Chapter 102

"Luan'er, what's the matter?"

"I want to ask, did Wu Miaoke bring her mother to the hospital?"

Mo Qingxuan let out a low laugh, and his voice came out of his thin lips warmly: "When I got off the operating table, I said I was still on my way, so I should be here by now!"

Hearing what he said, Jiang Luan's eyes lit up, and he was about to stand up from his injuries, but Mo Qingxuan grabbed him, "Luaner, what do you want?"

"Go and find Wu Miaoke. I told Aunt Chu this morning while she was unprepared."

"No, wait until she comes to the door by herself."

The corners of Mo Qingxuan's mouth curled up with a touch of coldness and determination, Wu Miao came to treat her mother's illness, she would definitely come to the door by herself, there was no need for them to look for her.

Jiang Luan suddenly realized that what he said made sense, she was a little anxious, but she was a little worried that Shi Mingyang would come to the hospital, if he was there, it would definitely not be so easy to see Wu Miaoke alone.

Turning her mind slightly, she said softly: "Since she will come to you by herself, then I will go back first."

"Are you going to find Shi Mingyang?"

Mo Qingxuan narrowed his eyes sharply and looked at her deeply. Jiang Luan was startled, and his expression changed slightly. He was a little surprised and a little annoyed that he could always guess his own thoughts.

"I didn't. I just wanted to call and ask if he knew about Wu Miaoke's visit to City A."

"Just fight here, don't go looking for him."

Mo Qingxuan said domineeringly that he is not a generous man, and Shi Mingyang has always been his number one rival in love, so it is naturally impossible for the woman he loves to find a rival in love.

Jiang Luan's small face changed, but under his firm and deep gaze, he still sighed in compromise, pulled out the hand he was holding, and dialed Shi Mingyang's number.

"I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back soon."

Mo Qingxuan frowned, unwilling to listen to her talking on the phone with Shi Mingyang, it would only cause trouble for himself, so he chose to go out and ask if Wu Miaoke had arrived.

Jiang Luan nodded, put the mobile phone by her ear, tilted her head and watched him walk out of the office, before closing the door, he turned back to look at her, she smiled at him comfortingly, showing that she was modest.

Mo Qingxuan's deep eyes paused for a second on her phone, then turned around, closed the door and left.

The phone rang several times before it was picked up. Shi Mingyang's deep voice came through the radio waves, with a faint husky infiltration, but he was very happy: "Hello, Aluan."

Jiang Luan frowned, took a deep breath, made her voice sound the same as usual, and asked gently: "Senior Shi, what's wrong with your voice, it seems to be hoarse!"

Hearing this, the corners of Shi Mingyang's mouth on the other end of the phone curled slightly, and Jiang Luan's concern warmed his heart, and he said with a smile: "The reason why I just went to court, it will be fine in a while, A Luan, you call Me, what's the matter?"

He knew Jiang Luan well, she would not take the initiative to contact him if there was nothing wrong.

"Is it okay, why can't I call Senior Shi?"

Jiang Luan didn't answer the question, but when he heard that he just went to court, she secretly wondered if he knew that Wu Miaoke and her mother had come to City A.

"Haha, of course, Aluan, I welcome you to disturb me 24 hours a day. By the way, I haven't seen you for a few days. Director Li said that you asked for leave. What have you been doing these days?"

Shi Yushan didn't tell Shi Mingyang about the killing of the old woman. He was busy helping people with lawsuits these days and didn't know about it. Therefore, he didn't know what Jiang Luan was doing.

"I went to my aunt's house, and I just came back today."

Jiang Luan's body leaning on the sofa moved slightly, and found a more comfortable position to lean on. One leg was raised on the coffee table, her posture was lazy, and her chatting tone was very casual.

There was a sound of opening the door on the phone. It should be that Shi Mingyang sat in the car, and said in a trance: "No wonder, I said I haven't seen you for a few days, A Luan, the witch Zhang you mentioned last time, still needs a lot of money." Shall I try it out for you?"

"Now, didn't you just leave court? Will this be very tiring? "

Jiang Luan was a little surprised, but what Shi Mingyang said meant that he didn't know about Wu Miaoke's mother. If he knew, it was impossible not to visit the hospital because of his relationship with Wu Miao.

"I'm not tired. I have nothing to do right now. Where are you now? Or, I'll pick you up."

Not seeing each other for a few days, Shi Mingyang wanted to see Jiang Luan immediately.

"Senior Shi, my relationship with that Goddess Zhang is not good, she may not listen to me, let me ask first, if I can ask her out, can I call you again?"

"Well, okay, then I'll wait for your call."

Shi Mingyang thought for a while, and it was the only way. He couldn't force Jiang Luan to meet him, nor could he.

Less than 5 minutes after Jiang Luan made the phone call, Mo Qingxuan came back and told her that Wu Miaoke's mother had already stayed in the hospital. At this moment, Wu Miaoke was in the dean's office and asked her if she wanted to go there together.

"Ah Xuan, where is Aunt Chu, have you notified her?"

Jiang Luan didn't answer the question, Mo Qingxuan nodded, curled his lips, and said, "I've informed you, my mother is on her way."

"Shi Mingyang asked me just now if he should help me test out Witch Zhang. He said that Witch Zhang had a problem with her behavior that night. In the morning, Aunt Chu also said that Zhang Min doesn't care about you, so let me be careful."

"is it?"

Mo Qingxuan's eyes suddenly turned cold, his mother's words must not be wrong, if Goddess Zhang and Zhang Min really had some malicious intentions towards Luan'er, he would definitely not be able to keep them.

Jiang Luan nodded, and said softly: "Witch Zhang is still useful now, Shi Yushan must have powerful witchcraft, so don't do anything to Goddess Zhang for the time being."

Seeing his eyes turn cold in an instant, Jiang Luan certainly understood his thoughts, and was moved by the fact that he took himself seriously, and gently held his big hand with strong knuckles with his small hand: "Ah Xuan, it's fine if there is Aunt Chu here, I'll go Seeing Shi Mingyang, from his tone just now, he probably didn't know that Wu Miaoke and her mother came to City A, since he didn't know, we can't let him ruin the plan, right?"

"Don't go."

Mo Qingxuan frowned, he held her hand behind his back, and said in a deep voice: "He doesn't know, it can only mean that Wu Miao didn't tell him."

Speaking of this, Mo Qingxuan's eyebrows became cold again, and he looked at Jiang Luan deeply, and asked word by word: "Luan'er, don't you want to know who the person who killed Uncle Jiang is?"

Jiang Luan's face paled slightly, of course she wanted to know, she pursed her lips tightly, and she nodded: "Okay, I'll go with you."

Mo Qingxuan's stern expression eased a little, he said 'go', took her hand and left the office.

Outside the dean's office, I happened to meet Chu Huan who came from the company. The three of them entered the office together. When Wu Miaoke saw Chu Huan appear, his expression changed suddenly, and a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

As soon as Chu Huan entered the office, he looked at Wu Miaoke. He didn't miss her slight change of expression and the flash of tension in her eyes. Mo Jinxiu, who was originally sitting on the sofa, got up and took two steps forward to meet her.

Mo Qingxuan took Jiang Luan's hand and never let go. He walked to the sofa and asked Wu Miaoke who had stood up, "Are you the family member of the patient that Dean Liu introduced?"

"Well, it's me, Doctor Mo, you must be able to save my mother, right?"

Wu Miaoke saw Chu Huan's nervousness, and the certain emotions that arose when she saw Jiang Luan, all of which were suppressed by the mention of her mother's illness. She looked closely at Mo Qingxuan, and Dean Liu said, only Mo Qingxuan Can save her mother.

"You sit down first, I have to tell you some details."

Mo Qingxuan's tone was calm and natural, Wu Miao believed it was true, nodded, and sat down again, only looking at Mo Qingxuan expectantly with a pair of eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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