Chapter 116 Injured
Shi Mingyang did not injure a fatal vital point. The bullet was still some distance away from his heart. Mo Qingxuan performed the operation on him personally. From disembowelling to taking out the bullet, it took only 2 minutes. The steps were handed over to other doctors who entered the operating room together.

When he came out of the operating room, Jiang Luan and Chu Huan were waiting there, and Black Eagle sent Shi Yushan to the police station.

"How is Senior Shi?"

Jiang Luan looked at him anxiously and asked with concern.

Mo Qingxuan felt a little pain in his heart, looked at her deeply, and said lightly: "The bullet has been taken out, other doctors are doing the rest, he can't die, you and my mother haven't had dinner yet , let's go out to eat something first."

Jiang Luan frowned, and after thinking about it, he rejected his proposal, "I won't go, you and Aunt Chu, thank you for taking out the bullet for Senior Shi.

When her words came out, Mo Qingxuanjun's face suddenly sank, looking at her with cold and sharp eyes, she actually said thank you to him, for Shi Mingyang, thank him?

He stared at Jiang Luan for a few seconds, then pursed his lips fiercely, ignoring the surgical gown that was still on his body, he took a step forward, stretched out his hand to grab her arm, and said:

"Let's talk about it."

"Mo Qingxuan, what are you doing?"

Jiang Luan was startled, and instinctively dodged away when he grabbed her.

Mo Qingxuan's hand didn't grab her wrist, it was just a tiny bit away, which made her dodge.

On her face, there were three points of anger and two points of indifference and alienation. That expression was a bit like those days when she first came back, because Jiang Lu's indifferent and alienated attitude towards him.

However, it is different.

Before, he could still see her pain and struggle from her eyes, and knew that she had him in her heart, but now, her eyes were indifferent and devoid of any emotion that would overwhelm him.

It was as if a knife had been sliced ​​through his heart, and the sharp and suffocating pain pinched him all of a sudden, and his handsome face that was carved by a knife turned white instantly.

On the side, Chu Huan was also startled. Seeing the pain in A Xuan's eyes, she felt pain in her heart, and subconsciously shouted: "Luaner, what's wrong with you? Did Shi Mingyang say something to you, or is it something you and A Xuan have? Misunderstanding, if you have a misunderstanding, talk about it.”

Jiang Luan shook her head, her brows were tightly frowned, she didn't know why, she felt a little dazed, and there was an emotion that she couldn't express, as if a corner of her heart suddenly became empty.

She looked at Chu Huan in surprise. Why did she ask her like that? Shi Mingyang didn't say anything to her, and there was no misunderstanding between her and Mo Qingxuan.


Mo Qingxuan glanced at his mother, suppressed the emotions in his heart, fixed his eyes on Jiang Luan, and called her softly patiently.

When he yelled, Jiang Luan's face changed obviously, and a feeling of disgust seemed to flash in his eyes. This time, Mo Qingxuan could see clearly, and beside him, Chu Huan was even more shocked by Jiang Luan's inner activities.

She didn't like Mo Qingxuan, not only didn't she like him, she even hated him when she saw him.

"Aunt Chu, you guys go back first, I'm here to take care of Senior Shi."

Jiang Luan ignored Mo Qingxuan and turned to Chu Huan.

"Jiang Luan..."

"Ah Xuan, let's go first."

Mo Qingxuan was so angry that he called out his first and last names, but Chu Huan interrupted him. She gave him a look, turned around and left.

Mo Qingxuan's face darkened, and seeing Jiang Luan not looking at him, but looking at the door of the operating room, his heart ached uncontrollably, but he didn't say anything, and strode away after his mother.

"Ah Xuan, did you and Luan'er ever quarrel or something?"

After walking out of the hospital, Chu Huan asked Mo Qingxuan with concern.

Mo Qingxuan shook his head, with a gloomy voice: "No, she was fine before she came. She sent me a message when she got on the plane, saying that she and Shi Mingyang came to W City together. When they get here, contact me again."

Hearing this, Chu Huan frowned, and said suspiciously: "This is strange, I just checked Luan'er's psychological activities, she seems to have no feelings for you, only indifference and disgust, on the contrary, she is very concerned about Shi Mingyang. "

"Did Shi Mingyang use some witchcraft on her again?"

Mo Qingxuan's complexion changed, and he asked suddenly.

"It's not impossible. Your aunt Bai was hurt by Shi Yushan before, and she went crazy for four years. A few days ago, she was in a bad mood. I also think it's unreasonable for Luan'er to change her attitude towards you so much all of a sudden. .”

Even if she didn't hate Shi Mingyang, even if Shi Mingyang blocked a bullet for her, she wouldn't be indifferent to Ah Xuan because of it.

"I'm going to ask her now."

Mo Qingxuan pursed the corners of his lips fiercely, turned around and entered the hospital again.

Chu Huan opened her mouth to stop Ah Xuan, but seeing his aloof and stern back, she swallowed back the words she wanted to stop.

She couldn't stop Ah Xuan. As a mother, she knew how important Luan'er was to him. During the few years when Luan'er was away, Ah Xuan was like a walking corpse, without any extra emotions.

When she came back, they had just asked him to agree to marry Xiaolu. Because of that incident, Luan'er alienated him. She knew how bitter his son was in those days.

Finally, their relationship has improved, and the two get along better day by day. A few days ago, it can be said that they got along the most harmoniously in more than 20 years.

She had thought that Ah Xuan had finally come to the end of all hardships, and that their wedding was approaching. She had even discussed with Jinxiu what kind of wedding they would have.

Who knows, things will suddenly become like this.

Mo Qingxuan went back and forth, and saw Jiang Luan sitting alone on a chair outside the operating room, looking at the door of the operating room, his chest seemed to be piled up with countless rocks, and he couldn't breathe.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Jiang Luan turned her head and saw that it was him. She frowned and looked away again, ignoring him.

Mo Qingxuan stopped in front of her and cast a shadow over her head. He just stared at her condescendingly. After a suffocating silence, he opened his thin lips and asked slowly: "Luan'er, what are you doing?" Remember what you said earlier?"

Jiang Luan raised her head, her expression was cold, and her eyes met him indifferently: "What did I say?"

Such a tone, without a trace of emotion and warmth, as if he was just a stranger.

Every word was like a sharp knife, piercing into his heart mercilessly.

Mo Qingxuan suddenly reached out, grabbed her wrist, pulled her up from the chair forcefully, pushed her again, pushed her body to the wall next to her, bowed her head and kissed her.

His speed was fast and accurate, Jiang Luan was unguarded, and he didn't even have time to dodge and struggle, only to feel that he was suddenly pulled up from the chair by a strong force, and the familiar breath filled his brain, but his heart was not like the past because of him. There were layers of softness and deep love. At this moment, what arose in her heart was the anger of being humiliated.

She stomped on Mo Qingxuan's feet fiercely, and at the same time, she pushed against his pressing body with both hands. Mo Qingxuan's feet hurt, but he did not let her go.

He wanted to use this method to wake her up and expel her hurtful indifference, but Jiang Luan was never docile, no matter how fanatical he was, her answer was resistance.

After a long time, a crisp "pop" sounded in the deserted corridor outside the operating room.

The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

Panting for breath, Jiang Luan glared at Mo Qingxuan angrily. That slap was so hard that her palms were numb from the shock.

There were faint fingerprints on Mo Qingxuan's handsome face. Such a heavy slap must have hurt, but he didn't feel any pain on his face.

The pain went straight to the heart.

The pain made him suffocate for a while.He stared at her deeply, his mother was right, she really has no feelings for him...

Jiang Luan wanted to scold him, but when she met his painful and gloomy eyes, she suddenly couldn't say what she scolded him, and she didn't even know what was wrong.

She was obviously very angry just now, so when she finally struggled away, she slapped him with a slap.

Time stagnates for a long time.

The four eyes faced each other, one eye was full of wind and clouds, and the other was cold and indifferent.


After a long silence, Mo Qingxuan spoke with difficulty, her hoarse voice was full of pain condensed by her indifference.

His voice was still slightly trembling, and his heart was not sullen because of her sudden change, but there was endless panic.

He was scared, really scared, this feeling was very similar to the fear of standing at the bottom of the cliff four years ago, holding the jade pendant that was given to her in his hand, and having to accept the fact of losing her...

Jiang Luan looked at Mo Qingxuan, the pain in his eyes was so obvious that it almost overwhelmed her, the anger in her heart was replaced by a strange emotion, she just wanted to escape.

His voice was heard in her ears, almost taking her soul away. Such a confrontation made her very uncomfortable.

Mo Qingxuan's voice of "Luan'er" filled with deep pain and loneliness made Jiang Luan's heart suffocate!
She looked at him who was close at hand, his handsome facial features were covered with a faint layer of white, but the left cheek that she slapped had a few fingerprints in the white.

He looked at her with heavy eyes, and didn't pay any attention to his face being beaten, as if it wasn't him who hit her.

She pursed her lips tightly, and said indifferently: "Mo Qingxuan, no matter what happened to us before, it was all in the past. From now on, I hope you will not bother me again."

Mo Qing Xuan Junyi's figure froze suddenly.

There were layers of storms in the eyes staring at her, and the knuckles of the clenched fingers beside her were bluish white.

Time suddenly froze.

He didn't speak, Jiang Luan also pursed his lips, and didn't speak anymore.

She clearly felt his anger and depression, as if he wanted to tear her into pieces, but he was reluctant to hurt her at all. She didn't know how she could feel such contradictory emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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