Chapter 915

The fish demon fell asleep in the water polo, and I don't know how long the little girl chatted with her master.

When the fish demon woke up again, he found that he was already looking for the Immortal Sect.

She was kept in a water tank by the little girl.

"Xiaowei, Xiaowei, I've thought about it, I want Master to name me."

"Okay." The fish demon swam around in the small water tank, feeling that the surrounding aura was abundant, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Sure enough, it is the Immortal Seeking Sect, even the aura is so abundant, it is much better than Wanyao Lake.

"Xiaowei, I was so nervous when I saw the master yesterday that I forgot to let you go. Next time I go to Wanyao Lake, I will take you back."

"No need, in fact, I have always wanted to come to Wanyao Lake to find a benefactor, can you let me stay here?" The fish demon looked at the little girl pleadingly.

The little girl bit her lip, a little embarrassed, "I can keep you, but you can still live in the water tank now, what about in the future?"

"We don't have a lake here, but Master's Sixth Island has a big lake, but there are also many spirit beasts in it, all of which are raised by the senior sisters. You are not strong enough now, and you will definitely be bullied by their spirit beasts after entering."

"It doesn't matter, I will work hard to cultivate. I will be strong by then, and I won't be afraid of living in the lake."

"Then do you want to make me a spirit beast? If you are a monster, you will be discovered if you don't restrain your demonic aura." The little girl was a little worried.

The fish demon felt that he was not good, but because of the white figure, the fish demon still said, "I'm sorry, I promised to be a spirit beast for my benefactor."

"That's it, okay! Then you must work hard to restrain your evil spirit in the future." The little girl left behind the fish demon, and from then on, the human and the demon began to practice together.

Then the fish demon knew about Wanyao Lake. Every time the little girl went to Wanyao Lake, even if she was alone, she could hunt and kill the most monsters.

Later, with the help of the fish demon, the little girl firmly secured the throne of capturing the No. 1 monster.

The little girl is very top-notch, and the number of times she is called by the master is increasing.

Every time after being praised by the master, the little girl would say a lot to the fish demon.

It's nothing more than that the master usually doesn't speak, but he can say a lot to himself.

The master praised her again that she had to work harder in cultivation.


The fish demon looked at the little girl's gradually pointed chin, and the gradually revealing beauty's face, and sighed, the little girl was just moved by spring.

I don't know what kind of person the little girl's master is, is he the same as Yu Chongxiu?

One month before the little girl turned 14, the little girl was seriously injured in an accident, so she was taken to the Sixth Island where her master was for treatment.

The fish demon remembered that the little girl said that her master was half a doctor, very powerful.

But she was still worried about the little girl's injury, so she thought of a way to get out.

She secretly consumed mana to wrap herself in a water enchantment, so that she could leave the water and live in a short time.

Then she secretly hid on the little girl's senior sister and went to the sixth island.

But she didn't see the little girl.

They said that the little girl's dantian was almost shattered, and she was locked in a wooden pavilion by the master in a daze.

The fish demon wants to approach the wooden pavilion secretly, but there is an enchantment around the wooden pavilion, so the fish demon dare not approach.

She listened outside, wondering what had happened to the little girl.

After hearing the whole incident, the fish demon was stunned, because it was the little girl who became what she is today because of her.

The little girl was arrested and used as a stove!
(End of this chapter)

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