Chapter 117 What He Did To You 1
Moreover, she still had a vague feeling of unbearableness in her heart.

This kind of emotion made her frown slightly. In her memory, she had no feelings for Mo Qingxuan. He forced her to do those few intimate actions. Recalling his soft words, she subconsciously Shaking his head, he got rid of the strange thought in his heart.

The person she loves is Senior Shi Ming Yangshi.

She is his girlfriend now, how can she think of the tenderness of other men.Besides, Shi Mingyang was still in the operating room because of her injury.

Mo Qingxuan didn't know what Jiang Luan was thinking at the moment, he had been working hard to restrain his emotions, and after a knife was cut across his heart, blood flowed like a river.

He couldn't imagine how he would spend his days without her.

He looked at her cold and indifferent eyes. He had loved this woman since he was a child. Once, he thought that he would spend his whole life with her.

Four years ago, when he got the news that she had fallen off the cliff with her car, he rushed all the way, only in time to take the jade pendant that he gave her at the beginning. Spit out blood.

The feeling of losing the one he loves was like being dug out of his heart. For the next four years, he didn't know what happiness was. He lived only to fulfill his responsibilities for her.

Just when he gave up his heart, she suddenly appeared again, still dying, outside the hospital, hugging her dying, covered in blood, he had only one thought, never let her leave again.

In the past few months, his goal was to let her return to him. In order to let her accept him, he had done so much, and it was hard work, but it turned out that it was just a dream.

Mo Qingxuan exhaled heavily, trying to suppress the turbulent emotions in his heart, trying to make his voice sound gentle and calm: "Luan'er, before you came to W City, you were fine, so you sent me a message saying that you Come to City W with Shi Mingyang. Why did everything change in such a short period of time. Did Shi Mingyang say something to you, or did he do something to you?"

Jiang Luan frowned, not wanting to continue entanglement with him, and said coldly: "I don't understand what you said, I came to W City with Senior Shi, why did I send you a message, if I really sent you a message Why don't I know, Mo Qingxuan, I know that you have always liked me since you were a child, but you can't force it when it comes to feelings, you couldn't force me before, and now you can't force me either."

"I'll let you see."

Mo Qingxuan pursed his lips fiercely, then lowered his head to take out his phone.

He was very sure that it was Shi Mingyang who caused Luan'er to become like this, and he must have used some kind of witchcraft on her again.

He has always known Shi Mingyang's thoughts on Luan'er, but now that he thinks about it, he is also to blame for giving Shi Mingyang the opportunity to take advantage of the loophole.

As soon as he took out his mobile phone, the door of the operating room opened behind him. Jiang Luan's eyes lit up, and he said, "Senior Shi is here," pushed Mo Qingxuan in front of him, and ran away.

Unexpectedly, Mo Qingxuan was pushed back a step, watching Jiang Luan run to the door of the operating room, and asked the doctor who came out with concern, how was Shi Mingyang's condition, and his handsome facial features were instantly covered with frost.

"The patient's bullet has been taken out, and he will probably wake up tomorrow morning..."

The doctor explained a few words and led the others away. Jiang Luan ignored Mo Qingxuan who was standing a few steps behind him, and trotted towards the ward where Shi Mingjian lived.

City W, late at night
Police station, in the interrogation room.

Mo Qingxuan looked at Shi Yushan on the opposite side expressionlessly, and said coldly: "Shi Yushan, you don't even let your own grandson go, you know that Shi Mingyang is dead."

Shi Yushan's wrinkled old face suddenly turned pale, and he shook his head quickly, "Impossible, Ming Yang has a very high fate, how could he die, Mo Qingxuan, even if you die, Ming Yang will not die either."

Mo Qingxuan's eyes flickered, and his voice was sharp and sharp: "Not only Shi Mingyang will die, but you will die too. Shi Yushan, you have done evil for so many years. After you die, you will definitely go to the [-]th floor of hell."

"Ha ha!"

Shi Yushan suddenly burst out laughing, and when he had had enough, he said, "I have long put life and death aside, and my only goal is to make your Mo family and Jiang family ruined, and avenge my dead son."

At the end, his expression became ferocious, and he looked at Mo Qingxuan with extremely sinister eyes.

Before Mo Qingxuan could speak, he added: "Mo Qingxuan, I know you came to me because of Jiang Luan, right? If I'm not wrong, she made Jiang Luan fall in love with Ming Yang now, haha, Ming Yang Although he doesn't listen to me and doesn't want to get rid of Jiang Luan, but he can make Jiang Luan give up on him, it will cause you more pain than killing her."

When Mo Qingxuan's face changed, he knew it was Shi Mingyang who had made a move, and asked sharply, "What did Shi Mingyang do to Jiang Luan?"

Shi Yushan is not stupid, he can guess that Mo Qingxuan is looking for him because of Jiang Luan, so naturally he won't tell him the truth, just talking nonsense: "Of course it was Ming Yang's sincerity that moved Jiang Luan, Mo Qingxuan, don't hit Jiang Luan." It's Luan's idea, let's go back and marry Jiang Lu, it's impossible for Jiang Luan to accept you in this life, until she dies, the only person she loves will be Mingyang."

"Ah Xuan, what happened?"

Coming out of the police station, Hei Ying asked with concern.After Shi Mingyang was shot, he subdued Shi Yushan and brought him to the police station without knowing what happened in the hospital.

What's more, Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan became strangers.

But he heard everything Shi Yushan said just now. Why did Shi Yushan say that Luan'er will only love Shi Mingyang until he dies?
Mo Qingxuan's breathing was a little heavy, and he didn't get any useful information from Shi Yushan's mouth. His mind was so messed up that he couldn't figure it out. Whenever he thought that Luan'er loved Shi Mingyang from now on, his heart would suffocate for a while.

After a while, his gloomy voice escaped his thin lips, as if it came from the ice cellar, "As Shi Yushan said, Luan'er suddenly changed. He fell in love with Shi Mingyang and regarded me as an enemy. In the hospital just now, She told me not to bother her in the future."

He seemed to have exhausted all his strength to speak out this short sentence.

Hei Ying suddenly changed, and looked at Mo Qingxuan in disbelief: "How could this be? Luan'er was on good terms with you before, but suddenly his heart turned to Shi Mingyang? Ah Xuan, you can't give up because of this, it must be Shi Mingyang Playing tricks."

"I know that Shi Mingyang did the trick, but I know there is no evidence, and it's not like you don't know Luan'er's personality. Unless I have evidence, she won't believe me even if I say it's broken, and will become more and more serious. hate me."

In the end, there was only deep loneliness left in his words.

Hei Ying couldn't bear to hear it, how Ah Xuan spent these years of losing Luan'er, as an elder, he knew it as well as his parents, not only him, but everyone who knew Ah Xuan knew it well.

It is said that the onlookers are clear, and Black Eagle is more rational after all, reminding softly: "Ah Xuan, you have to calm down first, don't get confused because of this, since Shi Mingyang has messed up, then we will go back as soon as possible, maybe, you last time The sorceress invited here will know some reasons."

The color of Mo Qingxuan's eyes changed slightly, a glimmer of hope just appeared in his eyes, and then quickly dissipated.

What if I go back?

With Luan'er's personality, now that Shi Mingyang is injured because of her, she will definitely stay by his side and take care of him. As for the sorceress he found last time, he himself doesn't believe that she will really help him.

At this moment, he didn't dare to trust others easily, for fear that if he was not careful, he would hurt Luan'er again.

Hei Ying saw the change in Mo Qingxuan's expression and knew his contradictions and worries. He frowned, patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said, "Ah Xuan, we can definitely find a solution. From Shi Yushan If we can’t get it there, we will start elsewhere, what we have to do now is to separate Luan’er and Shi Mingyang as much as possible.”

Mo Qingxuan smiled bitterly, "I hope, I just hope to minimize Luan'er's damage."

What he is most afraid of is what Shi Mingyang will do to Luan'er. Now Luan'er thinks that the person he likes is Shi Mingyang. No matter what he does to her, she will definitely not refuse.

However, if she wakes up one day in the future, she may find it difficult to accept it.

"Well, let's split things up. Since Luan'er won't let you disturb her, why don't you give her some time, don't see her again for now, you go back first, tell your dad about the situation here, let Xiaolu, or Baige give Luan'er Call, no matter what Luan'er's situation is to Shi Mingyang, she can't abandon her relatives for Shi Mingyang's sake."

The two were talking, and when they walked to the parking lot, Mo Qingxuan pressed the remote control in his hand, and Mo Ying and Mo Ying opened the car door and got in the car, and then said flatly: "My mother has already called my father. Auntie also knows about the situation here, if there are no accidents, Luan'er will accompany Shi Mingyang back tomorrow."

In the middle of the night, when Mo Qingxuan returned to the hotel, Chu Huan told him that he had called his father, Mo Jinxiu, told him about the situation here, and called Jiang Luan's mother, Bai Ge.

Jiang Luan agreed to transfer Shi Mingyang, but he was unwilling to transfer to Jing'an Hospital.

The reason was naturally Mo Qingxuan.Jiang Luan really didn't want to have anything to do with him.

Mo Qingxuan couldn't sleep all night, and the next day, when the sky was just getting dark, he got up, specially brought Jiang Luan's favorite breakfast, and rushed to the hospital where Shi Mingyang lived.

Pushing open the door of the ward, he saw Jiang Luan lying asleep in front of the bed.

The color of his eyes changed, and the hand holding the breakfast tightened suddenly. If he simply saw Jiang Luan lying in front of the hospital bed, even if he felt uncomfortable, he would not feel that kind of knife-cutting feeling. But, at this moment, Jiang Luan Luan grabbed Shi Mingyang's hand and hugged him to sleep.

Once upon a time, she also liked to hold his hand and hug him to sleep. At that time, his heart was as soft as a lake.

But at this moment, he was so uncomfortable that he couldn't even breathe smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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