Chapter 106 Don't be polite to me
"Ah Xuan, there is a traffic jam!"

When Jiang Luan saw the long car queue ahead, Jiang Luan's heart sank suddenly.

Before the Maybach came to a complete stop, Jiang Luan opened the car door and jumped off, running towards the scene of the car accident ahead at a speed of [-] meters. Take, get out of the car and catch up.

The scene of the car accident was full of people, and the police had just arrived.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Jiang Luan yelled loudly, pushed through the crowd and squeezed in, just in time to see Shi Mingyang carrying Jiang Lu out from the back row. There was blood oozing from her forehead, and she had already passed out.

"Senior Shi, how is my sister?"

Jiang Luan's face turned pale, and her voice was tinged with a tremolo. She stepped forward quickly, looked at Jiang Lu in Shi Mingyang's arms, and even held her breath.

Shi Mingyang frowned slightly. When he saw Jiang Luan, he didn't stop. He walked out of the crowd with Jiang Lu in his arms, and said, "She bumped her head. Fortunately, the kidnappers next to her blocked her. However, I opened the When I got to the car door, I was already unconscious."

"let me see!"

Mo Qingxuan followed closely behind, came in from the crowd, walked up to Shi Mingyang, stretched out his hand to check Jiang Lu's breathing, and observed her injury, stretched out his hand to hug Jiang Lu, and said to Jiang Luan: "Luaner , Xiaolu's life will not be in danger, she just hit her head and suffered some concussion, take her back to the hospital first."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the two cars that collided a few meters away. The front half of the black car almost got under the truck, and the police were trying to get the people in the front row out.

When Jiang Luan heard that Xiaolu needed immediate surgery, and seeing him turn his head to look at the car, Jiang Luan hurriedly said, "Forget about the kidnapper, the important thing is to send Xiaolu back to the hospital."

"it is good!"

Mo Qingxuan nodded and walked away.

"Aluan, wait a minute."

Seeing Mo Qingxuan holding Jiang Lu in his arms, Shi Mingyang turned and left, and Jiang Luan followed suit, without saying a word to him, so he had to stop her.

Jiang Luan turned her head, looked at Shi Mingyang, remembered Wu Miaoke's "confession" in the afternoon, her eyes changed slightly, and said calmly, "Senior Shi, thank you for today's matter."

Shi Mingyang frowned, and said softly: "You don't have to be so polite with me, there is a kidnapper who is still alive, don't you ask him who kidnapped Xiaolu?"

The kidnapper who was driving in front must be dead. The man holding Jiang Lu in the back seat was still alive, not even unconscious. When he carried Jiang Lu out just now, he was still moaning in pain.

Mo Qingxuan walked out of the crowd, and seeing that Jiang Luan was not following, he turned his head and glanced in that direction. Seeing her and Shi Mingyang talking, he pursed his lips and walked quickly towards his car.

Jiang Luan was about to leave, but upon hearing Shi Mingyang's words, her eyes flickered, her thoughts turned slightly, and she said flatly, "That person must have been injured too, so I can't ask anything now."

"Then take him to the hospital first, wait for the ambulance to come, maybe he's dead."

After Shi Mingyang's words fell, the kidnapper was removed from the carriage by two police officers. He was obviously hit badly too. Like Jiang Luan, his head was bleeding, and one arm was drooping, as if broken.

"A Luan, my car is over there, take him to the hospital first!"

After Shi Mingyang finished speaking, he stepped forward and said a few words to the two policemen, basically telling them that he and Jiang Luan were also policemen, and asked the two policemen to hand over the kidnappers to him and Jiang Luan.

Jiang Luan was still worried about Jiang Lu, who was being held by Mo Qingxuan, and followed Shi Mingyang out of the crowd. She looked over the long car queue and saw Mo Qingxuan getting into the car. The next second, her cell phone rang.

"Hey, Xuan, you take Xiaolu back to the hospital first, Senior Shi and I will also send the living kidnapper to the hospital, and we will have witnesses later."

"it is good!"

Mo Qingxuan simply answered and cut off the phone.

On the way back to the hospital, Jiang Luan called her mother, Bai Ge. Before, she didn't dare to tell her mother because she was worried, but now that Xiaolu was injured, she could no longer hide it.

After talking on the phone with her mother, Jiang Luan called Cheng Ziqian again and told him that Xiaolu had been found and asked him to go to the hospital.

"Aluan, do you know who kidnapped Xiaolu?"

In the driver's seat, Shi Mingyang looked at Jiang Luan from the rearview mirror while driving. He didn't know if it was his illusion. He felt that the way Jiang Luan looked at him today was a little weird.

It seemed that she was trying to hold back some emotions. With her personality, she should thank him for saving Xiaolu today, but when she said thank you, her tone was very stiff, as if she clearly hated him, but she wanted to pretend .

Yes, it is hate!
Thinking of this, his heart skipped a beat, his eyes sank, and his hand holding the steering wheel tightened quietly.

Jiang Luan had just finished making the phone call, and when she heard Shi Mingyang's words, her face changed again, and her voice was tinged with anger: "It's Pei Ruosang, a woman who likes Cheng Ziqian, and because Ziqian likes Xiaolu, she viciously thinks of her Lu's death is really abominable."

Mentioning Pei Ruosang made Jiang Luan think of Li Ruiqing. She had always regarded Li Ruiqing as a friend, but because of Shi Mingyang, Li Ruiqing not only harmed her mother, but also wanted her life!
"Pei Ruosang? Is it Pei Beichuan's younger sister?"

Although Shi Mingyang is not from City A, he has been in City A for several years and is a lawyer, so he naturally knows Pei Beichuan, the president of the Pei family.

"Well, it's her."

Jiang Luan nodded, her fair face was condensed with a layer of coldness, she would not let Pei Ruosang go, she must be punished as she deserved.

Jing'an Hospital, less than 10 minutes after Mo Qingxuan took Xiaolu back to the hospital, Shi Mingyang and Jiang Luan also brought the kidnapper to the hospital.

Just as the injured kidnapped the cart, Shi Mingyang's cell phone rang. He glanced at the incoming call, but he didn't answer it immediately, but said to Jiang Luan who was looking at him, "Ah Luan, go see Xiaolu first. , I'll answer the phone and go in to find you."

Jiang Luan glanced at the mobile phone in his hand, nodded, said good, turned around, and walked towards the hospital.

Seeing her walk a few steps, Shi Mingyang picked up the phone and called softly, "Grandpa!"

"Ming Yang, without telling me, Wu Miao took her mother to Jing'an Hospital in City A to ask Mo Qingxuan to perform an operation on her mother. Has she contacted you?"

Shi Mingyang's eyes changed, he shook his head subconsciously, remembering that his grandfather couldn't see him through the phone, he quickly said, "No, I don't know, when did she come?"

He had warned her last time, not to bring her mother to City A, and not to provoke Mo Qingxuan.

She actually brought her mother to City A behind her grandfather's back?
"I left this morning... who are you?"

The voice piercing the eardrum changed suddenly. Shi Mingyang was startled when he heard the words, and asked worriedly, "Grandpa, what happened?"

"Are you one of the people who killed Ah Shi back then, and now the head of MIE, Black Eagle?"

Shi Yushan did not answer Shi Mingyang, but told him indirectly what happened by questioning.

Shi Mingyang's expression changed a few times in an instant, he was as shrewd as him, and after a few conversations between Shi Yushan and Heiying, he probably knew that his grandfather had killed his former lover.

It was the old lady who saved Jiang Luan back then, and it was his grandfather who was too confident, so he left clues and people found him.

However, he wasn't worried about his grandfather, because his grandfather could teleport, and he could teleport away in a critical situation. As long as he wasn't seriously injured or physically exhausted, it wouldn't affect his escape.

What he is worried about now is that Wu Miaoke has been exposed. Thinking of the way Jiang Luan looked at him and her suppressed emotions just now, his heart froze again. Take her mother to Jing'an Hospital.

Just like what Mo Qingxuan said, Jiang Lu just had a concussion and was overly frightened in the car accident, so she passed out.

Mo Qingxuan took her back to the hospital, and she woke up, because his eyesight could replace those examination equipment, and she didn't need to do examination.

Mo Qingxuan opened a ward for her and let her rest. The small wound on her forehead was simply disinfected and bandaged.

Cheng Ziqian arrived at the hospital a few minutes later than Jiang Luan. When he rushed into the ward, Jiang Lu was resting on the bed, and Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan were standing in the ward.

"Xiaolu, are you okay?"

Cheng Ziqian came to the ward in a few steps, looked at her panting, and heard Mo Qingxuan next to her say that she was fine and just needed to rest for a few days. He said on the phone that the person who kidnapped her was Pei Ruosang, and his heart was filled with anger again.

Jiang Lu shook her head, her voice was a little weak because she was overly frightened: "I'm fine, Ziqian, why are you so hot?"

Cheng Ziqian raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and said unnaturally, "Just now the elevator was full of people, so I just ran up."

Jiang Lu's eyes widened in shock. She lived on the tenth floor.Looking at Cheng Ziqian, who was sweating profusely and blushing, she couldn't help feeling a little warm in her heart.

Next to him, Mo Qingxuan said softly, "Ziqian, since you're here, stay here with Xiaolu first, Luan'er and I still have some things to do, Luan'er, let's go!"

Jiang Luan also had the same intention, and let Ziqian and Xiaolu be alone. She smiled slightly at Shangmo Qingxuan's warm eyes, and replied softly, "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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