Riding a Phoenix to Cultivation

Chapter 954 Saving the Wood Spirit Root

Chapter 954 Saving the Wood Spirit Root (4)

The closer to the center of the island, the more abundant the wood-type aura will be.

It was the first time for Qingqing to feel the wood-type aura in her sea of ​​consciousness. This kind of aura full of vitality made her feel comfortable all over.

In the center of the island, there is a towering tree with huge thick vines spiraling upwards.

There are countless dots of white flowers attached to the vines, and the surrounding green fluorescence floats around the giant tree like stars.

This is the wood spirit root, right?

Qingqing raised her head to read the book, but she couldn't see the top at all.

Before going to the island, Qingqing thought it was a hill-like island.

But after going to the island, she realized that it was just a forest.

It's just that the more you go to the center, the taller the trees are, and gradually the appearance becomes like a mountain.

Although the wood spirit root has been found, how can the wood spirit root be awakened?

Qingqing walked around the wood spirit root a few times, and suddenly found that there seemed to be something entwined around the root of the big tree.

Qingqing squatted down, stretched out her hand and pushed aside the weeds that covered it, and suddenly found that there was a baby under the root of the tree.

It's just that the baby's entire lower body grew together with the tree roots.

At this time, Tu Linggen jumped over, and after seeing this scene, he said, "The Wood Lingen hasn't awakened yet, so that's why it grew like this."

"Then find a way to awaken the wood spirit root now, will it be damaged?"

Ripening unripe fruits will definitely have side effects.

"It can be awakened with spiritual power. It does this because it has not absorbed enough wood-type spiritual energy."

"But I can't leave the sea of ​​consciousness now, and it's impossible for me to absorb the wood-type spiritual energy." What's more, if the wood-type spiritual root is not awakened, how can she absorb the wood-type spiritual energy?
"You can use your spiritual knowledge to nourish it, but in this case, your spiritual knowledge will be damaged." Tu Linggen whispered, as if he felt that this was not a good way.

After hearing this method, Qingqing hesitated.

Needless to say, the importance of spiritual knowledge, without spiritual knowledge, almost loses the perception of spiritual energy and spiritual power, and even cannot enter one's own sea of ​​consciousness.

She could still guess the consequences of this.

Maybe after the damage to the spiritual consciousness, there are more consequences that she can't guess.

With Qingqing's hesitation, she missed the best time to wake up the wood spirit root in advance.

The spirit-eating worms from behind had already found them, and began to wreak havoc on the territory of Wood Lingen.

The surrounding trees died one after another, Qingqing immediately took the earth spirit root to block the spirit devouring worm, but the spirit devouring worm cunningly avoided Qingqing and the others, and went straight to the unawakened wood spirit root.

The wood spirit root could not move, and the spirit devouring insect bit down a small arm of the wood spirit root.

The sleeping baby showed a painful expression, and the towering giant tree, which was full of vitality, suddenly trembled, and the flowers on the vines fell one after another, and it rained heavily in white.

"Oops." Qingqing hurriedly turned her head to stop her, and found the scene of Mu Linggen being hurt.

Qingqing looked at the fierce spirit-eating insects in front of her, and finally made a difficult decision.

Mulingen must be saved first.

If even the wood spirit root is destroyed, she may never be able to leave the sea of ​​consciousness and return to reality.

As for the damage to the spiritual consciousness, let's take one step at a time!

Qingqing immediately began to twitch the power of her own spiritual consciousness, gathering little by little on the baby at the root of the big tree.

The transformation of the wood spirit root was gradually wrapped in a green cocoon.

But Qingqing's whole body seemed to be cut into pieces again, like ants gnawed on her body, her strength was pulled away from her body little by little, and Qingqing began to be dazzled.

(End of this chapter)

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