Chapter 963

The crowd dispersed to chase people, and they were about to rush out of the siege, but Qingqing was suddenly caught by something sharp behind her back, and then she was detached from the dragon's back.

Qingqing raised her head while struggling, and saw the claws of a giant purple eagle clutching her shoulder.

The purple eagle beast's claws are so sharp that they can pierce even the immortal body, which is already different from ordinary people, and the shoulders are smeared with bright red blood.

Spiritual power gushed out from Qingqing's palm, and it hit the Purple Eagle Beast.

Ziying Beast let go of Qingqing in pain and fled. Qingqing returned to the Jade Dragon, but stabbed with a sword from behind.

"Li Wonton, you don't want to escape!"

It's Qiulu.

Because Qiu Lu was wrapped up just now, she was very embarrassed, and she was also ruthless when she attacked Qing Qing.

Qiulu's cultivation is actually higher than Qingqing's. After all, she has good aptitude, and she is practicing in Wang Shenzong. She has already reached the late stage of human spirit for 300 years.

But Qingqing has done nothing wrong in the past 300 years. After she finally broke through, she was able to maintain her spiritual realm, far inferior to Qiulu.

But there is such a special existence as a master, every time she makes a move, Qiu Lu has no way to guard against it.

The spells of different schools are even more mutual generation and mutual restraint. Feng Yi told her about this a long time ago.

Therefore, Qingqing naturally comprehended the essence of a master in the process of constantly fighting.

Qingqing and Qiulu fought almost to a tie, but Qingqing still needed to escape, so it was inevitable that she would be distracted.

At this moment, a burst of purple smoke suddenly floated from the slanting stab, Qingqing didn't know what it was, and didn't avoid it.

After inhaling the smoke, Qingqing suddenly realized that she was becoming delirious.

"If you have entered my enchanted mist formation, don't run anymore." A bewitching voice came from behind the purple mist, and Qingqing saw a person flying over with a lamp in his hand.

The purple mist floated out from the lit lamps.

"You... who are you?"

The woman was enchanting, but she was wearing a deep purple veil, which covered most of her face, and the dark mandala patterns above the corners of her eyes were eye-catching.

"Why, Li Wonton, you don't recognize me after only 300 years?"

Qingqing doesn't remember hearing this voice before.

The means and description of this person in front of him don't seem to be some decent disciple, so how could she recognize him?

"It's you! Why aren't you dead yet?" Qiu Lu rushed in suddenly, and when she saw the veiled woman, her eyes showed disdain and surprise.

"Dead? You're not dead yet, how can I die?" The veiled woman's voice suddenly became cold, and with a wave of her sleeves, countless black bees suddenly sprang out and flew towards Qiulu.

"Ah, help!" Qiu Lu seemed to be very afraid of these black bees, she gave Qing Qing a hateful look, then turned around and ran away.

"You... who are you?" Qingqing was already in a daze before her eyes, and her body was weakly clinging to the jade dragon.

The man flew over slowly, Qingqing fainted suddenly, and the jade dragon immediately turned into a jade bracelet and returned to Qingqing's hand.

Even if that person caught Qingqing who was about to fall, he took Qingqing away in the thick purple mist.

The surface of the sea is covered with purple smoke. Although the smoke does not kill people, once inhaled, they will lose consciousness immediately.

When the people on the spaceship tried to disperse the smoke, there was still Qingqing.

Huairen looked at the empty sea with an extremely stern expression on his face.

"The person who rescued Li Wonton just now is Man Daluo, the messenger of the Demon Realm, and informed Wang Shenzong to let them catch Man Daola, the traitor!"

(End of this chapter)

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