Chapter 109 Question 1
A trace of doubt appeared on Jiang Luan's eyebrows, and he followed Mo Qingxuan into the office, and asked with concern, "Ah Xuan, did something happen?"

While speaking, she raised her face slightly, and her Qinghong water eyes were fixed on him.

After entering the office, Mo Qingxuan slipped the hand that was holding her shoulders, took her hand instead, walked to the sofa and sat down, turned slightly sideways, looked at Jiang Luan and said, "Just now I received a call from Uncle Heiying. , saying that Shi Yushan has escaped."


Jiang Luan's clear eyes widened in astonishment, thinking of what Shi Mingyang said on the phone just now, even if Hei Ying brought the police, he would not be able to catch his grandfather, her heart sank hard.

Mo Qingxuan pursed his lips, and added: "Don't worry too much, Uncle Black Eagle will stay in W City for a while, Shi Yushan was injured, even if he uses teleportation to escape, he won't be able to go far.

"In addition to Shi Yushan's witchcraft, he spent more than ten years building that organization, which was wiped out by you a few days ago.
He has no other strength now, and he has become a master again.As a criminal, I think there will be no disturbances in a short time. "

Afraid that Jiang Luan would be worried, Mo Qingxuan comforted him with gentle words.

Jiang Luan frowned slightly, thought for a while, and told him, "Just now Shi Mingyang told me that Uncle Heiying couldn't catch his grandfather. I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't expect him to escape."

This time, Mo Qingxuan looked at Jiang Luan in astonishment, his half-closed eyes were sharp, and he stared at her probingly: "Luaner, what else did Shi Mingyang tell you?"

"He said that he had wanted to end his life of revenge a long time ago, and that he would no longer help his grandfather do evil things. He also asked me if I knew the details of that incident back then, and hoped that I would tell him."

A trace of coldness gathered in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, he snorted, and said, "Don't he know that it was his father who harmed others back then, so he deserved his death?"

Jiang Luan pursed her lips and said softly: "He probably didn't know. He was only two years older than us. He was still a child at the time. His grandfather only told him that it was my father, Aunt Chu, and Uncle Heiying. Several people killed his father and trained him as a tool for revenge."

Mo Qingxuan's pretty brows frowned, displeased that Jiang Luan spoke for Shi Mingyang, "Luan'er, don't you feel sorry for him, or think he is innocent? If he was really a good person, he wouldn't help Shi Yushan do those sinister things." Things."

"I didn't feel sorry for him, nor did I feel that he was innocent. Everyone should be responsible for their actions, and he is the same. Therefore, I didn't accept his apology, Ah Xuan. I was just thinking that he must know the whereabouts of his grandpa." .”

Mo Qingxuan's face changed, and he said disapprovingly: "You think he will betray his grandfather, Luan'er, don't be stupid!"

Jiang Luan opened her mouth, but she couldn't refute. She didn't know if Shi Mingyang would betray his grandfather, but what he said just now didn't seem fake.

"The matter of Chen Qihai before was inextricably related to Shi Mingyang. Although he was not the direct murderer of Jiang's death, he participated in all the incidents and cannot escape legal sanctions."

"But we have no evidence now."

Jiang Luan frowned. The law is about evidence. If they can't produce evidence, even if they know, they can't do anything to Shi Mingyang. Besides, Shi Mingyang and Shi Yushan have nothing to do with the law.

Back then, when Shi Yushan planned to take revenge, he did those things well. In the eyes of the world, "Shi Mingyang" had already died more than 20 years ago!

"Maybe, I can find Li Ruiqing."

Jiang Luan suddenly said that Li Ruiqing and Shi Mingyang got close and were involved in some things, so she must know something inside.

"If you go to Li Ruiqing, it's better to go to Li Lianbin and let him exert pressure, which is more effective than us going to Li Ruiqing directly."

Mo Qingxuan calmly analyzed that because of Shi Mingyang's relationship, Li Ruiqing had resentment towards Luan'er, and now that it was exposed, she might not cooperate, but Li Lianbin was different.

Jiang Luan nodded and said, "Okay, I will follow what you said."

"I'm going to call!"

Mo Qingxuan said lightly, took out his mobile phone and called Li Lianbin, and when Mo Qingxuan asked him to invite him to dinner, Li Lianbin agreed without saying a word.

The time is about eight o'clock in the evening. Now, it's only 06:30, which is still early.

Seeing Mo Qingxuan put away his phone, Jiang Luan asked softly, "Do you want some water? I'll pour you a glass."

As she spoke, she was about to stand up.

Mo Qingxuan grabbed her hand with a little force, and she was pulled back to sit on the sofa when she just stood up. He chuckled and said, "Sit down, I'll help you down."

"it is good!"

Jiang Luan smiled and didn't fight him.

Mo Qingxuan poured her a glass of water from his glass, returned to the sofa and sat down, unscrewed the lid of the glass considerately, and handed it to Jiang Luan.

After drinking the water, Jiang Luan remembered the encounter with Pei Beichuan in the corridor just now, and the question Ran Ran asked herself. She felt the need to talk to him, handed him the cup, and said, "Ah Xuan, just now, Pei Beichuan Beichuan came to the hospital."

Mo Qingxuan took the cup and didn't care what she had just drank. He raised his head and took a sip before screwing on the lid. Hearing her words, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and a layer of indifference appeared on his handsome face: "What is he doing here?" ?”

"He wants to talk to me about Pei Ruosang finding someone to kidnap Xiaolu. Maybe he wants to keep us private."

Hearing this, Mo Qingxuan snorted coldly with disdain: "He's dreaming, Pei Ruosang almost killed Xiaolu, and he dared to do it privately."

The anger on Mo Qingxuan's face intensified. Although he had no affection for Jiang Lu, he loved her as a younger sister since he was a child. Especially during the few years when Luan'er was away, Xiao Lu was considered One of his spiritual pillars.

Pei Ruosang hurt Xiaolu, how could he not be angry.

Jiang Luan understood Mo Qingxuan's mood. Seeing him angry, she stretched out her hand and gently grabbed his fingers. Mo Qingxuan looked down at her holding her hand and met her gaze. The coldness in her eyes gradually disappeared. A trace of warmth floated up.

"Ah Xuan, I didn't agree to Pei Beichuan, and it was impossible for me to agree to him. At that time, he happened to go upstairs with Ran Ran. When Ran Ran found out that his sister had hired someone to kidnap Xiao Lu, she drove him away angrily. "

"Ran Ran?"

Mo Qingxuan narrowed his eyes deeply. Although he deleted Ran Ran's memory, he was still a little worried, fearing that she would remember Pei Beichuan again one day. After all, not everyone can't get their memory back after deleting it.

At the beginning, his father forgot about his mother, but later he also remembered it, but it was a memory retrieved through surgery.

As shrewd as he is, when Luaner mentioned Ranran, he was keenly aware of the strangeness. She grabbed her big hand and turned it over. He held her hand in his palm, looked at her fixedly and asked, "Luaner, Did Pei Beichuan say something to Ran Ran, or did Ran Ran suspect something?"

"I haven't said it yet, how did you know?"

Jiang Luan asked back, thinking in her heart, in front of him, she became more and more transparent.

Mo Qingxuan hooked his lips and said, "If I didn't even know what you were thinking, you would have been cheated away by other men for so many years."

Jiang Luan frowned, what are these words, is it related to her topic just now?
"Pei Beichuan didn't say anything to Ranran. He probably knew that nothing he said was useless. So, he kept acting as a stranger, but Ranran just asked me if I knew Pei Beichuan very well. Why didn't I say hello to him in the cemetery that day, when did I meet Pei Beichuan, why didn't she know him?"

"So many questions, this is in line with that girl's character."

Mo Qingxuan couldn't help smiling, that girl Ran Ran has such a personality, she always has a bunch of questions.

"Then how did you answer?"

Jiang Luan frowned, pouted her mouth and said, "I didn't answer. My mother happened to be here, so I went to the ward with her. No, I said I needed to find you, so I ran away."

"Just tell the truth, Ran Ran is so smart, the more you lie to her, the more she will be suspicious, anyway, she doesn't remember Pei Beichuan."

"All right!"

Jiang Luan nodded, thinking to herself, what would happen if Ran Ran remembered Pei Beichuan one day.

Jiang Lu's ward was very lively.

The people who came to visit her surrounded the room, Jian Xuan, the brothers and sisters of the Qiao family, Li Jin and others all came.

As soon as Qiao Yixun came in, she rushed to the hospital bed, took Jiang Lu's hand and gave a sincere speech. At the end, she looked up at Li Jin who was standing beside her, and said emotionally, "President, I want to stay with Xiaolu, She must have been very frightened, can I ask Secretary Li to accompany you to the banquet tonight? Or, let Sister Ranran go for me!"

As she spoke, she cast a look at Mo Qingran asking for help again. Li Jin's eyes darkened, his thin lips were pursed, and he ignored her.

She has been obedient these days since she came back, and has been exploited by him without complaint. There is a banquet tonight. Before coming, he notified her and asked her to attend.

Mo Qingran couldn't bear to receive Qiao Yixun's eyes asking for help, and then saw that Li Jin's expression was calm, and he clearly didn't speak, but there was an invisible majesty spreading out.

"If Ah Jin doesn't dislike it, I'm fine. Anyway, I'm going to the banquet tonight."

After returning to China, she rested for two days before returning to work in the company. She happened to be attending the banquet tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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