Chapter 111 Sending Flowers
"Not only did she almost kill Luan'er a few days ago, but as early as four years ago, she helped Shi Mingyang, causing Luan'er's mother to lose her mind, and she lived a crazy life for four years."

Shock flashed in Li Lianbin's eyes. Seeing Li Ruiqing's tears kept falling, he swayed while standing, and asked through gritted teeth: "Is what the eldest son said true?"

In fact, he knew in his heart that it was true, and Mo Qingxuan never lied.

It's just hard to accept, what kind of femme fatale is his daughter? He doesn't even know that she has done so many outrageous things.

Li Ruiqing explained with a trembling voice: "At that time, I didn't know that they wanted to kill Aunt Bai, but Shi Mingyang only said that they wanted Aunt Bai's birthday."

"Then when did you know it? Since you knew it, why didn't you tell us?"

Jiang Luan asked coldly, Li Ruiqing didn't dare to hide any more, and quickly confessed: "I only found out a few days ago that Wu Miaoke suddenly appeared and asked me to help her harm you, but she told me that when I helped you They got the horoscope of Bai Ayan's birthday, which caused her to lose her mind, and she said, if you found out, you would definitely not let me go."

"So you just don't do anything, and you will die until Luan'er dies!"

The sharp light shot from the bottom of Mo Qingxuan's eyes was like a sharp knife, hitting Li Ruiqing's heart directly, the last trace of blood on her face faded away, she shook her head instinctively: "I didn't, and I didn't want to."

"If you really didn't want to, you wouldn't have helped Wu Miaoke almost let Luan'er be buried in the pond where Jiang Shi drowned. Li Ruiqing, thanks to Luan'er has always regarded you as a good friend. If you do this, you won't be afraid of going down ten floors after death. hell?"

"I, I persuaded Luan'er not to go to the pond."

Li Ruiqing's voice was intermittent because of crying, with a bit of repentance and apology, and she was conflicted in her heart.

Because of Shi Mingyang's relationship, she was jealous of Jiang Luan, and thus resented. Being provoked by Wu Miaoke, the resentment and jealousy in her heart were magnified countless times, and finally gave birth to a vicious heart.

"You have persuaded me, but the last thing you should do is to help them kill my mother. The last thing you should do is to be a policeman, but do vicious things. Shi Mingyang's death is the result of Shi Mingyang's death. Did you do it, or did Wu Miaoke do it? Are you really planning to not even have a conscience for a man?"

"Jiang's death was something Wu Miao could do, not Shi Mingyang's business. Aluan, believe it or not, Mingyang never thought of harming you. I know better than anyone how much he likes you."

Li Ruiqing instinctively defended Shi Mingyang, but Li Lianbin yelled at her words: "Are you still speaking for Shi Mingyang?"

He was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and even his breathing became short of breath.

"I'm not speaking for him, nor excuse him. I love Mingyang. If possible, I hope he loves me too, but what he loves in his heart is you."

Li Ruiqing looked at Jiang Luan steadfastly, and after she said everything, the panic in her heart disappeared, and she said what she wanted to say: "Wu Miaoke said, Mingyang was punished by his grandfather because of you." Many times, if he is confused by you again, his grandfather will not let him go..."

"So, do you think that if I die, Shi Mingyang won't be punished, and you can get your wish?"

Jiang Luan thought it was ridiculous, he didn't know whether it was better to call Li Ruiqing stupid or naive, even if she died, Li Ruiqing would not get Shi Mingyang, how could Wu Miao give her the man he loved!
"I know Wu Miaoke also likes Mingyang, but Mingyang won't be with her, and he hasn't touched her."

"You can say such shameless words!"

Li Lianbin roared angrily. After speaking, he grabbed Li Ruiqing's wrist, pulled her up from the chair, and said angrily, "Come home with me immediately. If you don't explain everything clearly tonight, I will beat you to death." !"


Li Ruiqing shrank her eyes in fright, she still knew her father's temper.If he had a gun in his hand just now, he would have shot her dead long ago.

"Eldest son, Xiao Jiang, this is not a place to talk. Whether you want to go back to the police station or go to my house, I will make Ruiqing explain everything clearly."

"Go back to the police station!"

Mo Qingxuan spoke coolly, Li Lianbin nodded, and pulled Li Ruiqing away.

"Luan'er, it's okay if we have dinner later, right?"

Mo Qingxuan didn't leave immediately, but turned to look at Jiang Luan. Before coming, they ate a little food, but Luan'er didn't eat much.

Jiang Luan shook her head, seeing Li Lianbin dragging Li Ruiqing towards the door of the restaurant, she said softly, "We'll follow, I'm not hungry yet, let's eat supper later!"


Mo Qingxuan smiled slightly, took her hand and walked out of the restaurant. Li Lianbin drove the car in front, Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan followed, and drove towards the police station.

At the same time, in the banquet hall of a star-rated hotel in City A, luxurious and bright crystal lights poured down, not only illuminating every corner of the banquet hall, but also illuminating the entire banquet hall. .

Mo Qingran followed Li Jin, and the person in charge of the banquet organizer said a few words of courtesy, then left him and went to eat by himself.

"Miss Mo!"

When she was stuffing a piece of cake into her mouth, a deep and magnetic voice suddenly sounded behind her. It sounded familiar, yet strange.

Being disturbed, Mo Qingran frowned, and when she turned around, she put on a professional smile, but when she turned her head, she saw that the person standing in front of her was actually the man who was chased away by her in the hospital in the afternoon. The smile on her face suddenly disappeared. He took it back and asked coldly, "Why are you?"

Pei Beichuan seemed to have expected her to have this expression. After four years, her character was still the same as before, with all her emotions and sorrows written on that pretty face.

He was not intimidated by the indifference and unwelcome look on Ran Ran's face. There was a gentle gentleman's smile on his handsome face, his black eyes swept across the saucer in her hand, and he stretched out the drink cup to her. In front of him, he said gently: "Take a drink, and be careful not to choke."

Mo Qingran frowned, his clear eyes were filled with doubtful inquiry, and he stared fixedly at him, "Did you know me before?"

Pei Beichuan was taken aback by her question, and in the next second, his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably, a touch of surprise and joy burst out of his black eyes, but it was fleeting, and Mo Qingran couldn't catch it. arrive.

"A few years ago, I had the honor to meet Miss Mo."

He didn't have hypocritical compliments, he just talked to her like an old friend, and the cup he handed out was still in front of her, and she didn't take it, and he didn't take it back.

Stretching out in front of her like that, he seemed gentle and gentle, but in fact, he revealed his domineeringness everywhere without any trace.

Mo Qingran frowned, looked down at the cup he handed in front of him, and stretched out her hand. Just when Pei Beichuan thought she was going to take the cup and let go, she suddenly withdrew her hand.

It was too late when Pei Beichuan found out, his eyes changed, and he instinctively reached out to catch the glass that fell on the ground. As a result, although he grabbed the glass, the drink in the glass fell all over the floor.

He also splashed juice on the sleeve of his hand in embarrassment. When he looked up, he saw Mo Qingran drinking a glass of fresh orange juice gracefully. She didn't move, and the drink was still several meters away from her position.

It's just that there are only the two of them in this place, and the others are polite, and no one saw how she got the drink.

Pei Beichuan's complexion changed, not because he was angry, but because he remembered the scene when he first met her and was teased by her. After more than 20 years, those memories were as clear as if they happened yesterday.

At that time, she relied on her super power to play him around.At that time, he didn't know that she had superpowers, so he asked her to fight again on the weekend without being convinced.

However, in the weekend match, she won him again!

As a proud son of heaven, a boy who was praised by others since he was a child, his pride did not allow him to lose to a little guy who was younger than himself. At that time, he always thought about how to win her.

Later, when his mother was sick, his father took him to his house. When she was bored, he asked him to play with her. He pretended to be cold and ignored her. In the end, she actually took off his clothes...

When he came back to his senses, Mo Qingran was no longer in front of him. He suddenly felt a sense of emptiness. He turned his head and looked around, but he didn't find her in the hall.

Mo Qingran walked out of the hall and came to the back garden.

Under the dim light, she stood in front of the carved railing, looking at the flowers blooming in the night, roses of various colors were in full bloom.

She was admiring the flowers in the garden, when suddenly, a little head popped out of the flowerbed, holding a delicate green rose in his hand, with a smug smile on his delicate and beautiful face, he looked up at the people in the corridor. She asked in a childish voice, "Auntie, do you like these flowers too, this one is for you!"

Mo Qingran was slightly taken aback. Although the light was dim, but the distance was close, she could clearly see the delicate and perfect face of the little boy, and she felt inexplicably familiar.

The little guy was very enthusiastic. He came to the railing carefully, stretched his arms, handed her the flowers, and said very gentlemanly: "Auntie, I'll give you the flowers. Can you be my girlfriend?"


Mo Qingran was amused by his words!
"Scented and beautiful roses, I like them very much!"

She took the rose, put it in front of her nose and smelled it, and then with a bright smile on her face, she asked the little boy standing in the flower garden: "Do you want to come up, I will pull you up."


The little boy nodded happily, and he didn't feel strange because Mo Qingran was a stranger at all. On the contrary, he seemed to like Mo Qingran very much. With her help, he climbed up the railing and turned to the corridor Come here.

"Auntie, you will be my girlfriend from now on, so don't date other men again."

The little guy looked at her seriously, he was clearly a little guy who didn't understand anything, but he was so mature that he looked like a little adult.

"Well, if you guess what Auntie's name is, Auntie will be your girlfriend, okay?"

Mo Qingran bent down and looked at the little boy with a smile on her face. The more she looked, the more she felt that he was somewhat familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere before, but she was sure that she had never seen him before.

(End of this chapter)

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