Chapter 103 The Truth
Mo Jinxiu and Chu Huan also sat down in front of the sofa, Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan sat on the sofa opposite them, and Wu Miaoke sat on the single sofa.

"Miss Wu, I remember that you and Senior Shi are good friends. Does Senior Shi know about your mother's transfer to Jing'an Hospital?"

Jiang Luan asked casually, Qing Hongshui's eyes flashed sharply, and he looked at Wu Miaoke fixedly. On the opposite side, Chu Huan's eyes also stopped on Wu Miaoke, watching her inner activities with superpowers .

Wu Miaoke's eyes flickered, and she said perfunctorily, "I haven't had time to tell Ming Yang yet."

Looking at Jiang Luan, she remembered Shi Mingyang's not allowing her to hurt Jiang Luan, a trace of hatred welled up in her heart, and soon disappeared, but it was still seen through by Chu Huan on the sofa next to her.

Although Wu Miaoke also knows that Chu Huan has super powers, she is not as deep as Shi Mingyang after all, especially now that her mother is sick, and she still has to rely on Mo Qingxuan to perform surgery on her mother, and facing the four of them alone, she It is impossible for the emotions in my heart to remain unchanged.

"Where is Miss Wu from City A?"

Chu Huan, who was sitting next to Mo Jinxiu, spoke suddenly, his tone was gentle and calm, and there was a gentle smile on his well-maintained face.

Their words jumped one by one, Wu Miao couldn't keep up with the rhythm, she was taken aback for a moment, and then answered Chu Huan's question after she realized it. There's nothing to hide about this, it's all in her mother's medical record.

Chu Huan let out a cry, turned her eyes and exchanged a look with Mo Jinxiu. After getting the other party's consent, when she looked at Wu Miaoke again, the color of her eyes changed slightly. Compared with the casual and indifferent just now, this time, more Seriously, he fixed his eyes on her.

Wu Miaoke narrowed her eyes, for some reason, when she met Chu Huan's eyes, she felt something was wrong.

But she couldn't tell what was wrong, as if her whole body was enveloped by a beam of white light, she wanted to struggle instinctively, but she couldn't, her brows gradually frowned, and she heard Chu Huan ask:

"Wu Miaoke, what is the relationship between Shi Yushan and Shi Mingyang?"

Both Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan looked at Wu Miaoke with correct eyes. She looked a little dazed, obviously her thoughts had been controlled by Chu Huan, and she instinctively answered without thinking:
"Grandpa Shi is Mingyang's grandfather."

Even though he had suspected such a relationship before, Jiang Luan's face suddenly changed when he heard Wu Miaoke say it personally. Mo Qingxuan felt her hand was stiff, so he couldn't help but increase the strength, and held it tightly in his palm.

"Shi Yushan, do you hate the Jiang family and the Mo family?"

The astonishment in Chu Huan's eyes was quickly replaced by coldness, and he looked at Wu Miaoke fixedly, not allowing her to struggle and resist.

Wu Miaoke's witchcraft is still inexperienced, and she is young, so she can't compete with Chu Huan's super power at all. The only difference from before is that the blankness on her face was replaced by the emotion in her heart, and hatred burst out in her eyes: "Yes, Grandpa Shi hates the Jiang family and the Mo family, not only that, but also MIE's Black Eagle."

Jiang Luan's whole body tensed up. Wu Miao's answer was in line with what she had guessed before. After she said this, she could be sure that Shi Yushan was the murderer of her father.

At the beginning, the head of the organization told her that the real murderer of her father was someone else who could control an organization, presumably Shi Yushan used witchcraft.

There was a trace of pity in Mo Qingxuan's deep eyes. Seeing a layer of hatred on Jiang Luan's face, he frowned his handsome brows, raised his arms to wrap her shoulders, and told her silently that he was there.

Jiang Luan's heart was rolling with hatred, her shoulders tightened suddenly, she pursed her lips, and looked up at the man beside her.

Facing Shang Mo Qingxuan's deep eyes filled with concern, a trace of warmth seeped into the sadness and resentment in her heart, and she understood the pity in his eyes, and the corners of her lips slightly pursed.

Although everyone can guess the latter, Chu Huan continued to ask. These words must come from Wu Miaoke's mouth, because Mo Jinxiu had prepared early in the morning. This recording will be used in the future. To: "Four years ago, the shooting was planned by Shi Yushan. Jiang Bo was killed by Shi Yushan, right?"

When he said the latter sentence, Chu Huan subconsciously glanced at Jiang Luan, seeing her tightly pursed lips, knowing that she was suppressing her emotions.

Wu Miaoke looked at Chu Huan fiercely, and said, "Yes, the shooting was arranged by Grandpa Shi. If Mingyang hadn't fallen in love with that bitch Jiang Luan, the person who died back then would not have just been Jiang Bo. gone."

Mo Qingxuan's eyes flashed sharply, if it wasn't for the fear of affecting his mother, he really wanted to step forward and slap Wu Miaoke twice, for she dared to scold Luan'er.

A trace of paleness appeared on Jiang Luan's face, and the strength of her pursing her lips was increasing. Similarly, in order not to affect Aunt Chu's questioning, she tried her best to control herself.

"What did Shi Mingyang do?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Chu Huan's eyes, and he asked coldly.

In the office, there were only her and Wu Miaoke's voices, one was cold, the other was angry, the other was quiet, and the other was excited.

Speaking of Shi Mingyang's feelings for Jiang Luan, Wu Miaoke gritted her teeth with hatred, and even wanted to kill Jiang Luan, but her eyes kept looking at Chu Huan. At this moment, her consciousness was completely controlled, and she didn't even know that she was in Where, let alone that Jiang Luan was by her side.

She just wanted to vent the hatred in her heart, and her tone was sharp and cold: "Grandpa Shi originally wanted to give Jiang Luan a trick to make her go crazy for a lifetime, so as to hit Mo Qingxuan, but Shi Mingyang pleaded for mercy, saying that he loved her." Go to Jiang Luan and ask Grandpa Shi to let her go. How could Grandpa Shi let Jiang's family go, and let him exchange Jiang Luan's relatives in the end."

The blood on Jiang Luan's face faded instantly.

Wu Miaoke still said: "Shi Mingyang chose to use Jiang Luan's mother, Bai Ge, as a substitute. In order to find out Bai Ge's birthday, he slept with Li Ruiqing. What, for Shi Mingyang's sake, she really found out about Bai Ge's birth date, and when she went to Jiang's house, she made Bai Ge drink the things Grandpa Shi ordered."

The air in the office seemed to be suddenly sucked out.

For a moment, there was only the sound of breathing in the silence.

The hatred in Jiang Luan's heart seemed to break through her reason, she clenched her fingers tightly, and the nails of the other hand held by Mo Qingxuan dug deep into his palm.

Mo Qingxuan's eyebrows frowned lightly, bloodthirsty coldness flashed in his eyes, and his heart tightened momentarily when he saw the pale snow-white face of the woman beside him.

There was a voice in Jiang Luan's heart saying that she was the one who harmed her mother. If it wasn't for her, her mother would not have been crazy for more than four years. At this moment, she hated Shi Mingyang!
"Then Chen Qihai's death a while ago, was Shi Yushan also responsible for it?"

Chu Huan was a little surprised that Shi Mingyang really liked Jiang Luan, and even begged Shi Yushan for her. She thought about it before continuing to ask.

Wu Miaoke sneered, as if very proud: "Of course it's Grandpa Shi. Four years ago, Grandpa Shi was seriously injured. He came out after four years of retreat. After learning that Jiang Luan destroyed the revenge organization he worked so hard to build, Grandpa Shi finally decided to get rid of it." He lost Jiang Luan, so he spent money to buy a killer."

"It's a pity that the killer's marksmanship was inaccurate. Jiang Luan was rescued by Mo Qingxuan. Later, Shi Mingyang went back and begged Grandpa Shi to let Jiang Luan go. Grandpa Shi asked him to follow the old rules and use Jiang Luan's closest relative Come change."

"Shi Mingyang chose Ah Xuan?"

Chu Huan asked, his voice was as cold as ice.

"Yes, Shi Mingyang chose Mo Qingxuan. He said that once Mo Qingxuan died, the Mo family would be finished. In fact, it was just his selfishness. He wanted to get rid of his rival in love, so that he could get Jiang Luan."

"So, Chen Qihai's death was actually caused by Shi Mingyang, so why did he solve the case in the end?"

Chu Huan stared at Wu Miaoke coldly, Shi Mingyang almost hurt Ah Xuan.

Wu Miaoke's eyes flashed cold, and her face became a little ferocious because of hatred. She gritted her teeth and said, "It's not all because of that bitch Jiang Luan. He will definitely be ruined, but when Jiang Luan approached him that day, he regretted it, not only did not take the opportunity to let Mo Qingxuan face the life lawsuit, but also promised Gong Luan to help solve the case."

Wu Miao wished she could eat Jiang Luan's flesh and drink her blood. She had several chances to get rid of Jiang Luan, but was stopped by Shi Mingyang. He even threw his father's hatred to nine for that woman. Night outside the clouds.

"The white pigeon jumping off the building is also Shi Yushan's masterpiece?"

Although Chu Huan was asking Wu Miaoke, his words were affirmative.

She remembered that Luan'er had told her that Shi Mingyang disapproved of her mother's surgery, and that she was asked to wake her mother up with family affection. Combined with what Wu Miaoke said just now, Shi Mingyang should have planned to relieve Baige's head for Luan'er. surgery.

Wu Miaoke snorted coldly, and said through gritted teeth: "Shi Mingyang actually begged for Jiang Luan, and begged Grandpa Shi to let her mother go, let go of their mother and daughter, and said that the person who killed his father was Chu Huan, Jiang Luan, and Jiang Luan." Bo, and Black Eagle, he will take revenge on them. But Grandpa Shi didn’t promise to make Baige get better at all, he wanted to make his own decisions and solved Baige’s head-down technique, luckily I overheard.”

(End of this chapter)

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