114 Confession
He hadn't tried it before, but he only heard from his grandfather that a woman who fell in love, no matter who she loved before, would love that person wholeheartedly afterwards.

If she fell in love with him, she would never hate him again.

Jiang Luan was a little puzzled, she didn't know why Shi Mingyang looked so nervous, she sat up straight, and said softly: "How could it be, you are you, your grandfather is your grandfather, senior Shi, I know you are forced to doing those things."

"Aluan, thank you for not blaming me."

Shi Mingyang grasped her hand excitedly, his eyes met, Jiang Luan smiled at him tenderly, the next second, Mo Qingxuan's handsome face flashed inexplicably in front of her eyes, and the brows frowned slightly.

"What's the matter, Aluan?"

Shi Mingyang carefully observed the changes in her expression, seeing her frowning, he immediately asked with concern.

Jiang Luan shook her head and said flatly, "Nothing!"


When Jiang Luan and Shi Mingyang came out of the security check, they saw Chu Huan and Hei Ying waiting there.

Across the crowd, Chu Huan waved to her, Jiang Luan raised her eyebrows and smiled, stepped forward quickly, and called out briskly, "Aunt Chu, Uncle Heiying, why are you here?"

Shi Mingyang followed Jiang Luan and greeted Chu Huan and Heiying.

Chu Huan took Jiang Luan's hand and walked in front of Heiying and Shi Mingyang, and said with concern: "Ah Xuan is worried about you and insists on letting me pick you up at the airport, Luaner, why don't you call me when you come to W City?" a phone call."

Jiang Luan smiled: "I'm not alone, and Senior Shi is with me."

Chu Huan frowned slightly, stopped and glanced at Jiang Luan, then turned to Shi Mingyang, who looked calm.

"Aunt Chu, what's wrong?"

Jiang Luan looked at Chu Huan in surprise, not knowing why she stopped suddenly. Hearing the sound, Chu Huan smiled faintly and said calmly: "It's nothing, Luan'er, since you're here in City W, why don't you stay in a hotel with me?" , Ah Xuan came over later, he said on the phone that he was very worried about you."

Hearing Mo Qingxuan's name, Jiang Luan's eyes changed slightly. For some reason, she felt a little disgusted when she heard that name, and a voice in her heart said that she really didn't want to see Mo Qingxuan.

What even appeared in front of her eyes was the scene of him forcing her that night, and she suddenly frowned tightly, and said bluntly: "Aunt Chu, I won't be in the same hotel with you. Senior Shi received his grandpa. The phone call came, we went directly to his grandpa."

"Luan'er, don't you wait for Ah Xuan to come?"

"No more waiting."

After walking out of the airport, Jiang Luan turned to Shi Mingyang and asked, "Senior Shi, shall we go directly to your grandfather?"

Shi Mingyang nodded, his tone serious and apologetic: "Yes, I don't want Grandpa to hurt the innocent again, let's go directly to him in a while."

Heiying and Chu Huan exchanged glances, agreed to Shi Mingyang's proposal, and several people got into the car. After Shi Mingyang reported the address, Heiying drove the car towards the place he said.

City A

After Mo Qingxuan left the hospital, Baige was discharged.

Cheng Ziqian and Jiang Lu picked her up together, and Bai Ge left Cheng Ziqian for dinner, but Cheng Ziqian didn't immediately agree and turned to look at Jiang Lu.

Receiving his questioning look, Jiang Lu's eyes flickered, thinking of his careful care during the two days she was hospitalized, she smiled slightly and said, "My mother asked you to stay, so you can stay."

Hearing this, Cheng Ziqian smiled brightly, and said happily, "Aunt Bai, then I'll just stay here for dinner."

Bai Ge smiled and asked Jiang Lu to accompany Cheng Ziqian for a while while she went to cook for herself.

Aunt Chen, the nanny, also entered the kitchen with Bai Ge. Jiang Lu called Cheng Ziqian to sit down on the sofa, poured water for him, and sat down on the sofa opposite him.

"Xiaolu, I'm sorry about what happened that day!"

Cheng Ziqian took a sip of water, held the cup in his big hand, and looked at Jiang Lu with apologetic expression. Jiang Lu was taken aback by his sudden apology, and asked blankly, "Ziqian, why are you saying sorry to me?"

She doesn't remember what he did to apologize to her!

Cheng Ziqian frowned, pursed his lips, and then explained: "You were kidnapped because of me. If I hadn't accepted Pei Ruosang in the first place, and broke up with her later, I wouldn't have hurt you."

Jiang Lu sighed, her tone was calm and indifferent: "That's none of your business, you don't want to take all the responsibility on yourself, it's Pei Ruosang's extreme behavior."

Hearing what she said, Cheng Ziqian blamed himself even more in his heart, but it was because he liked Xiaolu that he hurt her, and almost...

He pursed his lips tightly, and spoke again, his tone a little excited: "Xiaolu, I..."

What he said later was interrupted by Jiang Lu's cell phone ringing suddenly. Jiang Lu lowered her head to take out her cell phone. Cheng Ziqian picked up the glass and drank the water in it in one gulp.

It was Mo Qingran who called, saying that she and Qiao Yixun were on the way to Jiang's house. After talking on the phone, Jiang Lu proposed to wait for them in the yard.

Cheng Ziqian readily agreed, thinking in his heart, to finish what he hadn't finished just now.

The fragrance of flowers in the flower garden just followed the direction of the wind and floated to the gate. Jiang Lu leaned against the marble wall with her hands behind her hands. In the twilight, Cheng Ziqian stood beside her, Mo Yu's eyes, gazing at her tenderly .

"Little Lu!"

After a few minutes, he called her name softly.

Jiang Lu was looking at the intersection ahead, when she heard him calling her, she looked away, looked up at him, and when she looked into his dark and deep eyes, she was slightly startled.

"Xiaolu, I like you, be my girlfriend, let me take care of you in the future, okay?"

This sentence has been hidden in Cheng Ziqian's heart for many years. He can't remember when he fell in love with Xiaolu. Perhaps, just like Mo Qingxuan fell in love with Jiang Luan, he fell in love with him from the very beginning.

It's just that his character is not like Mo Qingxuan, he can't be domineering and strong.

When he wanted to confess, it happened to coincide with the earth-shaking changes in Jiang's family. Later, Xiaolu was taken into Qingluan Garden. From then on, she only had the shadow of Mo Qingxuan in her heart.

When Mo Qingxuan announced their engagement date, he thought he would never have another chance, so he decided to bury this feeling in his heart forever, as long as Xiaolu was happy and happy.

It was also at that time that he got drunk and accepted Pei Ruosang in a foolish way...

Twilight thickened.

In the dim light, Jiang Lu looked at Cheng Ziqian in amazement. Although she had already sensed his intentions, at this moment, hearing what he said personally, her heart skipped a beat because of it.

She pursed her lips lightly, not knowing how to answer, the person she liked was Mo Qingxuan, the man who was destined to be her brother-in-law from the beginning.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Cheng Ziqian's heart hung high, staring at her passionate eyes, his heart sank, and he continued: "Xiaolu, I have liked you for a long time, maybe, I am not the one you like. Type, in your eyes, is not as good as Mo Qingxuan. Or, you don't like me..."

Cheng Ziqian's words were a little messy.In fact, he is not the kind of cowardly boy on weekdays. In the company, he can stand alone. On the negotiation table, he can handle some difficult customers. He is also ruthless when facing girls who don't like him. man.

However, facing the girl he likes, he seems to be a different person, inexplicably nervous.

"But I won't like other girls in my life except you. Don't reject me right away. Promise me and think about it seriously, okay?"

It would be a lie if he said he wasn't moved. How could Jiang Lu not be moved after he said so much.

Even if she hasn't completely let go of Mo Qingxuan in her heart, she is clear about Cheng Ziqian's kindness to her. His words just now moved her. He said that the best way to get out of a relationship is to start a new one. He will definitely make her smile brightly and brilliantly like before.

Her mood was a little messy, and her eyes were a little moist.

Maybe, she can give it a try, devote herself to a new relationship, let go of the person she shouldn't like, and leave the dependence that doesn't belong to her.

"I'm afraid I'm not a qualified girlfriend."

After a long while, she said in a low voice. Beside him, Cheng Ziqian didn't know if he didn't hear clearly, or he was too shocked. He clasped her shoulders with both hands, and looked at her fixedly: "Xiao Lu, what did you say?"

Jiang Lu looked up and saw his handsome face full of excitement and nervousness, her heart softened suddenly, and she said softly: "Maybe after I become your girlfriend, you will find that I am not as good as you imagined."

"No, Xiaolu, you will always be the most beautiful in my heart."

Cheng Ziqian was overjoyed, Xiaolu said this, did it mean that she had agreed.

"Then you are not allowed to accept confessions from other girls in the future."

"Well, I, Cheng Ziqian, swear that in this life, I only like Jiang Lu alone, if I violate it..."

"Don't say it, I believe you are."

What he said later was stopped by Jiang Lu, she covered his lips with her hand.

Cheng Ziqian trembled all over, subconsciously grabbed her hand and kissed her palm lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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