Chapter 119 Promise me three conditions!
As soon as the attending doctor entered the ward, he felt the low air pressure in the ward, and subconsciously looked at Mo Qingxuan who was standing there with a frosty face, "Doctor Mo, are you here?"

Maybe it was because his appearance was too frightening, the attending doctor greeted him a little cautiously, his words brought back Mo Qingxuan's rationality, the cold aura gushing out of his body faded away like a tide, he nodded lightly, seeing that When the doctor walked to the hospital bed, Jiang Luan took a step back.

A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, he stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Luan's wrist, and said in a deep voice, "Come out with me, I have something to tell you."

Jiang Luan was paying attention to Shi Mingyang, who was sweating profusely, and was caught off guard by Mo Qingxuan. Her complexion changed, and she struggled angrily. She didn't dare to make too much noise, and lowered her voice, "Mo Qingxuan, let me go."

Shi Mingyang's sight was blocked by the doctor standing in front of the hospital bed, he couldn't see what Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan were doing behind him for a while, Mo Qingxuan grabbed Jiang Luan, how could he give her a chance to break free, with a sullen face, forced Pull her out of the ward.

In the ward, Jiang Luan had some scruples and didn't dare to move too much, for fear of disturbing the doctor's examination of Shi Mingyang. As soon as she left the ward, she stopped struggling with anger and glared at the man in front of her with hatred: "Mo Qingxuan , why are you so nervous, let me go."

Mo Qingxuan pursed his thin lips, trying his best to suppress his anger: "If you are willing to listen to me carefully, I will let you go. If you are not willing, I will take you out of the hospital and return to City A right now."

Jiang Luan was angry and furious, this unreasonable man, who did he think he was, if he wanted to take her back, did she have to go back?

"Mo Qingxuan, I made it very clear last night that no matter what happened between me and you in the past, it will no longer have the slightest relationship in the future. You heard it just now. Senior Shi has confessed to me. Although I didn't agree to it in person him, but I would like to be with him."

"Jiang Luan, you are the one who is crazy. Not only are you crazy, you are also obsessed with ghosts."

The storm in Mo Qingxuan's eyes was furious, and the hand that pinched Jiang Luan was so strong that it almost crushed her wrist bones, and his remaining rationality also disintegrated in her words of willingness to be with Shi Mingyang.

This was more painful than her stabbing him in the heart with a knife.

Jiang Luan suffered from the pain, but she didn't shout out, but her face was a little pale, and her eyes coldly met Mo Qingxuan's eyes that were rolling with anger, ready to drown her at any time.

"So what if I'm obsessed with ghosts, it has nothing to do with you."

She was so angry that she couldn't keep her mouth open. Mo Qingxuan made her too upset. She clearly rejected him in her heart, but subconsciously, she didn't want to see him in pain.

This contradictory emotion is like two little people fighting in their heads.

However, Mo Qingxuan used this questioning tone to talk about her again, and insisted that she was cast into witchcraft by Shi Mingyang. When she was in a mess, her anger surged up. Although she had no feelings for Mo Qingxuan, she had been in front of him since childhood. There is no need to forbear and hide the habit of emotion, but it is done unconsciously.

In the past, it was not uncommon for them to quarrel like this, and there were times when it was even more severe than this, but all the quarrels added up could not make Mo Qingxuan as desperate and painful as this moment.

He looked at Jiang Luan, who was glaring at him angrily, this woman whom he loved deeply, now, in front of him, said that she was willing to be with another man.

This has never happened before.

Even when she came back and saw that he was engaged to Jiang Lu, she didn't find a man to provoke him.

Besides, he knew best in his heart that she was not provoking him at this moment, but really fell in love with Shi Mingyang. He asked Goddess Zhang last night, and Goddess Zhang said that she hadn't seen Jiang Luan and didn't know the specific situation.

He called Wu Miaoke again, and she also said that she would not know the reason until she met Jiang Luan.

He came here this morning originally to persuade Jiang Luan to let Shi Mingyang be admitted to Jing'an Hospital after returning to City A, but he was stimulated by their warm interaction just now, and he wanted to take her away immediately, even if he used some means, he would not let her See Shi Mingyang.

"Jiang Luan, if you want Shi Mingyang to be fine, you'd better listen to me."

If you say no, then threaten.

Jiang Luan was annoyed, "Mo Qingxuan, don't act recklessly."

Mo Qingxuan sneered, and the eyes that were intertwined with pain and affection a second ago were as cold as ice: "Jiang Luan, you are obsessed with forgetting Uncle Jiang's death and Aunt Bai's madness because of Shi Mingyang. I respect and love Uncle Jiang as my father, and I will definitely avenge him."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, looking at Jiang Luan's eyes, as if he was looking at a stranger, maybe it was the extreme pain, and his heart died, "The evidence in my hand is enough for Shi Mingyang to spend a lifetime in prison, Jiang Luan Luan, I want to see if you really want to deny your relatives because of Shi Mingyang."

The last sentence almost came out of his teeth.

After saying that, he shook off Jiang Luan's hand, turned around and left.

Jiang Luan was stunned for a second, looking at Mo Qingxuan's lonely and arrogant back, thinking of those decisive words he said, knowing that with his personality, it was definitely not just talking, with Mo Qingxuan's connections and the financial resources of the Mo family, today's Shi Mingyang I really can't stand him.

She can't remember exactly what Shi Mingyang did to hurt her and her family, and she can't remember whether her father was killed by Shi Mingyang. She fell in love with Shi Mingyang for no reason, saying that To put it bluntly, even if he killed her father with his own hands, now she will speak for him.

However, this her is not the real her.

"Mo Qingxuan, wait a moment."

When Mo Qingxuan raised his hand to press the elevator, Jiang Luan chased after him.

He froze slightly, but didn't turn around.

The elevator door opened, but there was no one inside, so there was no need to wait, Mo Qingxuan went in and reached out to close the elevator.

Jiang Luan's complexion changed, and he chased after him without even thinking about it. In desperation, he grabbed Mo Qingxuan's arm and said, "What do you want to say to me, I'll just listen to you."

Mo Qingxuan pursed her thin lips tightly, and looked at her coldly.

Jiang Luan subconsciously straightened her back, pursed her lips, and asked softly, "Can I have this breakfast back?"

The light in Mo Qingxuan's eyes changed slightly, as if he hadn't expected that she would suddenly speak to him in such a gentle tone. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the closing of the elevator door. In his line of sight, Jiang Luan raised her small face slightly, watching calmly. with him.

For a moment, he was in a trance.

I feel that the relationship between him and her is still as good as before.

But that trance mood was only for a moment, and was soon awakened by Jiang Luan's next movement. She reached out to take the breakfast in his hand, his eyes changed, and he raised his hand to push her, Jiang Luan was pushed by him On the elevator wall, before she could react, he leaned forward, grabbed her shoulder with one hand, bowed his head and kissed her lips fiercely.

Jiang Luan's body froze suddenly, and her eyes opened wide.

Mo Qingxuan's cold and handsome face was close at hand, forming an ice and fire contrast with his hot and scorching breath. The breath pouring into the lungs carried a familiar strength. For a few seconds, Jiang Luan's mind was blank.

When the elevator descended to the first floor, Mo Qingxuan let go of her lips without hesitation, but never let go of the hand on her shoulder. Regardless of the slowly opening elevator door, there was someone outside, and looked deeply at Jiang Luan with blushing cheeks. The hoarse voice was overbearing and indifferent: "If you want me to let Shi Mingyang go, you just promise me three conditions!"

Jiang Luan's consciousness has not yet fully recovered, her brain is slow to respond, but she nods quickly.

Seeing her nodding without hesitation, the anger in Mo Qingxuan's heart increased instead of diminishing. If possible, he really wanted to open her head and see what Shi Mingyang had done to her head.

He pursed his lips fiercely, roughly pulled her out of the elevator, strode out of the hospital, and walked towards the parking lot.

Jiang Luan wanted something from him, but this time, he didn't dare to struggle.

Walking to the front of the car, Mo Qingxuan opened the door and got in the car.

Jiang Luan also opened the door of the passenger seat and got in the car.

"Eat breakfast."

Mo Qingxuan's deep voice resounded in the carriage, his tall body was leaning against the seat, his eyes were cold and indifferent, when he was speaking, he didn't look at Jiang Luan beside him, but just stuffed breakfast into her arms.

Even though he was heartbroken by her, he still missed her body. After returning from her life hanging by a thread, he hadn't recovered well from his injuries, and he was so skinny that he didn't even have any flesh.He originally wanted her to live in Qingluan Garden to recuperate, but now...

Thinking of this, a hint of self-mockery appeared on the corners of his lips, and his heart was full of sadness.

He didn't know if he had committed a crime in his previous life, but God punished him in this way so that he could not love and stay with his beloved woman properly.

As soon as her legs warmed up, Jiang Luan instinctively grabbed the breakfast bag with her hands, turned her eyes, looked at Mo Qingxuan's stern face like ice, and said lightly: "If you have the conditions, just say so, I'll have breakfast later."

Mo Qingxuan frowned slightly, as if he was dissatisfied with her answer, and said mockingly: "You eat with your mouth, not with your ears."

Jiang Luan was choked by his words. For a moment, she couldn't find any words to refute, and then looked down at the breakfast in her hand. These were really what she always liked to eat, attracted by the smell, she suddenly felt hungry.

"Okay, I'll eat."

After a moment of silence, she compromised.

Mo Qingxuan looked at her from the rearview mirror, saw her take a few mouthfuls of breakfast, he secretly calmed down the emotions in his heart, and his voice came out of his thin lips coldly: "I don't know, you and Shi Mingyang are on the way to W city together What happened caused you to become different from one person to another, but Jiang Luan, you have to remember that no matter how you feel about Shi Mingyang and how much you hate me, you are still my fiancee."

Jiang Luan froze while eating breakfast, and looked up at Mo Qingxuan with an uneasy expression.

Mo Qingxuan turned his head, met her cold eyes with a blank look, his heart trembled slightly, his voice could not help but seep into a trace of complex emotions, and he couldn't help but soften a little: "Luan'er, even if I lie You, but my mother will not lie to you, your mother will not lie to you, and even all the elders who know you and me will not lie to you."

(End of this chapter)

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