Chapter 105 It would be better if she died

On the other end of the phone, after hearing her words, Pei Beichuan's drowsiness disappeared without a trace. He turned over and got out of bed, and asked repeatedly, "Jiang Lu was kidnapped?"

Jiang Luan simply explained: "Yes, just half an hour ago, she was kidnapped. I think Pei Ruosang is very suspicious. She had troubled Xiaolu in public before, and went up to Cheng Ziqian. Drugs... where is she now?"

"She has been recuperating at home for the past few days and has never gone out. I will ask and call you later."

Pei Beichuan thought for a while and said.

After hanging up the phone, Pei Beichuan immediately walked out of the room, came to the door of Pei Ruosang's room, raised his hand and knocked on the door: "Ruosang!"

Two minutes later, the door opened from the inside. Pei Ruosang was standing listlessly in his pajamas. His wavy hair was a little messy. He looked like he had just woken up. go inside.

Pei Beichuan's eyes darkened, he stepped in, stared at Pei Ruosang's back and said, "Jiang Lu has been kidnapped!"

Hearing this, Pei Ruosang, who was walking in front, stiffened slightly, but in an instant, she returned to normal. She turned her head, stared at him for a second, and suddenly sneered:

"Jiang Lu was kidnapped? This is really an eye opener. When was she kidnapped?"

Pei Beichuan narrowed his eyes sharply, looked at Pei Ruosang sharply, and asked in a deep voice, "Is it Jiang Lu who you asked someone to kidnap?"

"Pei Beichuan, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm still your sister after all. You've warned me over and over again for other women. Now you're still doubting me. Why do you say that I kidnapped Jiang Lu? I haven't even opened the gate these days. I have been out, I have been listening to your words, and I am reflecting at home!"

Pei Ruosang glared at Pei Beichuan angrily. He was really her good brother. For Mo Qingran, he would protect even the cats and dogs related to her.

Pei Beichuan looked at her with a stern expression, "You have always hated Jiang Lu, you must have resentment in your heart when you failed to drug Cheng Ziqian before, I am your brother, I know who you are, if you find someone to kidnap Jiang Lu, there is still time to stop now, otherwise, no one will be able to protect you."

She really thought that Jiang Lu was so easy to bully, even if the Jiang family didn't say anything after Jiang Bo's death, the Mo family still protected them, and the Cheng family, the Jian family and the Qiao family all turned towards them, so she couldn't afford to provoke her .

Pei Ruosang said angrily, "I said it wasn't me. You are so worried about her. If you don't hurry to find her, why are you still standing here with me? Get out, I don't have a brother like you!"

As she said, she really stepped forward to push Pei Beichuan, wanting to push him out of the room. Pei Beichuan's eyes turned cold, and he grabbed her wrist. His deep eyes scanned her mobile phone on the small table beside the bed, and threw her away. hands, and strode towards the bed.

"Pei Beichuan, what are you doing, give me back my phone!"

Pei Ruosang was thrown and took a step back. Seeing Pei Beichuan go to get her cell phone, panic flashed in her eyes, and she rushed to snatch it back.

"Let me see your call log."

Pei Beichuan raised his arm and unlocked it, but because of the password set on her mobile phone, he couldn't unlock it after two or three attempts.

Just now when he said 'Jiang Lu has been kidnapped', she froze for a moment, and he, who was penetrating into the subtleties, discovered something.

"What's the password?"

He asked in a serious tone, how could Pei Ruosang tell him, she snorted coldly, and was about to mock him, when the phone in Pei Beichuan's hand suddenly vibrated, and then the ringtone rang.

"Pei Beichuan, give it back to me!"

Pei Ruosang's face turned pale, and she rushed to grab the phone even more frantically. Seeing that Pei Beichuan raised the phone above her head, but she couldn't grab it, her heart sank, she lowered her head and bit down on his arm.

Pei Beichuan frowned. Not only did he not return the phone to her, but he pressed the answer button directly. The slight sound of the button pierced into his ears. Pei Ruosang froze and looked at the phone in his hand with a pale face.

For a moment, forget to react!
I only heard a man's voice coming from the phone: "Miss Pei, we are being followed, what should we do now."

The last trace of blood faded from Pei Ruosang's face, Pei Beichuan's sharp gaze cut across her body like a knife, and he ordered in a deep voice to the phone: "Release Jiang Lu immediately!"

Pei Beichuan's voice brought back Pei Ruosang's rationality, and the resentment in her heart was burning like a raging fire. She seemed to be going all out, anyway, it was already known. Never again.

"Don't let Jiang Lu go, get rid of those who follow you, and take her to the place agreed before."

Pei Ruosang yelled into the phone, but her voice was interrupted by a loud slap on the face, her body uncontrollably turned to the side, her face felt burning pain.

The person who beat her was of course Pei Beichuan. He was staring at her with eyes that were about to kill someone. The person on the other end of the phone didn't know what to do for a moment. Pei Beichuan didn't care to clean up Pei Ruosang first, and warned the kidnapper on the other end of the phone:

"Listen to me, release Jiang Lu right away. As long as she is intact, I will pay you the money Pei Ruosang promised you before. If you dare to hurt her even a little, I will make you pay back ten times and a hundred times."

"We... ah..."

I don't know if it's because Pei Beichuan's voice is too frightening, or because the two kidnappers were scared out of their wits by Shi Mingyang's pursuit. Although they had already left Shi Mingyang far behind on the road just now, they were afraid that he would catch up at any time, so they didn't know what to do. When I was doing it, I forgot to look at the road and ran into a large truck turning from the intersection.

On the other end of the phone, there was first a man's exclamation, and then the sound of two cars colliding, which rang through the radio waves in the room. Pei Beichuan's face changed in shock, and he instinctively said "Hello" twice. Unfortunately, the call ended Cut it off now!
He turned on the speakerphone just now, and Pei Ruosang naturally heard the voice on the phone. After being stunned for a moment, she suddenly laughed loudly. The cheek that was slapped was still red and swollen, and the other cheek was bumped. The scar hasn't healed yet, her hair is disheveled, and she looks grinning for no reason, "There was a car accident, haha, that's great, Jiang Lu must have been hit to death!"

Pei Beichuan's handsome facial features were covered with frost, and he stared sharply at Pei Ruosang who was smiling happily. He really wanted to slap her twice to wake her up, but the most important thing now was to know Jiang Lu's Condition.

He grabbed her shoulders angrily and shook: "Pei Ruosang, tell me, where are they now?"

Pei Ruosang's shoulder hurt from being grabbed by him, his brows were tightly frowned, and he said stiffly: "I don't know, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you."

"If something happens to Jiang Lu, you will never be free for the rest of your life!"

Pei Beichuan roared angrily, she is so stupid, she kidnapped Jiang Lu, didn't she know that she would be held legally responsible?
Pei Ruosang's complexion changed. He was so angry with Pei Beichuan that he lost his mind just now, and because he hated Jiang Lu too much, he really forgot. If he finds out...

Thinking of this, she trembled violently. She planned to kidnap Jiang Lu for a long time, and thought it was perfect. How could she know that Pei Beichuan would receive a call. She suddenly became flustered, and the redness and swelling on her face faded to white in an instant. , said in a flustered voice:

"I don't know where they are either. Didn't that person say on the phone that someone was following them?"

Pei Beichuan woke up with a start, glared at her bitterly, and said, "You are not allowed to go anywhere", turned and ran out of the room.

After talking on the phone with Pei Beichuan, Jiang Luan and Pei Beichuan called Cheng Ziqian, and then had another phone call with Shi Mingyang, and when he heard that he lost the car at the intersection, she immediately hung up.

The phone was tightly held in his hand.

When Pei Beichuan's phone rang, she immediately pressed the answer button and asked anxiously, "Pei Beichuan, have you asked Pei Ruosang yet?"

"Ah Luan, Jiang Lu had a car accident!"

On the other end of the phone, Pei Beichuan's voice was full of worry and eagerness. In Jiang Luan's ears, her face turned pale, "How do you know, where is Xiaolu?"

"I don't know where. I just received a call from the kidnappers. Then, I heard the sound of a car crashing. They said that someone had been following them. I thought it was you."

"It was Pei Ruosang who did it, right?"

Jiang Luan asked angrily, she was really angry, that vicious woman Pei Ruosang, she likes Cheng Ziqian, Cheng Ziqian doesn't like her, what's the matter with Xiaolu, but she kidnapped Xiaolu viciously.

Before Pei Beichuan could answer, he hung up the phone, dialed Shi Mingyang again, and told him that Xiaolu's car might have been in an accident.

"I saw it!"

Although Shi Mingyang lost some distance after chasing him, he did not chase in the wrong direction.

"it is good!"

Beside him, Mo Qingxuan listened to the conversation between her and Shi Mingyang. Seeing her worried face, he couldn't help comforting her softly: "Luan'er, don't worry, Xiaolu will be fine."

After a slight pause, he added: "You sit down, I'll drive faster."

After finishing speaking, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the Maybach headed towards the direction of Xiaolu's car accident at a high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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