Chapter 912

After the fish demon was rescued, Yu Zhong released the fish demon back to Wanshou Lake.

But the fish demon is unwilling to leave Yu Zhong.

At that time, the fish demon didn't know Yu Zhong's identity, but she felt that this cultivator was very powerful, and she felt very safe by his side.

Yu Zhong looked at the fish demon that had been circling under his feet, feeling a little surprised.

"I don't like to accept disciples, and I don't need spirit beasts. Besides, if you want to be a spirit beast for me, the outside is too weak."

Yu Zhong bent down and picked up the little fish demon. The fish demon struggled and fell from Yu Zhong's fingertips, but was unwilling to leave Yu Zhong.

"Forget it, we are also destined. If you can cultivate into a high-level monster in the future, I will bring you back to Xunxianzong and give you a fairy fate?"

"In the future - if you can cultivate a human form, then go to the Immortal Sect to find me, and then I will accept you as a disciple."

When the fish demon heard this, he jumped out of the water happily.

Yu Zhong smiled slightly, and stood up, "My name is Yu Zhong, and I'll give you a name, Xiaowei. Practice hard, and bring this name to find me in the Immortal Sect in the future."

After Yu Zhong finished speaking, he left. Since then, the fish demon has never seen Yu Zhong again.

But the cultivator in white who saved her from fire and water, gave her a name, and promised to take her as an apprentice in the future was deeply imprinted on her heart.

The aptitude of the fish demon is very ordinary, but in order to meet Yu Zhong in the future, the fish demon has been practicing diligently.

Hard work can make up for one's weakness, and after about 300 years, the fish demon was able to have a small domain in the huge Wanyao Lake.

The fish demon has already cultivated to a high level, but it is just a little bit short of being able to have a human form.

The fish demon tried hard to suppress his excitement and made final preparations.

She knew that she only needed to retreat one more time, and when she left, she could go to find Xianzong.

After 400 years of brewing, that little secret love hidden in my heart can finally germinate.

It's just that people's calculations are not as good as the sky's calculations. At that time, a group of casual cultivators suddenly appeared in Wanyao Lake.

These casual cultivators came here to compete for the demon pills, so they slaughtered every day in Wanyao Lake.

Most of the monsters in Wanyao Lake are bloodthirsty and easy to kill, so it is a place for ordinary practitioners to experience, and killing is very common here.

The fish demon knew that it was useless to beg for mercy, this group of casual cultivators would not let go of any monster they could deal with.

So the fish demon has been hiding, and fortunately there are so many monsters in Wanyao Lake, the fish demon has escaped several waves of killing-killing.

But there is always an inevitable time, and the fish demon is still hunted down.

And in the end, the demon pill of the fish demon was also taken away.

The fish demon who had been robbed of the demon pill struggled to survive, but turned back into a little whitebait with no attack power.

The fish demon felt that he was about to die, but every time he thought of that white-clothed cultivator, his heart felt unreconciled.

Until one day, a female disciple of Xunxianzong was left alone in Wanyao Lake because she was excluded by her fellow disciples during her training.

That female disciple is Yu Lian.

At that time, Yu Lian was not called Yu Lian, she had no name, and she was only 12 years old.

There are so many ferocious monsters in the huge Ten Thousand Monster Lake, but the 12-year-old girl is not afraid at all.

Sitting on his little flying sword, running here and looking there.

Knowing that there are no cultivators left on Wanyao Lake, the little girl remembered to go back to find Xianzong.

"Ah, they don't want me anymore, what should I do if I don't remember the way back to find Xianzong?" The little girl sat on the flying sword and stopped on the water, worrying.

The fish demon was sad under the water, not knowing what to do to find Xianzong.

(End of this chapter)

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