Chapter 115 Injured
Jiang Lu didn't expect him to do this, and she retracted her hand like an electric shock, and her originally fair cheeks also flushed instantly.

Although the light was dim, Cheng Ziqian could still see her blushing when he was close. He still clasped her shoulder with one big hand. The delicate fragrance of her body filled his nostrils, and his blood boiled instantly.

She called "Xiaolu" hoarsely, and lowered her head involuntarily.

Jiang Lu was distracted for a moment and forgot to push him away.

Until there was applause behind him, Mo Qingran said in a teasing voice: "This kind of scene that is not suitable for children, why are you two doing it at the gate, Yixun and I blushed."

The two separated in a panic, and Jiang Lu was so ashamed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground. Cheng Ziqian changed his nervousness when he confessed to Jiang Lu just now, and tightly held her soft and boneless little hand with his big palm, and turned his head to Mo Qing. Ran and Qiao Yixun said: "If you are blushing, go back to the car. It's dark anyway, and Xiaolu and I won't be able to see if you don't get out of the car."

"How can this work? I have something important to ask Xiaolu."

Qiao Yixun ran over and pulled Jiang Lu's hand out of Cheng Ziqian's.

Mo Qingran looked at them with a smile, Cheng Ziqian's palm was empty, and his brows frowned slightly.

"Yixun, what's the matter?"

Jiang Lu looked at Qiao Yixun suspiciously, then said to Mo Qingran and Cheng Ziqian, "Go into the room."

Qiao Yixun chuckled, walked into the door, and then asked ambiguously: "Xiaolu, you kissed Ziqian just now, and shared with us how it feels, is it like the one described in the book..."


Behind, Mo Qingran couldn't help laughing, Jiang Lu gave Qiao Yixun a red-faced look, and said back, "You'll find out if you try it with your President Li."

Qiao Yixun frowned, shook off Jiang Lu's hand and said, "How can I ask him to try, he's not my boyfriend, so forget about it, I'll make a boyfriend later, and try it myself."

City W

As soon as Mo Qingxuan came out of the security check, he immediately took out his mobile phone to call Jiang Luan.

Unexpectedly, the phone is still turned off.

He called Chu Huan again and learned that they had just arrived at the place where Shi Yushan lived and were about to enter.

Chu Huan asked him to go back to the hotel where they were staying and wait, and then contact him later.

As soon as she hung up the phone, the heavy red-lacquered iron door opened in front of her. Shi Yushan stood inside the door, and when he saw Shi Mingyang bringing them together, his wrinkled old face suddenly changed from joy to joy. to astonishment, and finally to anger.

"Mingyang, what did you bring them here for?"

Shi Yushan sternly questioned his grandson, and glanced at Chu Huan and Heiying viciously, the two of them, they were the murderers who killed his son, especially Chu Huan!
"Didn't you always want to take revenge on us? If we don't come, how will you take revenge?"

A few steps away, under the dim moonlight, Chu Huan looked at Shi Yushan coldly, thinking that he killed Jiang Bo, drove Baige crazy for several years, and almost killed Luan'er, she felt furious in her heart run away.

Shi Yushan's face changed, and he felt the sharp eyes projected on him from the side. He turned his head to look again, and saw Jiang Luan staring at him with eyes full of hatred.

"Shi Yushan, I've been looking for you for a long time."

Jiang Luan said word by word, gnashing his teeth.

This inhuman old man, he not only killed her father four years ago, and almost killed her later, he also killed her mother-in-law a few days ago.

"Ming Yang, did you bring them to seek revenge on me?"

Shi Yushan's face turned blue and then green, and green and green again. If it was different from usual, he might not be afraid, but when he killed the old woman that day, he was injured by her, and he couldn't recover for three to five days.

That day, he used teleportation to get away again, and his vitality was seriously injured.

"Shi Yushan, I'm here to avenge you. You don't need to ask Senior Shi. He has been your revenge tool for so many years, and now he won't help you do anything outrageous..."

Struggles flashed across Shi Mingyang's eyes, and he looked at Shi Yushan coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Grandpa, please stop, I already know the truth about what happened back then, it was my father who wanted to harm others first, A Luan's father And Aunt Chu is self-defense, besides, you have killed so many lives over the years, and Aluan also lost her father."

"You unfilial descendant, if I had known that you would be fascinated by Jiang Luan, I shouldn't have kept her in the first place. How can you do this to your father and mother? Today I will kill her first! "

When Shi Yushan was talking, he suddenly took out a pistol from his waist. It was night, and the lights in his room were not turned on. Time saw him draw his gun.

It was only when they heard the sound of the bullet being loaded that everyone realized that before Shi Yushan finished speaking, the muzzle of the gun was already pointing in Jiang Luan's direction...

Shi Mingyang's face changed in surprise, and he stopped with a trembling voice: "Grandpa, don't!"

The distance was too close, he didn't even have time to think, but he instinctively turned to the right to block the bullets fired at Jiang Luan.

Jiang Luan, Hei Ying and the others saw Shi Yushan raise his hand and shoot at almost the same moment. The next second, the sound of bullets hitting his flesh rang out in his ears, and a bloody smell filled the air instantly. Shi Mingyang was blocking the bullet. At that moment, he reached out to grab Shi Yushan's hand holding the gun.

A few steps away, Hei Ying and Jiang Luan rushed over to restrain Shi Yushan at the same time. His bullet hit his grandson, and he was stunned for a moment. At that moment, he was not only caught by Shi Mingyang, but also by the rushing Hei Ying and Jiang Luan stopped at the same time.

Hei Ying was afraid that Shi Yushan would play tricks again, so he slashed off with a knife while restraining him. Shi Yushan's eyes darkened, and he slid down to the ground.

This series of things, but in the blink of an eye.

From Shi Yushan's shooting to being knocked out, it took only a minute at most. Before coming, Hei Ying, Jiang Luan and others never expected to restrain Shi Yushan so quickly.

Seeing that Shi Yushan was knocked out by the black eagle, Shi Mingyang's eyes flashed with emotion, his body couldn't bear it, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop. Seeing this, Jiang Luan in front of him, his eyes flashed with worry, and he called out with concern: "Senior Shi!" Throwing aside Shi Yushan, he stepped forward to support Shi Mingyang.

Shi Mingyang's chest was bleeding profusely, one leg fell to the ground, his arm was supported by Jiang Luan, his brows were tightly knit together in pain, he looked at Jiang Luan with a guilty face, and said softly: "Ah Luan, if I'm dead, can you forgive me?"

Jiang Luan turned pale, and said in a panic, "You won't die, Senior Shi, we'll send you to the hospital right now."

"Ah Luan, I'm sorry, it's my grandfather who caused you to lose your father and your mother to lose her mind. I've been trying to persuade him to stop, but he's always been unwilling to listen to me. Before, I couldn't stop him... "

"Senior Shi, stop talking, I don't blame you. You insist, we're going to the hospital now."

Tears welled up in Jiang Luan's eyes. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but she felt a sharp pain in her heart, and shouted to Chu Huan beside her, "Aunt Chu, help me take Senior Shi to the hospital."

Chu Huan was a little puzzled by Jiang Luan's reaction. Ever since she received her at the airport, she felt strange, but she couldn't tell what was wrong for a while. Now when she heard her shout, she suppressed her doubts and stepped forward. Help Shi Mingyang up from the ground with her.

Shi Mingyang didn't speak any more, but looked closely at Jiang Luan, insisting on being helped into the car by them. Heiying drove, and Jiang Luan wanted to stop Shi Mingyang from bleeding, but there was no first aid kit in the car.

"A Luan, tear off my shirt."

Shi Mingyang opened his mouth with difficulty. In the dim light, his face was pale, and he tried his best not to faint.

Jiang Luan nodded, the situation did not allow her to hesitate, she decisively tore off a corner of his shirt to stop the bleeding.

As soon as she stopped Shi Mingyang's bleeding, Chu Huan's cell phone rang. The call was from Mo Qingxuan.

"Ah Xuan, you should rush to the hospital now. Shi Mingyang blocked Luan'er and was injured. We are rushing to the People's Hospital now."

In his heart, Chu Huan didn't like Shi Mingyang. He felt that he was too scheming, and she couldn't see through him with super powers. However, he was injured just now because he blocked a bullet for Luan'er. She saw that Shi Yushan's gun was It was opened to Luan'er.

No matter what, we still have to save him.

Mo Qingxuan on the other end of the phone was silent for half a second, and instead of answering, asked, "Is Luan'er all right?"

Chu Huan's eyes landed on Jiang Luan who was beside her. She supported Shi Mingyang, her tear-stained face was full of concern for him.

She frowned slightly, and said softly, "Luan'er is fine."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the hospital."

Mo Qingxuan's voice was a bit deep. He hated Shi Mingyang more than his mother. Luan'er hadn't turned on his phone since he got off the plane. Not only that, Jiang Luan didn't talk to him on the phone just now. He said in his heart There was a burst of congestion for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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