Chapter 962 Master (8)

But, how can she get out?

If she fights hard, she will definitely lose!

Qingqing thought for a while, and finally set her sights on Qiulu.

If Qiu Lu is held hostage, maybe there will be a glimmer of life!
"And you said you didn't do anything against the sky? You caused the fire spirit to be stolen, my brother was disabled and dying, and Wang Shenzong lost face. 300 years ago, the demon world attacked the world of cultivating immortals. Li Wonton, how dare you say these things nothing dealing with you?"

Qiu Lu pointed her sword at Qing Qing, her eyes were ruthless.

"Qiu Lu, you don't have to spout blood there. If you want to inflict crimes, why don't you have excuses? If you have the ability, you can compete with me!" Qingqing looked at Qiu Lu with disdain, and deliberately said such provocative words.

Qiu Lu has a quick temper, and she hates Qing Qing even more. After hearing this, she immediately rushed up, ignoring Huai Ren's scolding behind her.

Qingqing didn't move, and when Qiulu approached, she suddenly shot and entangled Qiulu.

Others came up to help siege Qingqing, Qingqing was in a panic, and suddenly felt a sense of relief in her body.

That's vitality!

It's wood spirits!
Countless green vines suddenly sprang out from Qingqing's fingertips. These vines condensed with wood-type spiritual energy quickly wrapped Qiulu around.

Qiulu kept cutting off these vines, but these vines seemed to be endless, pouring out continuously, wrapping Qiulu into a big green cocoon.

On the other side, in Qingqing's hand, the fire wave followed the ice arrow, and the light blade flew out, blocking the attack of some people.

Immediately feeling the vigor and vitality in her body, Qingqing quickly built an earthen wall around herself to block everyone's sight.

At the same time, the thunder was so loud that it was impossible for people to take a step forward.

In the past, there was always a pause for a while when the moves were changed and the alternate use of spells from various schools.

Moreover, the spiritual power in the body is disordered and difficult to control.

But since the appearance of the wood spirit, the spiritual power in the body seemed to have a self-awareness, and it started to operate on its own initiative.

Qingqing used all kinds of spells to make the clouds flow smoothly, which completely shocked Huairen on the spaceship.

"Then, then... the six spiritual roots?"

"Reporting to the leader, Li Wonton seems to be the root of the six spirits."

"If it is the six spiritual roots, it can switch spells so smoothly, and even use different spells at the same time, and it can cause greater damage... This is already the shadow of a master!"

The master, integrate the spells of various schools, and turn the useless into a genius!
"Don't kill her, you must catch her alive!" Huai Ren immediately ordered.

It has been many years since a master has appeared, and now in the world of cultivating immortals, only Wang Shenzong's Fuhun and Tayunzong's Jin Qianren are walking this road.

But those two people don't have many spiritual roots. Even if they can integrate and smoothly switch between different schools of spells, they can't be regarded as masters in the true sense.

Huairen wants to take Qingqing back to study.

But what Huairen said made it difficult for those who dealt with Qingqing.

It can only be captured alive, which means that there are many restrictions when fighting.

Qingqing originally had a ring dragon bracelet, so she was less likely to be seriously injured. Now that she has another layer of protection, she can run more quickly.

Poor Qiulu has been held by Qingqing as a life-saving card, and suffered a lot of spells.

Although Qingqing suddenly mastered the fighting method of a master without a teacher at this time, the spiritual power in her body could not be consumed.

If one person beats a hundred people, he will definitely suffer.

So Qingqing's heart fluttered, and she aimed the light blade directly at Qiulu's neck.

"Get out of the way, or I'll kill her!"

"Li Wonton, if you kill me, I hope Shenzong will not let you go!"

"It's as if I let you go, and you will treat me kindly!" Qingqing sneered twice, suddenly kicked Qiulu towards the side with fewer people, and then rushed out of the encirclement while everyone was going to rescue Qiulu.

(End of this chapter)

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