Chapter 113 Can't Lose Anymore

In the corridor, Jiang Luan supported the railing with one hand and the phone with the other, listening to Mo Qingxuan asking on the other end of the phone: "Luaner, where are you and Shi Mingyang, I'll look for you."

She glanced at the closed private room door behind her, and said softly, "No, I'll be back in a while."

Mo Qingxuan asked a few more questions, and learned that she had told Shi Mingyang everything, and told her that her mother was completely recovered, and finally said: "Then I will wait for you in the hospital."

Jiang Luan replied 'OK' and hung up the phone.

She pushed open the door of the private room, just as Shi Mingyang got up and left his seat, his brows were slightly wrinkled, his expression was a little dignified, "Aluan, I'm going to W city now, do you want to go together?"

Jiang Luan was slightly startled, and asked without answering, "What are you doing in City W, your grandfather is looking for you?"

Shi Yushan is hiding in a corner of W City. Uncle Black Eagle and the police are looking for him. Aunt Chu and Wu Miaoke also went to W City. According to Wu Miaoke, Shi Yushan was injured before. Sooner or later, he will be with him. Shi Mingyang contacted.

Shi Mingyang nodded, his eyes met her calmly, and said lightly: "My grandfather called me just now, A Luan, I said before that I don't want to continue to take revenge. That's not lying to you. City W just wants to persuade my grandfather to stop."

A trace of hesitation flashed in Jiang Luan's eyes, and he quickly made a decision: "I'll go to City W with you, or I'll call Mo Qingxuan and ask him to arrange to fly to City W immediately."

"No, I've already booked a ticket. If you want to go, you can book another ticket later. If you don't go, forget it."

When Mo Qingxuan was mentioned, Shi Mingyang's tone was a bit cold, his dislike for Mo Qingxuan was undisguised on his face, which was the same as Mo Qingxuan's dislike for him.

If he tried to persuade her to go, she might still hesitate, but the more Shi Mingyang had such an attitude, the more worried Jiang Luan wanted to go.

She just told him what happened back then, but she didn't know what his attitude was. If he returned to W City and he helped Shi Yushan again, what would happen to Uncle Heiying and Aunt Chu who would suffer?

"I will go with you."

On the way, Jiang Luan didn't call Mo Qingxuan. At the airport, when Shi Mingyang went to change the boarding pass, she sent Mo Qingxuan a message, saying that she was going to W City, and when she got there, she would meet Chu Huan. The Black Hawk contacted them.

After sending the message, Shi Mingyang came back with two bottles of drinks. She put the phone off in her pocket and asked him with a smile, "So soon?"

Shi Mingyang also had a smile on his face, nodded, and teased himself: "The advantage of being handsome!"

Jiang Luan was amused by his words.Shi Mingyang turned around and glanced at the passengers queuing up for the security check, unscrewed one of the bottles of drink and handed it to her, saying, "Have some drinks, we'll go in too."

"Well, thanks!"

Jiang Luan took the drink. She was indeed a little thirsty, so she raised her head and took a sip before screwing on the cap.

Shi Mingyang took the drink back and motioned for her to go ahead.

After the plane took off, Jiang Luan felt sleepy and wanted to sleep. Shi Mingyang, who was sitting beside her, saw her tired face and said softly, "A Luan, if you are tired, go to sleep first."

Jiang Luan glanced outside the cabin, was really sleepy, nodded, said "I'll sleep for a while", then closed her eyes, and fell asleep after a while.

City A, Jing'an Hospital
In the office, Mo Qingxuan was sitting behind his desk in a white coat, holding a CT scan of the skull in his hand, and was analyzing it with two other doctors when suddenly he felt a pain in his heart.

His handsome face changed slightly, and he subconsciously covered his chest with his hands. The painful feeling was suffocating for a moment. The doctor next to him saw his movements and asked with concern:
"Ah Xuan, are you alright?"

Mo Qingxuan frowned tightly. After the chest tightness, he didn't feel at ease. His heart seemed to be blocked by something. A trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes. He put down the CT, got up and said, "I have to go first, the rest For the problem, you go to my father."

After the words fell, before the two doctors could speak, he picked up the car keys, got up and left.

When he got out of the ward, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Luan's number. When a message came from the phone, "I'm sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off", his handsome eyebrows were tightly frowned, and his steps accelerated. Walk towards the elevator.

He had experienced the feeling of heartache and suffocation just now, that was when Jiang Luan had an accident more than four years ago.

He remembered clearly that he had never felt this way in these years. When the suffocating pain swept over him just now, the first thought in his mind was to find Luan'er.

When she couldn't get through the phone, she remembered that she had sent a message before, saying that she would go to W City, and when she got there, she would contact his mother and Uncle Heiying.

Mo Qingxuan got out of the elevator and dialed his mother's phone number. He quickly walked out of the hospital and headed towards the parking lot.

Anxiety, full of anxiety, occupied the whole heart.

This time, the phone rang twice, and his mother's voice came through the airwaves: "Hello, Ah Xuan."

Mo Qingxuan's voice was trembling and nervous that he didn't know it himself: "Mom, Luan'er has gone to City W, you and Uncle Heiying go to the airport to pick her up."

"Luan'er is here? Is she alone?"

Chu Huan asked in surprise on the other end of the phone. Through the phone, she heard a strange voice in Ah Xuan's voice.

"No, she was with Shi Mingyang. Just now, I suddenly felt a suffocating pain in my heart, which is the same as the feeling when Luan'er fell off the cliff."

"Don't think about it, Luan'er will be fine. If Shi Mingyang hurt her, he would have hurt her long ago."

Chu Huan softly comforted him, but Mo Qingxuan didn't feel at ease because of her comfort. The feeling of uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense, like a terrible virus, which spread to all limbs and bones at an extremely fast speed and melted into the blood inside.

He had lost once and couldn't afford to lose a second time.

As long as he thinks about losing Luan'er, he feels like his heart has been hollowed out.

Chu Huan agreed to pick up Luan'er on the other end of the phone, hung up the phone, Mo Qingxuan made another call, and then drove the car towards the airport.

When the plane reached the sky above W City, it was already dusk.

Jiang Luan was in a deep sleep, leaning on Shi Mingyang's shoulder, his hand passed through her shoulder, and embraced her. All the way, he gazed at her tenderly, feeling excited and nervous at the same time.

What is exciting is that when Aluan wakes up, she will forget about Mo Qingxuan. From now on, the person she loves with all her heart will be him, Shi Mingyang.

Making A Luan fall in love with him has been his dream all these years. In the past, he hoped to touch her with his sincerity, but ever since he saw the hickey on her neck and heard Mo Qingxuan's love from her mouth, He was mad with jealousy for that special feeling when he named it.

Finally gave up, as long as Mo Qingxuan exists, Jiang Luan will never fall in love with others, no matter how much he does for her.

In his mind, the idea of ​​making A Luan fall in love with him even if he used despicable methods, he has made a lot of preparations these days, and today, everything is finally ready.

"Aluan, Aluan, wake up!"

When the plane was about to land, Shi Mingyang called out to Jiang Luan who was sleeping on his shoulder, and stared at her tenderly and affectionately.

Jiang Luan woke up leisurely, her slender eyelashes fluttered, and then she slowly opened her eyes. What came into her eyes was a pair of deep eyes, as tender as water.

She blinked blankly, for some reason, looking into his affectionate eyes, her heartstrings throbbed uncontrollably as if someone had gently plucked her.

"Aluan, if you don't wake up, I will have to carry you off the plane."

The corner of Shi Mingyang's mouth twitched into a gentle smile, and he looked at her with pampering eyes.

"Have I slept long?"

Jiang Luan frowned, she only remembered that they flew to City W, but she couldn't remember when she fell asleep.

Shi Mingyang carefully observed the changes in her expression. After she woke up, she did not leave his arms immediately. After sleeping, her little face was covered with a thin layer of pink, and she raised her chin slightly to look at him.

This kind of her is cute and seductive, if he is not on the plane right now, he really wants to bow his head and kiss her...

With a chuckle, he raised his big hand, brushed her long fingers over the hair that grew past her ears, and said softly, "You fell asleep as soon as you got on the plane, don't frown, frowning makes you grow old."

Jiang Luan's eyes flickered, her frowning brows relaxed, and she asked casually:

"When we get off the plane, where are we going, shall we go directly to your grandpa?"

Shi Mingyang was slightly taken aback, he added memory-erasing medicine to Jiang Luan's drink, and it was for this that he went abroad a few days ago.

When she fell asleep just now, she sweated a lot, and the symptoms were similar to what the doctor who gave him the medicine said, but now, she seems to remember it.

"Well, let's go directly to my grandpa, Aluan, you don't hate me for what my grandpa did, do you?"

He looked closely at Jiang Luan and asked tentatively.

Jiang Luan pursed her lips and looked at him without speaking.

Seeing her silence, Shi Mingyang's heart tightened, and the hand on her shoulder quietly tightened, gently holding her thin shoulder until Jiang Luan frowned and protested: "Senior Shi, you hurt me." He Then he let go in a panic, and asked uneasily:
"Aluan, do you blame me?"

(End of this chapter)

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