Chapter 120 I Will Not Let You Down 1
"I didn't say you lied to me."

Jiang Luan froze for a moment, and explained bluntly.

She just followed the feeling in her heart, and she didn't know why, she clearly remembered that everything happened with Mo Qingxuan, but the person she liked was Shi Mingyang.

With her personality, if she liked Shi Mingyang from the beginning, she would never have that kind of relationship with Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan pursed his thin lips lightly, seeing that her face was calm with a little confusion and no sign of anger, he patiently explained: "I'm not trying to force you, it's just that Shi Mingyang is too talented. Scheming, I'm afraid he will hurt you. You may not remember many things clearly now, but you will never forget that Shi Yushan killed Uncle Jiang, and Shi Mingyang made Aunt Bai crazy for four years. I don't want you to regret that you fell in love with killing your father in the future enemy."

Hearing that Mo Qingxuan mentioned Shi Mingyang again, Jiang Luan frowned in disgust, put down the half-bitten bun in his hand, put the breakfast bag aside, and looked coldly at Mo Qingxuan's side face: "Senior Shi is Those who were persecuted by his grandfather were not his intention. Tell me your conditions."

Mo Qingxuan glanced sideways at the breakfast that was pushed away by Jiang Luan, a layer of anger brewed in his eyes, he just felt heartbroken, subconsciously clenched the steering wheel, stepped on the car and slid out.

He didn't want to get into trouble with Jiang Luan, so he just pursed his lips tightly, as if suppressing his anger.

Mo Qingxuan started the car without warning, Jiang Luan didn't know what was going on in him, and asked him angrily while fastening his seat belt: "Where are you taking me, Senior Shi needs someone to take care of him!"

Hearing this, the anger in Mo Qingxuan's chest surged again, and the air in the car was emptied for an instant, making people feel a little suffocated: "You care so much about your Senior Shi? Let me tell you, I am your fiance, Shi Mingyang Naturally, someone will take care of it there, so you don’t need to worry about it!”

"You don't need to remind me, I like senior Shi Mingyang, and I won't marry you."

Jiang Luan turned her head and said coldly at him.

"Don't forget, Shi Mingyang's evidence is still in my hands. If you don't want him to go through the prison, don't try to provoke me again!" Mo Qingxuan's deep eyes are brewing a storm, and more are pain.

Once upon a time, Jiang Luan would talk to him like this for another man.

I remember that she also said before that she liked Shi Mingyang, but at that time he knew very well that she was angry with him, and some were just angry, but it was far less than the pain her words brought him now.

Jiang Luan's body froze, and the emotions provoked by Mo Qingxuan seemed to have been poured with cold water, cooling down instantly, and her face turned pale.

"Tell me what your conditions are."

Jiang Luan no longer confronted Mo Qingxuan. Instead of improving his mood, the atmosphere in the car became even more depressed.

Mo Qingxuan held back his anger, the corners of his mouth were coldly pursed into a straight line, his cold eyes stared at the road ahead, the car drove all the way after leaving the hospital, shuttling between vehicles.

"Okay, since you want to know, I'll tell you!" Just when Jiang Luan thought that Mo Qingxuan couldn't speak, his cold voice suddenly sounded in the carriage.

"First, go back to city A with me now." While driving, Mo Qingxuan looked at Jiang Luan out of the corner of his eye, paying attention to her reaction.

"No! Senior Shi was injured in order to save me, so I can't go back to City A with you now!"

Jiang Luan frowned, and refused without thinking.

"Then you just wait for him to spend the rest of his life in prison." Mo Qingxuan abruptly stopped the car on the side of the road and motioned Jiang Luan to get out of the car.

Jiang Luan glared at him for a while, and finally compromised: "At least wait until Senior Shi's injury heals."

"Transfer him to Jing'an Hospital, and you can take care of him in the ward." After all, not wanting her to hate him, Mo Qingxuan made a concession, at least he could see her anytime.

Jiang Luan hesitated for a while, then nodded.

Mo Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes softened, his breath was warm, and his eyes were gentle and doting: "The second condition is to live in Qingluan Garden."

"No!" Jiang Luan's complexion changed, and he refused without hesitation.

Their entanglement before did not disappear from her mind. She knew what it meant to live in Qingluan Garden, so she was very resistant.

"I promise, I will never force you to do anything!" Mo Qingxuan's eyes were smeared with pain, and he only felt a sharp pain in his heart. He just hoped that she could live in Qingluan Garden and let him take care of her. She is now So thin, so thin it makes people feel distressed, and she doesn't know how to take care of herself.

But her defense hurt him deeply, and her refusal without hesitation seemed to sprinkle a handful of salt on his heart, making him so painful that he could hardly speak.

I still remember that not long ago she spoke softly to him and smiled sweetly. She also said not to quarrel in the future. At that time, he thought that as long as Shi Yushan was brought to justice, there would be no obstacles between them. up.

However, Shi Mingyang robbed him of his happiness at this time and destroyed the unbreakable love between them.

Even though the two were separated for four years, even when Xiao Lu was between them, even with Jiang Luan's vows to the old woman, he never felt that the relationship between the two was so estranged.

At least, Jiang Luan had him in his heart at that time, and their hearts belonged to each other at that time.

Jiang Luan's face turned pale, he hesitated for a while and gritted his teeth to propose a compromise solution: "As long as, as long as you don't let Senior Shi go to jail, I can promise you not to be with Senior Shi."

"Don't forget, he is your enemy! He and his grandfather ruined your happy and happy family!" Mo Qingxuan felt his breath stuck in his chest. Make an exchange with him.

"I said, he was forced by his grandfather!" Jiang Luan was dissatisfied with Mo Qingxuan who kept reminding her of what Shi Mingyang had done before, "He never hurt me. When his grandfather wanted to kill my mother, he did not hesitate to provoke me His grandfather, let my mother escape. He also helped my mother untie her head and blocked a shot for me. He did something wrong, but he changed it, why do you keep biting it? "

"He has been helping me, but you have been forcing me to do things I don't want to do!" Jiang Luan shouted at Mo Qingxuan angrily.

At this moment, in her memory is only Shi Mingyang's kindness to her, his gentle care for her, and everything he has done for her.

Regarding Mo Qingxuan, she only remembered that while he was engaged to Xiaolu, he was also entangled with herself.I only remember that he was killed by Shi Yushan in order to prevent himself and the old woman from learning witchcraft and occupying him, causing the old woman to leave overnight.

"Jiang Luan, has your heart been eaten by a dog? You can't even see what I did for you?" Mo Qing Xuanjun's face was ashen, he reached out to undo the seat belt on his body, and possessed himself to press Jiang Luan under him , a furious breath swept towards Jiang Luan, "You said that I forced you to do things you don't want to do, well, since you believe so, I certainly won't let you down!"

"Sir, you can't park here, please show your driver's license."

The car window was knocked on by the traffic police from outside, and Jiang Luan, who was shocked by Mo Qingxuan's strong air pressure, came back to his senses, bit Mo Qingxuan's tongue fiercely, and looked at him with hatred in his eyes.

"Get out!" Mo Qingxuan's cold voice came through the car window.

The face of the traffic policeman outside changed, and he took out his baton and was about to reprimand him, when the Maybach swished out in front of his eyes, and the owner of the car completely ignored him.

"Mo Qingxuan, why are you crazy?" Jiang Luan grabbed the handle tightly, not letting himself sway with inertia, noticing that Mo Qingxuan wasn't even wearing a seat belt, and the speed of the car was also driven to the extreme by him, he yelled at him with a pale face .

Mo Qingxuan pursed his lips, his handsome face was tense, his mind was full of Jiang Luan's excuses for Shi Mingyang.

When Jiang Luan mentioned Shi Mingyang, the admiration and obsession in his tone made him go crazy with jealousy.

Once, it belonged exclusively to him.

"Stop quickly, Senior Shi is alone in the ward, and no one is taking care of him." Jiang Luan's face was pale, her voice was trembling, she still couldn't stand the speed of the car.

At this moment, Jiang Luan's phone rang, she reluctantly took out the phone from her pocket, saw that the caller ID was Shi Mingyang, calmed down her heartbeat before pressing the answer button.

"Luan'er, where did Mo Qingxuan take you, and did he do anything to you?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Shi Mingyang's anxious voice came.

Because he was too impatient, Shi Mingyang didn't know whether he was hurt by the wound or choked on the saliva, and coughed a little hurriedly, accompanied by the sound of gasping.

"Senior Shi, I'm fine, don't worry. I'll be right back." Jiang Luan anxiously comforted Shi Mingyang over the phone.

"Ahem, Luan'er, how can I not be worried. Tell me quickly, what did Mo Qingxuan do to you?"

Shi Mingyang coughed, stubbornly wanting to know Jiang Luan's current situation, and the worry in his tone didn't need Jiang Luan to be less.

"He didn't do anything to me. I'm helping you buy breakfast. Don't worry, don't hurt the wound."

Jiang Luan hung up the phone after speaking in a hurry.

When Mo Qingxuan heard Jiang Luan and Shi Mingyang's undisguised concern when they were talking on the phone, jealousy surged up, and his face became more and more ugly.

"Mo Qingxuan, go back quickly. Senior Shi is injured now, and there is no one around." Jiang Luan saw that this place is relatively remote and there are no cars around, so he boldly grabbed the steering wheel.

The steering wheel was turned sideways and almost hit the green belt beside the road. Mo Qingxuan quickly steered the car back to the right road, and the speed of the car also slowed down slowly.

"You want to die that much, don't you?" After the car stopped, Mo Qingxuan turned around and looked at Jiang Luan, with the pain of being deeply hurt and uncontrollable cold anger in his eyes.

She was so worried about Shi Mingyang that she even risked her life for Shi Mingyang?

Jiang Luan raised her chin slightly, looked at him stubbornly, and said nothing.

At this moment, Mo Qingxuan's cell phone rang, and he glanced at it before putting it back.

Jiang Luan didn't see anything, and reached out to unbuckle his seat belt.

"what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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