Chapter 101 Be careful
On the top floor, in the simple but not luxurious CEO's office, there is a faint aroma of coffee.

Chu Huan pulled Jiang Luan to sit on the leather sofa, looked her over carefully, and said distressedly, "Luan'er, did you not take good care of yourself in W City these days, and you lost weight again?"

There was warmth in Jiang Luan's eyes, she smiled lightly, and replied, "Aunt Chu, I've always been like this, and I'm not thin. By the way, when I came up just now, I ran into Zhang Min in the elevator. Have you seen him?" Didn't she?"

Chu Huan nodded, and when she heard Zhang Min mentioned, the smile on her face disappeared, and a trace of seriousness appeared on her well-maintained face: "There is something wrong with that Zhang Min, Luaner, I was just about to call you just now, didn't you?" I thought of you and came to me."

Jiang Luan looked at Chu Huan in surprise. Although she didn't like that Zhang Min, she knew that she coveted Ah Xuan, but she didn't know what Chu Huan said was wrong or what it meant.

"Luan'er, haven't you had contact with that sorceress Zhang, tell me now, what is your impression of her?"

Chu Huan didn't answer the question, raised his hand to brush a strand of hair from Jiang Luan's shoulder, and looked at her fixedly.

Jiang Luan's eyes flickered, and she told Chu Huan truthfully what she was thinking: "Aunt Chu, to tell you the truth, I have always been skeptical of that sorceress Zhang. , with a hint of viciousness. But I am sure that I have never seen Goddess Zhang before."

Chu Huan nodded thoughtfully. Thinking of Zhang Min's inner activities this morning, she couldn't help but feel a gleam of coldness in her eyes, and her voice was also tinged with coldness: "Luan'er, your feelings are not wrong. Min is a greedy person, although I have never met Goddess Zhang, but from Zhang Min's mind, I can guess that Goddess Zhang is definitely not a good person."

Jiang Luan pursed her lips lightly, did not answer, and waited for Chu Huan to continue: "You must be more careful these days, Zhang Min and Goddess Zhang's idea of ​​ah Xuan may not be good for you. Now that I think about it, Ah Xuan Maybe it's really wrong, and it shouldn't stop you from learning witchcraft from that old woman."

They don't understand witchcraft, and there are some things that they can't even guard against.

She had been thinking just now, how to guard against Goddess Zhang and Zhang Min, it is better to act first.Having managed such a large group these years, Chu Huan naturally has means, and under special circumstances, she doesn't care about using means.

But Ah Xuan still seems to have something to do with Goddess Zhang.

Jiang Luan was startled, blinked his eyes a few times, and turned his mind, and soon understood what was happening, and asked in surprise, "Aunt Chu, that Zhang Min wanted to hit Ah Xuan, did he want to use witchcraft against me?"

"Well, she has that kind of thinking. Not only does she covet Ah Xuan, she even greedily wants to get ideas from the Mo Group. But don't worry, Luan'er, I won't let her hurt you. I'm thinking of the best way to deal with it .”

Chu Huan's voice was gentle but firm.

Although Jiang Luan was suspicious of Goddess Zhang and thought she was unreliable, she saw their grandparents and grandson waiting for Ah Xuan in Mo's house that day, and knew what they were thinking, but she didn't expect that she really wanted to hurt herself.

"Aunt Chu, I will protect myself. Well, don't do anything to Zhang Min for now."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Luan said softly.

"I found some clues in W City these days. In addition, Ah Xuan and Goddess Zhang went to Yan'er Mountain yesterday. Zhang Min drew down the murderer who killed Grandma. I accidentally discovered that the murderer who killed Grandma The murderer is a man named Shi Yushan, who may be related to Shi Mingyang."

"Shi Mingyang really has a problem?"

Chu Huan also suspected Shi Mingyang before, and even probed into his heart with superpowers, but found nothing.

Hearing Luan'er say this now, she was still a little surprised.

Jiang Luan's eyes changed. In her heart, she didn't want Shi Mingyang to really participate in all this, but she couldn't help but not believe it.

Not only because Wu Miaoke and Shi Yushan are acquainted, but also because her mother was decapitated back then, and Shi Mingyang knew so well that all those fragments put together are good evidence.

For example, when Shi Mingyang heard that Ah Xuan was going to operate on her mother, he strongly opposed it, and said that she should wake up her mother with affection.

Another example is Li Ruiqing. She tested Li Ruiqing that day and felt that she was suspicious. Now that she thinks about it, the person who can get close to her mother and let her mother drink those things should be Li Ruiqing.

As for how she knew her mother's birth date, she didn't know.

But Li Ruiqing liked Shi Mingyang back then... If you connect them all, you can explain the reason.

When she was sure of this, she felt very sad for a moment.She has always regarded Li Ruiqing as a good friend, and Shi Mingyang as a friend, but she never thought that they would be the murderers who killed her mother.

She didn't even dare to think, were they involved in her father's death?

Thinking of this, Jiang Luan pursed her lips, looked at Chu Huan and said, "Aunt Chu, I came here today to ask for your help. My mother-in-law told me before that my mother was lowered because someone set up a bridge to convince her I suspect that the person is Li Ruiqing. But there is no evidence."

A look of shock flashed across Chu Huan's face, but soon it was replaced by other emotions. Of course, she understood what Jiang Luan said to help, and agreed without hesitation: "Luan'er, what kind of polite is there with Aunt Chu? Li Ruiqing, then I must tell the truth, there are already many clues, we don't need to wait any longer."

Even if you use some means, the most important thing is to find out what happened back then, expose those conspiracies, and find out the murderer.

If she didn't catch the real murderer for a day, she would feel sorry for Jiang Bo who left.

Jiang Luan nodded movedly, "One more thing, Aunt Chu, the Wu Miaoke I mentioned to you just now, her mother was ill, and it happened that the director of the hospital found Ah Xuan and asked him to take care of Wu Miaoke. Mom's surgery."

"Luan'er, you want to start with Wu Miaoke, right? I understand. As long as Ah Xuan makes arrangements, I will cooperate at any time."

It doesn't matter how clear Jiang Luan's explanation is, Chu Huan will understand immediately.

"Now there is more than one clue, but we only have clues and no evidence. Besides, that Shi Yushan must have powerful witchcraft."

Jiang Luan still gently explained that if she could, she actually didn't want to bother Chu Huan with superpowers. When she was young, her father and Uncle Mo both told her that Aunt Chu's use of superpowers would affect her body.

Especially when using thoughts to control people, just like using witchcraft, it will be backlashed.

Chu Huan smiled lovingly, patted Jiang Luan's hand, and said, "Luan'er, I know, the most important thing now is to get the evidence. As for Goddess Zhang, I really want to keep it for a short time. "

Although Chu Huan saw Zhang Min's intention to harm Jiang Luan, but because Goddess Zhang was still useful, he had no choice but to keep them in City A for now.

Jiang Luan had lunch with Chu Huan and Xiao Lu, and they went back to work, while she took a taxi to Jing'an Hospital.

On the way, she had a phone call with her mother, Bai Ge, and told her that she had returned.When he arrived at Jing'an Hospital, he heard that Mo Qingxuan's operation was about to end, Jiang Luan's brain became hot, so he ran to the operating room to wait.

She didn't know why, she wanted to see him all of a sudden, she just came back from W city together in the morning, but within a few hours, she missed him again.

Originally, she wanted to wait outside the operating room for him to come out, but seeing the patient's family members waiting anxiously outside the operating room, she finally gave up that idea and went back to his office to wait for him.

After Mo Qingxuan finished the operation, he returned to the office. When he opened the door, he saw Jiang Luan sitting in the high-end swivel chair behind the desk. A trace of surprise flashed in his deep eyes, and then a bright color burst out, and the corners of his mouth curled up in joy: "Luan'er, why are you here?"

Jiang Luan crossed her arms and leaned back in the chair, looking at him with clear eyes, meeting his eyes, and a bright smile appeared in her eyes, and she said briskly, "I'll come if I want to!"

Mo Qing closed the door and strode over.

"Ah Xuan, I have something to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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