted to stop Yu Zhong.

Feng Yi grabbed Qing Qing and shook her head.

"Yu has a sense of proportion."

"Proper? He doesn't seem to have a sense of proportion?" Qingqing felt terrified when she heard the scream of the fish demon in her ears.

Looking at Yu Zhong, facing the fish monster who gets along day and night, he can make such a deadly move, Qingqing faintly feels disgusted in her heart.

This disgust seemed to grow, making Qingqing feel uncomfortable, and she desperately wanted to find a vent.

"Qingqing! Qingqing!" Feng Yi sternly shouted and suddenly remembered that Qingqing felt a chill in her chest, it was Tao Wang who hit her chest with a magic spell.

(End of this chapter)

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