Riding a Phoenix to Cultivation

Chapter 953 Save the Wood Spirit

Chapter 953 Save the Wood Spirit (3)

Qingqing felt that she was fighting hand-to-hand, and she might be interesting.

This is my own sea of ​​consciousness, my size and power can be controlled by myself.

It's just that Qingqing never expected it.

Spirit-eating insects not only devour spiritual roots, but also spiritual consciousness.

So Qingqing rushed up to the spirit-eating insects desperately, just like that meat bun went to beat the dog, it was purely a way to go and never return.

After Qingqing was bitten twice by the spirit devouring insect, she immediately shifted her position with the soil spirit root, and ran towards Black Mountain.

The devil soul may have a way to suppress the spirit devouring insects.

Spirit-eating insects even eat demon souls, so she might as well lure the insects to Montenegro.

Even if the demon soul can't deal with the spirit devouring insects, that's okay.

My spiritual root is gone, and I have to pull the devil soul to make amends.

After having nothing, you can't let the demon soul occupy your body.

Qingqing thought so, and the demon soul was very clever. When he saw the ghost-eating insect mouth running along with Qingqing, he immediately cursed.

Because of the mania of the demon soul, the whole Montenegro was shaken, and rocks rolled down.

If the demon soul hadn't been locked up by Feng Yi with the Yuan soul, he would have run away long ago.

Spirit-eating insects are such a damn thing, even a demon soul would dare to swallow them!

"Li Wonton, don't you want to be ashamed! Get the spirit devourers away!"

"I can't walk anymore, do you have a way to destroy this thing? If not, everyone will die together!"

"You...you..." Mohun's voice trembled with anger, and smoke began to rise from the black mountain, obviously the volcano was about to erupt.

Qingqing thought for a while, then stepped aside.

I saw the huge spirit-eating insect slowly walking towards the direction of the black mountain like another small black mountain.

Countless fiery-hot magmas suddenly spewed out from the Black Mountain.

The magma flowed backwards, trapping the spirit-eating insects.

The spirit-eating worm stopped moving, Qingqing and Mohun breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Tu Linggen became more courageous, and actually jumped and walked towards the spirit-eating insect.

Qingqing saw it, and immediately pulled back the soil spirit root, but at this moment, the spirit-eating insect suddenly moved.

Hot magma splashed in all directions, Qingqing fled with Tu Linggen, and rolled directly from the Black Mountain into the surrounding rock piles.The spirit-eating insect seemed to be a little afraid of the magma of the demon soul, and instead of continuing to move towards the Black Mountain, it ran after Qingqing all the way.

Qingqing tried to leave the sea of ​​consciousness and return to reality.

It seems that there is no way to eliminate the spirit devouring insects in the sea of ​​consciousness, but there may be a solution in reality.

It's just that after Qingqing tried many times, she was horrified to find that she couldn't return to the outside world.

The influence of the spirit-eating insects on the sea of ​​consciousness was so great that her spiritual consciousness was disturbed, and she couldn't leave the sea of ​​consciousness.

"What should we do now, the other spiritual roots are all affected, and you alone can't defeat the spirit-eating insects at all!"

Qingqing was so anxious that she was at a loss, but the earth spirit root suddenly popped out of her arms, and said, "No, there is also the wood spirit root! The wood spirit root hasn't woken up yet, so it shouldn't be affected."

Wood root?
After being reminded by Tu Linggen, Qingqing came to her senses.

Her wood spirit roots haven't awakened yet!

So Qingqing went straight to Mu Linggen.

Mulinggen is also on the small island.

Originally, the island was floating in the sea in the sea of ​​consciousness, but because the water spirit root was lethargic and the spirit-eating insects appeared, the island became an abrupt existence on the ice.

It was freezing cold all around, but the island was full of greenery. From a distance, it seemed to be full of vitality.

Qingqing took the soil spirit root to the island and walked towards the center of the island.

(End of this chapter)

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