Chapter 118 What He Did To You 2
His handsome figure froze at the door of the ward, his feet seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and he couldn't move no matter what.On the hospital bed, Shi Mingyang woke up faintly, his eyelashes trembling, and when he opened his eyes, he was the one who saw it first, not Mo Qingxuan at the door of the ward, but following the warmth of his palm, he looked at Jiang Luan who was sleeping in front of the bed.

Seeing her lying down in front of the bed and falling asleep, Shi Mingyang's heart warmed up. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the shadow at the door. No need to look, from the cold breath, he knew that the person was Mo Qingxuan.

There was a strange flash in his eyes, he gently moved the hand held by Jiang Luan, and shouted hoarsely: "A Luan!"

After his words fell, Jiang Luan immediately woke up, raised his head, and looked at him happily: "Senior Shi, you're awake."

Shi Mingyang smiled slightly, held her hand behind his back, and asked softly: "Aluan, you have been guarding me here all this time, are you tired?"

Jiang Luan smiled and shook her head, watching him wake up, she felt relieved: "I'm not tired, I slept here on my stomach, do you feel any discomfort, I'll call the doctor."

"No, it's still early in the morning. You must not have slept well lying down there. Come up and sleep for a while."

Seeing that Jiang Luan was about to withdraw his hand, Shi Mingyang slightly tightened his grip on her hand, not giving her a chance to withdraw. While speaking, he moved his body slightly to make room for her to lie down.

"Senior Shi, don't move, the wound will hurt very much."

Jiang Luan stopped her and wanted to explain something. At the door, Mo Qingxuan, who had been watching silently, suddenly spoke, with a cold and low voice: "Luan'er, I bought your favorite breakfast, eat some first, and serve it later." Lawyer Shi will go through the transfer procedures, and we will go back to City A."

He didn't speak all the time, and Jiang Luan's attention was all on Shi Mingyang. He really didn't notice him at the door. When he heard his voice suddenly, Jiang Luan's eyes were startled, and he turned to look at the door.

In the dim light, Mo Qingxuan stood tall and straight against the light, and the cold aura emanating from his body enveloped him like a cloud of mist. She couldn't see his expression clearly, but could only clearly see the loneliness in his eyes.

Yes, it is loneliness, like the bleakness of this late autumn season, which makes people feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

She couldn't help but frowned slightly, didn't she hate this man? How could she feel uncomfortable when she saw the loneliness in his eyes, and even faintly couldn't bear it.

Shi Mingyang looked at Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan's eyes, unconsciously increased the strength of his hand holding Jiang Luan, and said softly: "Luaner, if you don't want to sleep, you can have some breakfast, you can't let Mo Qingxuan down." The kindness of the doctor, when I recover from my injury, I will accompany you out to eat."

His words broke Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan's gaze at the right time.

Jiang Luan pulled out the hand he was holding, stood up, and looked at Mo Qingxuan who was approaching with graceful steps. As he approached, the air that was breathed into his nostrils also infiltrated his clean and pleasant breath.

Mo Qingxuan walked in front of her, from the beginning to the end, his gaze stayed on her, and he didn't even glance at Shi Mingyang on the hospital bed, as if there was only Jiang Luan in front of him in the ward, not that person.

"Luan'er, this is your favorite breakfast. In the past, I often made it for you. It's not convenient to do it here. I'll make it for you when I get home."

In just a few short steps, Mo Qingxuan has already calmed down his emotions, his breath is gentle, his voice is gentle, and even the eyes he looks at Jiang Luan are as gentle as ever, if it wasn't for the faint trace of being beaten by Jiang Luan on his left cheek last night The red mark left by a slap, he himself will forget the heartless words Jiang Luan said to him last night.

Jiang Luan frowned. For some reason, she didn't like to hear Mo Qingxuan talk to her like this, and even less liked when he mentioned the past, as if she and him were in love with each other.

But in her memory, it is clear that he has been pestering her all the time, and she doesn't remember that she has the slightest liking for him.

"No, I'm not hungry now, you can eat by yourself."

In front of Shi Mingyang, she rejected Mo Qingxuan unceremoniously. The indifference in her tone made Mo Qingxuan's face change slightly, but Shi Mingyang on the hospital bed felt a little joy in his heart.

He knew that Jiang Luan had really changed.

"A Luan!"

He whispered, his voice seemed to be a little depressed and painful.

Jiang Luan turned her head and saw him frowning forbearance, her expression changed, and she immediately asked with concern: "Senior Shi, what's wrong with you? Is the wound hurting?"

Her concern was not pretended. Shi Mingyang was sure that she really cared about him. He shook his head and answered the wrong question: "Ah Luan, why did Doctor Mo say that he was going to be transferred to another hospital just now?"

"It's inconvenient here. Your grandfather Shi Yushan has been escorted back to City A. We'll also be going back to City A in a while. Shi Mingyang, you don't think that you can escape legal sanctions if you do so many outrageous things and get hurt. Bar!"

Mo Qingxuan sneered coldly, seeing Jiang Luan's concern and nervousness for Shi Mingyang, the jealousy in his heart was like a tumbling tide, hitting his rationality fiercely, knowing that saying these words would make Jiang Luan angry, he still I couldn't help but say it.

Hearing this, Shi Mingyang's face changed, he looked at Jiang Luan nervously, and explained eagerly: "A Luan, I didn't want to escape the legal sanction, I know, I have done many things to sorry you before, although I did those things When I was here, I wanted to protect you and minimize the harm to you and your loved ones, but I..."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly frowned uncomfortably, and even his breathing became a little heavy, as if his emotions were involved in the wound.

Seeing this, Jiang Luan called out "Senior Shi" worriedly, then turned to Mo Qingxuan and said, "Senior Shi is not the kind of person you said, and he will naturally bear the responsibilities that he should bear. If you want to go back to City A, you Go back by yourself first, I will wait for Senior Shi to recover from his injury before going back."

The veins on Mo Qingxuan's forehead twitched, his hands were clenched into fists, and he tried his best to suppress his emotions. He passed Jiang Luan and looked at Shi Mingyang coldly. The latter felt his gaze and looked at him too.

The eyes of the two collided in the air.

One is as cold as a knife, and the other is as calm as the sea.

Shi Mingyang was very satisfied with Mo Qingxuan's anger, and even more satisfied with Jiang Luan's protection.He suddenly regretted that he should have fallen in love with Jiang Luan earlier, if he had done it earlier, she would not have been taken advantage of by Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan withdrew his gaze and smiled coldly, "Luan'er, even if you were enchanted by him, you shouldn't be so foolish to forget the revenge of killing your father. Back then, Uncle Jiang was killed by him and his grandfather. Aunt Bai After four years of madness, Xiaolu almost committed suicide, and you yourself, escaped from death several times, have you forgotten all of these?"

"Mo Qingxuan, don't sow discord here, you don't need to teach A Luan what to do."

Shi Mingyang's complexion changed drastically. A storm suddenly rolled up in his eyes that were calm like the surface of the sea a second ago, and he glared at Mo Qingxuan sharply. He had given Jiang Luan memory-erasing medicine. He didn't use too much for fear of hurting her. Jiang Luan may be able to remember some things, but some of them are vague.

"Is it because I don't need to teach you, or are you a guilty conscience, Shi Mingyang, you dare to swear to God, didn't you use witchcraft on Luan'er?"

Having said that, Mo Qingxuan didn't intend to stop, let alone let Shi Mingyang go.

Before coming, he wanted to give Luan'er some time, but slowly, she might have remembered, just like when Lin Xiao drugged his father and forgot his mother.

Later, his father regained his memory through surgery.

He didn't want to force Luan'er, he just wanted to move her slowly. She grew up with his childhood sweetheart and had so many good memories, and she loved him just like he loved her.

With such a relationship, even if she gets lost for a while, she will definitely be able to get out of the maze and return to him.

However, when he saw the interaction between her and Shi Mingyang just now, the tenderness that should belong to him, but she was facing another man, he was so jealous that he couldn't stand it for a day, how could he bear it until I don't know how many years and months.

"I... I swear..."

Shi Mingyang was about to sit up excitedly. His body, which was injured only last night, could not withstand such excitement and exercise. As soon as he exerted force, he suddenly groaned with pain from the wound, his face turned pale instantly, and he broke out in cold sweat.

"Senior Shi, don't move, Mo Qingxuan, are you willing to kill Senior Shi? Let me tell you, I don't need him to swear. I also believe him. No matter what he has done in the past, it is all in the past. I Don't blame him."

Jiang Luan yelled at Mo Qingxuan angrily, raised his hand and pressed the beeper, and heard Shi Mingyang say intermittently and with difficulty: "Aluan, thank you for trusting me, I did something to hurt you before, but I swear ..."

"Senior Shi, don't talk anymore, I believe you."

"No, you must listen to me."

Panting for breath, Shi Mingyang held Jiang Luan's hand, seemed to regard Mo Qingxuan as invisible, and continued to tell his infatuation: "A Luan, I will spend my whole life to compensate you, love you, love you, since you don't Blame me, would you like to be with me forever?"

As soon as he said those words, the air in the ward froze instantly.

A few steps away, Mo Qingxuan shot at Shi Mingyang with sharp eyes like a knife. If his eyes could kill, he would definitely tear him to pieces.

Before the hospital bed, Jiang Luan was also startled.

She didn't expect Shi Mingyang to say such a thing at this time.

Ever since she woke up from the plane, her feelings for Mo Qingxuan seemed to have been transferred to Shi Mingyang. She couldn't remember when she fell in love with Shi Mingyang, just like she couldn't remember why she had those intimate behaviors with Mo Qingxuan .

However, there is one thing she knows very well, that is, she not only doesn't hate Shi Mingyang, but also likes him very much. When he confessed to her and asked her if she would like to be with him forever, she was actually happy in her heart.

If the doctor hadn't come too soon, she would have said what she promised.

Seeing the attending doctor walking in quickly with his assistant, Shi Mingyang's eyes changed, knowing that what he wanted to hear was impossible to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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