Chapter 914

"Why is it called Nine Girls?"

"Because I am the ninth child picked up by the master, but when I am 14 years old, I can have a new name! The senior sisters all have new names at the age of 14."

"Then do you have a name in mind?"

"No, the names of the senior sisters are all based on the names of the disciples of the same generation, but I want a different name. It's as nice as your name, Xiaowei."

The little silver fish flicked its tail and said, "Okay, my name was given by a cultivator of your Xunxianzong. When I find that cultivator in the future, you can ask him for a name."

"Really? What's the name of the cultivator you mentioned?"

"The cultivator called—" The fish demon was about to answer the little girl's question, but was suddenly imprisoned in the water polo barrier by the little girl, unable to speak or escape.

The little girl was very nervous, she locked the fish demon in the water polo barrier, then held the water polo barrier in both hands and hid it behind her.

"Master..." The little girl's voice was a little frightened, but the fish demon could hear a sense of dependence and joy.

"Hmph, it's getting dark again, don't you know you want to go back?"

This is the little girl's master, right?The fish demon thought, no wonder the little girl wanted to hide herself.

If the cultivator saw her, he might be killed.

"Master, I, I don't know the way back." The little girl's voice was a little sad.

The fish demon couldn't help but said to himself, "That's because your seniors and seniors don't want you anymore."

"Did they exclude you again?"

"No, it's because I'm stupid, I made everyone unhappy, everyone may have forgotten that I'm still here." The little girl gave everyone reasons and excuses.

But her master was not a fool, he had already guessed what was going on.

"Forget it, I will take you for a walk as a teacher, remember the way, and no one will pick you up next time."

"Really?" Knowing that the master was going to take her back, the little girl almost threw the water polo.

Water polo Li, the fish demon was scared to death, but couldn't help but get excited.

She is going to follow the little girl to find Xianzong!
The little girl stuffed the water polo into her storage bag, then trotted back home after the master.

The fish demon didn't see what the night was like that day, but she felt that it was for Jiu Yatou at that time.

The night must have been kind that day, the sky full of twinkling stars.

The night breeze must have been very gentle that day, making her feel comfortable.

"Master, did you come to pick me up on purpose?"

"Do you think being a teacher is very free? I went out on business and passed by here. I happened to see a disciple of Xunxianzong. I was afraid that the single disciple would have an accident. I came to see it. Who knew it was you."

"Master, you actually said so many things in one breath! Usually you don't talk."

"Is there? I'm not silent as a teacher."

"Yes, yes! The brothers all said that as soon as you get close to you, you will be expressionless, cold, like a man-eating monster!"

"Human-eating monsters? The senior sisters also say the same?"

"Senior sisters, no. But the senior sisters all said that they want to be a teacher's wife."

"Ahem... don't listen to the nonsense of the senior sisters, practice hard, and have no other distractions, you know?"

"Oh, I see. But master...why are you blushing and your ears are red too!"

"It's too dark, you read it wrong."

"Master, my eyesight is very good, it's really red."

"Don't ask, tell me, which senior brothers say that the master looks like a monster?"

The little girl snapped her fingers, and acted as a sell-out without any shame.

(End of this chapter)

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