Chapter 112 Choose to forgive
The next day, Mo Qingxuan asked Ah Jun to take Goddess Zhang to City W, hoping to help Black Eagle find Shi Yushan.

Wu Miaoke's mother suddenly foamed at the mouth before entering the operating room, and after some rescue, she still went.

From the third night onwards, Baige had nightmares for several nights in a row. During the day, her spirits became poor and her complexion became worse and worse. Jiang Luan took her mother to the hospital for an examination, but no symptoms were found.

In the end, it was Wu Miaoke who said that Bai Ge was cursed by Shi Yushan, because Shi Yushan had performed a head drop technique on Bai Ge before, and knowing her birth date, it was easy to deal with her.

"Luan'er, don't worry, I'll get Goddess Zhang to come back right away, she should have a solution." Mo Qingxuan held Jiang Luan's hand and softly comforted her.

At the end of the sentence, he took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call. On the side, Wu Miaoke said calmly: "My lord, I don't know if the sorceress Zhang you mentioned can do anything, but I know that Shi Mingyang can undo the curse under Shi Yushan. If you let Goddess Zhang come back, then there will be no one in W City who can match Shi Yushan."

Hearing this, Mo Qingxuan's eyes darkened, and Jiang Luan's brows were filled with worry, and he said eagerly, "I'll call Shi Mingyang now."

"If it weren't for Mrs. Jiang's strong resistance, she would have left like my mother, but with her current state of mind, if she had to find Shi Mingyang quickly, she wouldn't last long."

When Wu Miaoke said this, there was a layer of sadness in her eyes. She really didn't expect that Shi Yushan was so ruthless that even her mother would not let her go.

"Luan'er, go ahead and fight."

Mo Qingxuan no longer stopped him. Although he didn't like the contact between Luan'er and Shi Mingyang, Aunt Bai's health was more important than anything else.

Jiang Luan nodded, turned to look at the owner of the sick room, took out his mobile phone and dialed Shi Mingyang's number, Wu Miaoke thought about it, and said to Mo Qingxuan, "My lord, I want to go back to City W and find Shi Yushan."

Mo Qingxuan looked away from Jiang Luan, motioned her to go to the side with his eyes and said that he knew that since her mother died, she hated Shi Yushan to the bone.

Wu Miaoke may be vicious and vicious, but she has one merit, that is, filial piety, otherwise, she would not have brought her mother to Jing'an Hospital without telling Shi Yushan and Shi Mingyang.

"Do you know where Shi Yushan is hiding?"

After walking a few steps away, Mo Qingxuan asked coldly, and looked at Wu Miaoke with sharp eyes like pools, and the latter said uncertainly: "I have spent more time with Shi Yushan than Shi Mingyang, and I feel somewhat different to him." I understand, there are only a few places where he hides, Eldest Young Master, if you are worried about me escaping or helping Shi Yushan deal with you, you can ask President Chu to follow me."

Mo Qingxuan raised his eyebrows coldly: "I know you won't help the person who killed your mother anymore. Although you participated in some incidents before, the real murderer is Shi Yushan. As long as you keep your previous promise, I will Guaranteed, you'll be fine."

Wu Miaoke nodded: "Don't worry, Eldest Young Master, I will do what I say, and I will never go back on my word."

"When are you going to go back?"

Mo Qingxuan asked, before, when Goddess Zhang went to W City, his mother Chu Huan wanted to go, but because she couldn't leave due to something in the company, she should have dealt with it now.

"This afternoon, I think the sooner you can find Shi Yushan, the better."

A trace of hatred flashed in Wu Miaoke's eyes, she wanted to ask him why he even hurt her mother.

"it is good!"

Mo Qingxuan and Wu Miaoke finished their conversation, and Jiang Luan also finished their phone call.

"Luan'er, what did Shi Mingyang say?"

Mo Qingxuan let Wu Miaoke go first, he and Jiang Luan stood in the corridor, looking at her closely.

"Shi Mingyang is out of town. He was supposed to have a court session in the afternoon, but he said he would be back in a while. As for where his grandfather is now, he didn't know. He said he hadn't contacted his grandfather for several days."

"Hmph, I knew he wouldn't say it."

Mo Qingxuan snorted coldly. He believed that Shi Mingyang's feelings for Luan'er were true, but it was impossible for him to betray his grandfather for her. It would be good if he didn't help and harm others.

Jiang Luan's brows were tightly frowned, and Qinghong looked at the direction of the ward. In the ward, Xiao Lu and Ran Ran were with her mother. Thinking of her mother suffering so much before, she finally regained consciousness, and now she is being held by Shi Yu again. Shanxia cursed, the hatred in her heart burned into a raging fire, wishing to tear Shi Yushan's body into thousands of pieces.

"He said that his grandfather never told him his whereabouts. Maybe he really didn't know where his grandfather was. I just hope that my mother will get better soon."

In Jiang Luan's soft voice, there was a bit of distressing sadness. Hearing it in Mo Qingxuan's ears, his heart tightened suddenly, and he said with certainty: "Aunt Bai will definitely get better, we can't expect Shi Mingyang to be alone. , I'll call Goddess Zhang first and ask her to come back."

"it is good!"

Jiang Luan nodded and said softly, "I'll go to the ward to see my mother first."

"Well, let's go, I have another operation to do in a while, so I have to prepare."

After Mo Qingxuan left, Jiang Luan returned to the ward. Bai Ge's spirit was better than in the morning. When she saw her come in, she immediately said, "Luan'er, I feel much better now. I should be fine. Let's go home."

Jiang Luan walked over, sat down in front of the hospital bed, held her mother's hand, and comforted her gently: "Mom, you haven't slept well these days, and your complexion is still very bad. Just stay in the hospital for two days. fine."

"Yes, Aunt Bai, if you're bored, we'll accompany you downstairs for a walk, don't rush home."

Seeing Jiang Luan frowning slightly, Ran Ran echoed her voice, while Xiao Lu nodded along and said, "Mom, just listen to my sister and stay in the hospital for a few days."

Bai Ge smiled helplessly, "Okay, I'll just stay here for a few days."

After lunch, Chu Huan and Wu Miaoke went to City W together, and they were taken there by the Mo family's private jet, because Chu Huan has the super power to control people's thoughts, and can help at critical times.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Shi Mingyang rushed to the hospital.

When I got out of the car, I saw Jiang Luan waiting at the gate of the hospital. His eyes changed slightly, he stepped forward quickly, and said apologetically, "A Luan, I'm sorry, I didn't know my grandpa would hurt Aunt Bai again."

Jiang Luan pursed her lips, with a hint of sadness in her brows and eyes, looked at him, and said lightly, "Don't talk about that, I'll take you to my mother's ward."

Shi Mingyang nodded, and followed her into the hospital. When he took the elevator upstairs, he whispered, "Ah Luan, I will try my best to contact my grandpa."

Jiang Luan lowered her eyebrows and looked at her toes. She raised her head when she heard his words, and met his firm eyes. She asked softly, "Didn't you say that you wanted to know the details of that year? I'll tell you later."

Shi Mingyang's eyes flashed, then he nodded and said, "Okay!"

Originally, Jiang Luan didn't want Mo Qingxuan and Shi Mingyang to meet, fearing that Mo Qingxuan would get angry and attack Shi Mingyang, but when he opened the door of the ward, he saw him sitting in front of the bed.

Seeing them coming in, Mo Qingxuan stood up, glanced coldly at Shi Mingyang, and looked at Jiang Luan.

"Aunt Bai, I heard from Aluan that you haven't been feeling well for the past few days, how do you feel now?"

Shi Mingyang and Mo Qingxuan's eyes met, they quickly moved away, strode over, and said to the white pigeon leaning on the bed.

Neither Mo Qingxuan nor Jiang Luan told Bai Ge the reason, but she herself guessed a little bit. Since she knew all the truth, this was the first time she saw Shi Mingyang, and her emotions inevitably changed.

"Mom, senior Shi didn't know the truth about what happened back then, and was always forced by his grandfather to do those things."

Jiang Luan noticed Bai Ge's emotional changes and quickly explained.

Shi Mingyang's tall figure stood in the ward, looking at Baige quietly. He could feel the hatred surging in her heart. A happy and beautiful family was destroyed by his grandfather. The person she loved deeply was separated from her. ...

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would hate it.

"Aunt Bai, I know that no matter what I say, I can't get Uncle Jiang back, but I can let you meet Uncle Jiang. Aluan, Doctor Mo, can you go out first? Let me explain to Aunt Bai first. curse."

Mo Qingxuan frowned, and walked out of the ward with Jiang Luan.

"Luan'er, why did you help Shi Mingyang speak just now?"

After leaving the ward, Mo Qingxuan asked displeasedly.

Jiang Luan was still thinking about Shi Mingyang's words about letting them see their father, when she heard Mo Qingxuan's voice, she blinked blankly and asked in surprise, "Ah Xuan, what did you just say?"

Seeing that she was absent-minded, Mo Qingxuan couldn't help frowning his pretty brows slightly, and his voice sank slightly: "Just now, why did you help Shi Mingyang speak? Even though he was instructed by his grandfather, he also participated in everything."

"Ah Xuan!"

Jiang Luan raised her hand to cover Mo Qingxuan's mouth, preventing him from continuing.

Mo Qingxuan was taken aback, his eyes darkened a bit.

"Don't be angry, okay?"

Jiang Luan sighed softly, and said lightly: "I'm not helping him to speak, I just don't want my mother to be filled with hatred." She paused slightly, thought for a while, and then continued: "I've been thinking about , We forgive senior Shi, and resent him, what kind of consequences will there be?"

(End of this chapter)

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