Chapter 110 Question 2
"Of course Brother Jin won't dislike it, right? Brother Jin, Sister Ranran is so beautiful, no amount of men can be her boyfriend."

Qiao Yixun immediately flattered and said that she just wanted to take this opportunity to have a good night's rest, facing Li Jin every day, even going to work on Sunday, she felt that she was going crazy if she continued like this!
Li Jin stared at her for a few seconds, as if he was thinking about it. After a while, he said without emotion: "Since you care about Xiaolu so much, you will stay here with her tonight, and you are not allowed to go anywhere. After the banquet is over, I will come back!"

"Of course, my purpose tonight is to stay with Xiaolu, and I will definitely not go anywhere."

Qiao Yixun nodded like pounding garlic.

Li Jin took a deep look at her, turned his head, and said to Mo Qingran, "Ranran, let's go!"

"Okay, you take me home first, I have to change clothes!"

Mo Qingran nodded with a smile, gave Jiang Lu some instructions, and left the ward with Li Jin.

Seeing Li Jin leave the ward, Qiao Yixun let out a long breath with a bright smile on his face.

"Yi Xun, seeing how promising you are, won't you resist and be eaten to death by Brother Jin?"

Jian Xuan curled her lips and looked at Qiao Yixun with contempt. Hearing this, Qiao Yixun stopped the bright smile on his face and said angrily: "I'm not good-for-nothing, so you are good-for-nothing. Go and fight Li Jin." , if you win him, I will treat you to dinner!"

"I'm not interested in eating recently."

Jian Xuan stretched his arms and kicked his legs, and said lazily on purpose that he couldn't beat Li Jin, but he was afraid that if he won, he would lose face.

The two chatted together for a while, then Qiao Yixun started to chase people away: "You all go, I'll stay here with Xiaolu, what should you do."

Seeing that she really wanted to stay here with Xiao Lu, Cheng Ziqian didn't insist anymore, and said to Jiang Lu, "Xiao Lu, rest well, I'm leaving first, and I'll see you tomorrow."

Jiang Lu nodded, smiled at him and said, "You guys go, Yixun just stay with me."

When Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan arrived at the agreed restaurant, Li Lianbin had already arrived, and unexpectedly, he brought Li Ruiqing with him.

Seeing Li Ruiqing from a distance, Jiang Luan's eyes changed color, and beside him, Mo Qingxuan also had a flash of surprise on his face. He turned to look at Jiang Luan, and the palm around her waist tightened a bit.

Feeling his strength, Jiang Luan calmed down secretly, and smiled back at him, indicating that she was fine.

"Aluan, eldest son, you are here. I thought the two of you were romantic somewhere and forgot to invite my dad to dinner. I'm here tonight for dinner. You don't mind, do you?"

Li Ruiqing said with a smile that she didn't know that Wu Miaoke had already betrayed her.

Facing her enthusiasm and jokes, Jiang Luan just curled his lips lightly, not in the mood to deal with her, and Mo Qingxuan who was beside him also ignored Li Ruiqing's words, opened the chair for Jiang Luan, let her sit down, and Sit down next to her.

Being ignored by the two, Li Ruiqing smiled awkwardly and turned to look at her father.

Li Lianbin's eyes turned from Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan, his thoughts changed quickly, and he blamed his daughter, "Ruiqing, Xiao Jiang's sister was kidnapped this afternoon and almost had an accident, why are you still making fun of her and the eldest son?"

After the words fell, he asked Jiang Luan again with concern: "Xiao Jiang, how is your sister's situation? Is there nothing serious?"

Jiang Luan could ignore Li Ruiqing, but he would not ignore Li Lianbin. Li Lianbin was unaware of what Li Ruiqing did.She replied lightly: "It's nothing serious, it's just that I was frightened."

"Who kidnapped your sister, do you know?"

"It's a woman who regards her as a rival in love, because the boy that woman likes likes my sister, so she finds someone to kidnap my sister."

When Jiang Luan said this, she didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but she looked at Li Ruiqing lightly.

Li Ruiqing avoids Jiang Luan's eyes flickeringly. For some reason, she feels that Jiang Luan looks at her sharply. Her words seem to be meant for her.

"What kind of woman is so hateful, just because the person she likes likes your sister, she kills her like this?"

Li Lianbin's complexion changed, and a trace of gloom also penetrated into his tone.

Jiang Luan nodded, frowning slightly, and said in a helpless tone: "Yeah, I don't know what's going on with people nowadays, they do things that hurt nature and reason for a man who doesn't love him."

"A Luan, who is the woman you are talking about?"

Li Ruiqing kept listening. After being ignored by her just now, she didn't dare to speak. After listening for so long, she couldn't help asking again.

"Pei Ruosang!"

Jiang Luan replied indifferently, before she finished speaking, she looked at her with deeper eyes and asked, "Ruiqing, do you know Wu Miaoke?"

"Wu Miaoke? Who is it? I don't know him."

Li Ruiqing's eyes were flickering and she didn't dare to look directly into Jiang Luan's eyes, her heartbeat was suffocated by Jiang Luan's question, and she frantically denied it.

"Really, but Wu Miaoke said she knew you."

A gleam of coldness flashed in Jiang Luan's eyes. Originally, she wanted to put pressure on Li Ruiqing through Li Lianbin, but since she came, she asked her directly to see if she had any sophistry.

"Xiao Jiang, who is Wu Miao?"

Li Lianbin saw the problem from Jiang Luan's expression, and soon understood that Jiang Luan's intentional ignorance of Ruiqing just now might have something to do with the woman she was talking about now named 'Wu Miaoke'.

"Ruiqing, you said it, or I said it!"

Jiang Luan ignored Li Lianbin, and looked at Li Ruiqing coldly with cold eyes, and there was a terrific coldness in his words.

Li Ruiqing turned pale, looked at Mo Qingxuan who was sitting next to Jiang Luan, and met his cold eyes, her heart was suffocated again, and she stammered, "A Luan, I really don't want know."

She couldn't admit it, and told herself secretly, she must be calm, calm.She didn't believe that Wu Miaoke would tell Jiang Luan anything, she was very clear about Wu Miaoke's plan, she was using her hands to get rid of Jiang Luan.

Jiang Luan sneered, and said coldly: "Since you don't want to say it, then I'll make it."

Li Lianbin realized the seriousness of the problem, looked at Li Ruiqing seriously, and said seriously: "Ruiqing, did you do something, tell the truth quickly."

Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan invited him to dinner tonight, obviously for this matter.

Li Ruiqing was yelled at by her father, and her face turned paler. She looked at Jiang Luan and then at Mo Qingxuan, feeling more and more flustered. In the end, she couldn't bear Jiang Luan's indifferent eyes and Mo Qingxuan's indifference. Lie aura, said apologetically: "Aluan, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. That day, when you went to the pond where Jiang Shi drowned, I told Wu Miaoke that she used witchcraft to wake up the water ghost in the water. , wanted to drag you into the water, but I got retribution that day, if it wasn't for you, I would have been dragged into the water at that time."

"Later, she came to me again and asked me to give you a package of food, but I refused, you saved my life, how could I hurt you again, A Luan, I really took your friend... "

Li Lianbin's face changed a few times in an instant, and in anger, he raised his hand and slapped Li Ruiqing's face hard, with a slap

A crisp sound resounded in the hall, Li Ruiqing was beaten to the side, tears fell down immediately.

"A Luan is your good friend, how could you do this kind of thing, if something happened to her, would you be able to live your life with peace of mind?"

Li Lianbin stared at his daughter resentfully. He never imagined that his daughter would become so vicious.

Li Ruiqing raised her hand to touch her face, bit her lips tightly, and did not resist. In her heart, she had actually struggled and felt guilty.

After Li Lianbin scolded Li Ruiqing, he stood up again, bowed deeply to Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan, and said apologetically, "Xiaojiang, eldest son, it's because I have no way to teach my daughter that Ruiqing almost did it." Something irreparable happened, but, who is that Wu Miaoke?"

"Wu Miaoke, like Li Ruiqing, likes Shi Mingyang."

Mo Qingxuan said coldly, the meaning in the words is self-evident, Li Ruiqing is like the Pei Ruosang that Luan'er said just now, for a man, she did something outrageous.

Pei Ruosang and Jiang Lu are not friends, so it's understandable for her to harm Jiang Lu.

But Li Ruiqing, who is Luan'er's friend, did those things. Mo Qingxuan thought of Luan'er's face as pale as paper when Wu Miaoke personally confirmed those things in the afternoon, and his heart throbbed again.

A generous palm stretched out from under the table, gently holding Jiang Luan's hand, silently, giving her warmth and comfort, those who betrayed and hurt her are not worthy of her as friends, let alone her sadness, It is enough for her to have him!
The hand was suddenly grasped by a warm big one, Jiang Luan's heart warmed, and he turned his eyes to look at Mo Qingxuan.

When she met his eyes, she read tenderness and concern from his eyes, and the sadness and anger in her heart gradually calmed down, replaced by the warmth flowing through her heart.

"You are for Shi Mingyang, Ruiqing, you are really confused!"

Li Lianbin wished he could slap Li Ruiqing twice again, but Mo Qingxuan interrupted him coldly, and what he said next made him even more angry...

(End of this chapter)

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