Chapter 913

One up and one down, when they were sad and sad, a monster snake came out and rushed towards the little girl.

The little girl is small, but her cultivation level is not bad, she managed to stay away from the demon snake with a few moves.

It's just that the poor fish demon was affected by this battle, and almost gave his life away.

"Ah, what a beautiful little whitebait." The little girl's surprised voice came out, and she caught a glimpse of the little whitebait.

The scales of the small whitebait are really beautiful, like silver light flowing.

Seeing this beautiful little whitebait, the little girl couldn't bear it, so she used magic to save the little whitebait.

"Little whitebait, what kind of fish are you? Are you so beautiful?"

"Are you a monster too? You seem to have a faint monster aura about you."

"Why don't you have a demon pill? A demon without a demon pill will die soon!"

The little girl was not welcomed in the sect, and there was no one to talk to, so when she saw the beautiful fish demon, she immediately started talking.

The fish demon woke up, and knew from the little girl's nagging words that the little girl was from Xunxianzong.

The fish demon thought, if the little girl returned to Xunxianzong, it would be great if she could be brought back.

It's just a pity that I can't speak by myself.

"Hey, do fish shed tears too? This is the first time I've seen it." The little girl remembered that fish seemed to have no tears.

Thinking about it, the little girl was curious for a while, and secretly swallowed a pill she got in the martial arts competition for the fish demon.

"Little whitebait, this elixir is used to improve my realm, it's a great tonic!"

"Come on, this is the spiritual water given by the master last time. You should be able to save your life if you drink it. My master is amazing. Please be kind, he is still half a doctor!"

The little girl took out all the few treasures in her body, and used her spiritual power to use the pills and spiritual water in the fish demon's body little by little, and she actually saved the fish demon.

Not only that, the fish demon discovered that he had a new demon pill.

"I made a new demon pill for you, and you can practice again in the future! However, you can't tell others about this, your demon pill was actually made by me with water spiritual power, and you can get yours in the future." The demon pill is strong enough to replace this fake demon pill." The little girl said excitedly.

The fish demon has never heard that a demon pill can be squeezed out, but she has always lived in Wanyao Lake, and it is normal that she has not heard of some things.

But, after a long time, the fish demon found out.

The pill in her body is not a demon pill pinched by water spirit power at all.

That the water spirit.

A water spirit that contains destructive energy.

The little girl gave the sleeping and not yet fully awakened water spirit to the fish demon, and gave the fish demon a new life.

The fish demon thought, from then on, apart from that Yu Chongxiu, he had another benefactor.

"My name is Xiaowei." The fish demon was able to speak.

Perhaps because of the water spirit, even a sleeping water spirit has extraordinary power.

So the fish demon can suddenly speak.

The little girl accidentally threw the fish demon back to Wanyao Lake, but when she thought that the fish demon was so weak, she grabbed the fish demon back into her hand.

"Can you talk? Xiaowei? What a nice name." The little girl's eyes were bright.

"Thank you for saving me, can you tell me your name? Xiaowei will remember to repay the favor."

"No, no, I don't have a name. I'm an orphan. After being picked up by the master, everyone calls me Jiuyatou."

(End of this chapter)

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