Chapter 961 Master (7)

You have the foundation to speak out to persuade Qiu Lu, but Qiu Lu gives her a hard look.

Everyone dared not speak any more.

Qiu Lu picked out the person who was the most quarreling just now, and stabbed him with a sword.

Seeing Qiulu's movements, Qingqing flew out a blade of light from her palm and saved the man.

Qiu Lu was shocked, and took several steps back. When she looked up, she saw a huge green dragon flying in the air.

"There is someone on the dragon's back!" A sharp-eyed disciple pointed to the sky and shouted.

Qingqing was afraid that Qiulu might not see her clearly, so she purposely flew around at low altitude to provoke Qiulu.

"Qiu Lu, I haven't seen you in 300 years, don't you remember me?"

"Li wonton!"

"It seems that you have a pretty good memory. You only hurt ordinary people who have no magic power. You are really powerful!" Qingqing said mockingly, and Yulong flew towards the sea.

Seeing Qingqing running away, Qiulu immediately caught up with her, and naturally the other disciples also withdrew.

Yulong flies extremely fast, and Qingqing is confident that she can get rid of Qiulu.

Seeing that she was about to lose her footsteps, Qiu Lu suddenly thought of a way.

"You guys, go around here, you guys, go over here, be sure to surround her and force her to fly east!" Qiu Lu directed several disciples to surround Qingqing in a semicircle.

The disciples may not be able to catch up with Qingqing, but Qingqing needs to be wary of the disciples, so she has to change her flying direction.

Qiu Lu saw from a distance that Qingqing was flying eastward as expected, with a confident expression on her face.

"Li Wonton, fly, the faster you fly, the faster you die!"

Seeing the disciples gradually moving away behind her, Qingqing felt a little more at ease, and was about to turn to Muyun Continent.

After confirming the position of Muyun Continent, Qingqing began to try to change the direction of flight, but suddenly countless flying swords and spells flew in front of her.

Qingqing dodged in a hurry and almost fell off the dragon's back.

When Qingqing finally stabilized, she couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning.

Not far in front of her, a huge spaceship actually appeared, behind the side of the spaceship, there were many cultivators standing.

Qingqing didn't know what kind of boat it was, but judging from the reactions of these people just now, it seemed that she was on the opposite side of herself.

"Li Wonton, do you think you can escape?" Qiulu's high-spirited voice came from behind, Qingqing hesitated in the air on the jade dragon, and finally realized that she was set by Qiulu.

"Run and run, try again!" She won't give up until the last moment!
Qingqing turned her head and rode the jade dragon to fall to the sea, and then flew at a low altitude, trying to avoid the pursuit of those behind her.

Yulong's flying speed is extremely fast, but it is such a big spaceship, and there are many flying magic weapons on it that can rival Yulong, so Qingqing is soon surrounded.

"Li Wonton, obediently follow us back, so as not to suffer from the pain of flesh and blood!" Someone on the spaceship shouted loudly to Qingqing.

Qingqing narrowed her eyes slightly, rode high on the jade dragon, and saw the man.

"Leader Huairen." Qingqing remembered this person, who had come to see her on the Demon Killing Cliff back then.

"Don't fight against the Cultivation Alliance, let alone you, even today's Mozun Mingyu would not dare to be our enemy on such an occasion." Huairen looked at the woman in front of him, the coarse clothes could not conceal her elegance.

A pair of black eyes, captivating.

"I don't believe you. Back then, you tied me to the Demon Killing Cliff, and almost made me die of humiliation. But I didn't do anything outrageous!"

She won't be so stupid, obediently follow these people back!

 Is anyone else watching?Ask for bubbling~
(End of this chapter)

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