Chapter 104 Kidnapping
Mo Qingxuan's eyes burst out sharply, as if a knife was about to tear Wu Miaoke's body into pieces, she dared to say 'fortunately she heard'.

Beside him, Jiang Luan gradually calmed down when he heard this, but stared at Wu Miaoke with cold eyes like ice knives.

"It was I who told Grandpa Shi that he cast a spell and made Baige jump off the building. Unfortunately, he didn't fall to his death, and let her get her life back. But I will not let Jiang Luan go. The more Shi Mingyang loves her, the more I want her." She dies."

Killing intent flashed across Wu Miaoke's eyes, but was soon replaced by other emotions, and said with a sneer, "I must die for Jiang Luan, because Li Ruiqing, an idiot, was taken advantage of by me, and she also hates Jiang Luan, hates her for robbing her love man."

When Jiang Lu came home from get off work, she went to the supermarket halfway, thinking about buying some of her sister's favorite dishes.

She pushed the shopping cart through the rows of shelves, bought some things she needed first, then went to the vegetable area and the seafood area, and bought some favorites of her sister and mother, as well as her own favorite ingredients .

While paying the bill, I ran into Shi Mingyang by chance.

"Xiaolu, are you alone?"

Shi Mingyang took the initiative to greet her, but Jiang Lu had been prejudiced against him because of the previous incident, so she responded coldly, and pushed the shopping cart to change to a cash register.

Shi Mingyang wanted to ask something else, but seeing that she didn't want to talk to him, he gave up the idea of ​​asking again.

Jiang Lu paid the bill and came out with her bag. In the parking lot, when she opened the car door and was about to get in the car, the door next to her suddenly opened, and two men jumped out, one stepped forward and covered her mouth, and the other helped her into the car car.

She was defenseless, and she didn't even call for help. The car door slammed shut, and two strange and frightening faces greeted her...


The man got into the car and didn't let her go, he still covered her mouth tightly, the other got into the driver's seat, started the car and left.

"Jiang Lu!"

Shi Mingyang ran to the parking lot, and the two who arrested Jiang Lu had already driven away.When paying the bill just now, the cash register where Jiang Lu lined up was earlier, so he walked behind her.

As soon as I got out of the supermarket, I happened to see the direction of the parking lot. A woman was pulled into the car by two men, and that girl was Jiang Lu.

Shi Mingyang looked startled, and ran to the parking lot, but he was still one step too late, the car was already on the road, and it was a car without a license plate number.

In the car, Jiang Lu heard the cry. She wanted to call for help, but her mouth was tightly covered, and she couldn't cry out at all. All she made was a 'woo-woo' sound.

Shi Mingyang quickly got into the car, started the car, and fastened his seat belt while reversing.He was a little far away just now, and he couldn't see clearly who bound Jiang Lu.

But thinking that she is A Luan's younger sister, if she is hurt, A Luan will definitely be sad, so he didn't even hesitate, and drove after her.

In Jing'an Hospital, under Chu Huan's control, Wu Miaoke confessed everything verbatim.

Even, including Shi Yushan's next plan, how he wants to kill the Mo family, Jiang family, and Black Eagle...

Jiang Luan's eyelids suddenly twitched, she frowned, seeing that Wu Miaoke had almost finished explaining, she took out her phone and turned it on.

Before entering the office, in order not to disturb Chu Huan halfway, their cell phones were all turned off.

After hearing what Wu Miaoke had finished speaking, Chu Huan put away her super powers to restore her will. Wu Miaoke gradually came to her senses, her eyes touched the people on the sofa, and her face turned pale.

Although her mind was controlled just now, she said everything she should have said, but when she woke up, she could clearly remember what she said just now.

Her eyes were almost horrified at Chu Huan, Mo Jinxiu, and when she looked at Jiang Luan again, they turned into intense hatred, and her voice was sharp and flustered: "What did you do to me just now?"

While speaking, she stood up abruptly from the sofa.

"I didn't do anything to you, just let you tell what you know, Wu Miaoke, it's too late for you to realize it now, but if you are willing to cooperate, your mother may be saved."

Mo Qingxuan looked at Wu Miaoke sharply, and the voice that overflowed from his thin lips was as sharp as ice skates, Wu Miaoke's body froze suddenly when he spoke.

The color on his face was paler than before.

Although she knew that she had said something she shouldn't have said, when Mo Qingxuan pointed it out, she was suddenly terrified.

If Grandpa Shi knew what she just said, he would definitely not let her go. Thinking of this, her body trembled uncontrollably.

Chu Huan took her emotions into his eyes and reminded: "Wu Miaoke, think about it carefully. Even if you don't cooperate with us now, Shi Yushan will not let you go. Think about it yourself."

Wu Miaoke's eyes flashed with hesitation, she was about to say something when Jiang Luan's cell phone rang suddenly.

Seeing the incoming call, Jiang Luan's expression changed slightly. Next to him, Mo Qingxuan's eyes turned cold, and his thin lips were pursed into a cold straight line. He watched Jiang Luan press the answer button, but he did not stop him after all.

"Hey, Senior Shi!"

Jiang Luan spoke in a faint voice, and Wu Miao, who was standing next to her, heard her call 'Senior Shi', his face changed suddenly, and the hatred in Jiang Luan's eyes pierced his bones.

He didn't hear what Shi Mingyang said on the other end of the phone, but Jiang Luan turned pale and stood up from the sofa, as if he couldn't believe his words: "Senior Shi, what did you say?"

Beside him, Mo Qingxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Jiang Luan with deep eyes.

Shi Mingyang on the other end of the phone said it again, the sound of cars and horns could be heard on the phone, Jiang Luan's face turned paler, bit his lips tightly, and asked: "Senior Shi, where are you now?"

"Well, I'll rush over right away."

"Luaner, what happened?"

Mo Qingxuan stood up and grabbed Jiang Luan.

"Xiaolu has been kidnapped. Senior Shi is now chasing that car. He said that the car is heading towards the suburbs. Ah Xuan, I must hurry there now."

The color of Mo Qingxuan's eyes changed slightly. Compared to her worry, he was still calm and calm, and said softly:

"Don't worry, call the police station first and let Li Lianbin order to intercept it. Also, call Xiaolu to see if Shi Mingyang is lying. I will go with you."

Jiang Luan nodded. Although she was worried about Xiaolu's safety, she still maintained her rationality. Shi Mingyang also told her on the phone to ask Director Li to order to intercept her.

In this way, he must not have lied.

"Luan'er, did Shi Mingyang say where Xiaolu was kidnapped?"

Chu Huan and Mo Jinxiu also stood up. When they heard that Xiaolu had an accident, they were both worried.

"In the parking lot of Tiantian Supermarket."

Jiang Luan answered simply, and dialed Bureau Li's number. Hearing this, Chu Huan turned to look at Mo Jinxiu. He understood what she meant, nodded, took out his mobile phone, and strode out of the office.

"Ah Xuan, you go with Luan'er. Your father and I will go to Tiantian Supermarket to check the surveillance, and see if we can find traces of who kidnapped Xiaolu."

"Could it be Shi Yushan?"

A cold light flashed in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, and they shot at Wu Miaoke coldly.

"No, Grandpa Shi is not in good health these days and is recuperating. He didn't say anything."

Wu Miaoke was shocked by Mo Qingxuan's sharp eyes, and blurted out the words without even thinking about it.

Seeing that Wu Miao could deny it, Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan left without further delay, and Chu Huan spoke to Wu Miaoke again before leaving.

Mo Qingxuan was worried that Jiang Luan was too anxious and driving unsafely, so he assumed the role of driver and let Jiang Luan take the passenger seat.

As the Maybach was on the road, he turned to look at Jiang Luan, who was frowning tightly, and comforted him softly: "Luaner, don't worry, Xiaolu will be fine."

Jiang Luan's frowning brows could not be relaxed, his mind was spinning, and he quickly analyzed who might be the person who would kidnap Xiaolu?

There are two reasons. The first is the person who resents Xiaolu, and the second is the person who tied Xiaolu up to endanger them. Thinking of something, she immediately turned to Mo Qingxuan and asked, "Ah Xuan, tell me, will it be possible?" It's Pei Ruosang, she must hate Xiaolu because of what happened a few times ago."

A sharp flash flashed in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, his thoughts turned slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "This possibility cannot be ruled out, because of Ziqian, she was resentful towards Xiaolu, and she hurt her face last time, if it disfigures her face and leaves scars And so on, that will make you hate Xiaolu even more."

"I'll call and ask Pei Beichuan."

While talking, Jiang Luan took out her mobile phone and dialed Pei Beichuan's number.

The phone rang several times, but no one answered. Jiang Luan stared at the phone impatiently. Next to her, Mo Qingxuan took her emotions into his eyes, freed up a hand, and gently held her hand that was not holding the phone. .

The small hands were wrapped in the man's dry and warm palms, and Jiang Luan's anxiety permeated with warmth, and the irritability gradually calmed down. Just when the phone was about to hang up automatically, the call was finally picked up. Pei Beichuan The voice came through the radio waves, with a hoarse voice, as if he had just woken up: "Hello!"

"Pei Beichuan, my sister Xiaolu has been kidnapped, ask Pei Ruosang if she did it."

(End of this chapter)

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