Chapter 121
"Well, when my injury is healed, I will formally pursue it. You just wait to accept the move."

Shi Mingyang looked at her for a long time, Jiang Luan looked at him without avoiding it, Qing Hongshui's eyes sparkled with a smile, and he laughed too.

"Then you have to heal your injury as soon as possible." Jiang Luan's eyes fell on the gauze on Shi Mingyang's chest, and his eyes turned red again.

She remembered that when Shi Yushan's pistol was aimed at her, he rushed over to block the shot for her without hesitation.

Seeing the blood flower on his chest, she felt that her mind was blank at that time, and now thinking about it, she still has lingering fears.

Shi Mingyang struggled to raise his arm to rub the corner of her eyes, but his face turned pale because of this action.

"Don't think too much. If it happens again, I will save you. If you get hurt, I will feel bad." Jiang Luan's tears finally fell on Shi Mingyang's thumb. She bent down slightly, afraid that Shi Mingyang's arm would be raised too much. High and pulled to the wound.

City A

Mo Qingran and Qiao Yixun followed Jiang Lu and Cheng Ziqian, joking with them constantly.

Embarrassed, Jiang Lu wanted to break away from Cheng Ziqian's hand, but was held tightly by him, so she had to bury her head in her chest, pretending not to hear what the two people behind her said.

"Are the two of you here just to see a joke?" In the end, Cheng Ziqian couldn't see Jiang Lu being bullied, so he pulled her into his arms domineeringly, put an arm around Jiang Lu's shoulder, and stared at Jiang Lu like a knife. to the back.

"Ah, I didn't watch the excitement. We just watched you finally embrace the beauty, and couldn't help being happy for you. Right, Yixun."

Mo Qingran winked at Qiao Yixun, with a smirk on his face.

"That's right, we're just taking a look at the excitement." Qiao Yixun winked cooperatively and smiled maliciously.

"Thank you." Cheng Ziqian dragged Jiang Lu to sit on a sofa, saw Jiang Lu's face flushed with embarrassment, and decisively changed the subject, "Tell me, what do you want to ask."

Mo Qingran put away her joking expression, and stared straight at Cheng Ziqian: "What's the relationship between Pei Beichuan and me?"

"Don't you know what relationship you have with him? As far as I know, you probably don't know each other." Cheng Ziqian's performance was impeccable, with no flaws on his face.

"Are you going to tell me?" Mo Qingran narrowed her eyes slightly, looking down at her fair and slender fingers.

"What do you want me to say? Pei Beichuan and my family have a cooperative relationship, but I really haven't heard him mention you." Cheng Ziqian took Jiang Lu's hand and frowned.

With a slight movement of Mo Qingran's fingers, Cheng Ziqian's coat disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a shirt on his upper body.

"We grew up together, and no one can hide it from the other. All of you know him, there's no reason I don't. Did my brother do something to me?"

Mo Qingran always felt that as long as Pei Beichuan appeared, something was wrong with the people around her.

Mo Qingxuan was angry. Pei Beichuan always looked at her with strange eyes, as if he knew him very well. The sad and lonely eyes made her very uncomfortable.

But Luan'er and the others were very nervous, as if they were afraid of what they would find out, and every time they met Pei Beichuan, they always looked at themselves carefully.

They are like this, no matter how she thinks about it, she feels ghosts.

Cold sweat dripped down Cheng Ziqian's forehead, but the expression on his face remained unchanged: "You really have a rich imagination. You can't be in love with Pei Beichuan, right? He has a son."

"Then who is his son's mother?" Mo Qingran asked again unexpectedly.

"This is a private matter. We never ask relatives and friends in business." Mo Qingran changed the topic quickly, and Cheng Ziqian responded quickly.

Without saying a word, Mo Qingran took off his pants again, leaving only a pair of boxers underneath, and it would be gone if he took it off again.

"Xiaolu, they are not honest. Let me ask you, did I know Pei Beichuan before?"

"Sister Ranran, I don't know about this either. I don't remember what relationship you have with him." Jiang Lu had a bitter face, her eyes dodged, and she tried her best not to appear so guilty.

Mo Qingran moved his fingers again, and Cheng Ziqian turned around to block Jiang Lu when he saw that the situation was not good. You must know that Jiang Lu was wearing a dress, and it was exposed when she took it off.

Unexpectedly, the clothes on Jiang Lu's body didn't move at all, but his shirt disappeared inexplicably, and his bare chest was in front of Jiang Lu, making intimate contact with her small face.

Cheng Ziqian was dumbfounded, while Jiang Lu blushed again.

"Sister Ranran, why did Xiaolu take off my clothes without telling you?"

Cheng Ziqian had a bitter face. Now that he only had one piece of clothing left on him, he had no doubts that Mo Qingran would really let him be naked next time.

Mo Qingran raised her eyebrows, and glanced at the pile of clothes on the ground next to the sofa.

"I'm not interested in taking off women's clothes." Ignoring Cheng Ziqian's embarrassment, Mo Qingran continued to ask, "What happened to me and Pei Beichuan before?"

Cheng Ziqian hurriedly shouted: "Why don't you ask Yixun?"

Mo Qingran pursed her lips, and glanced at Qiao Yixun with contempt.

"She was eaten to death by Li Jin. Even if I stripped her naked in the square, she wouldn't dare to say a word."

Qiao Yixun jumped up frantically: "Who was eaten to death by him? See if I dare to say."

Cheng Ziqian's expression changed, Qiao Yixun's favorite thing was aggressive tactics, before he could say anything to stop him, Bai Ge came out of the kitchen in a hurry.

"An accident happened in W City. Shi Yushan was arrested. He wanted to kill Luan'er at the last moment, but was blocked by Shi Mingyang. Now Shi Mingyang was injured and hospitalized." Bai Ge finished speaking in a hurry, but saw Cheng Ziqian hugging Jiang Lu with his upper body naked, And Jiang Lu blushed, and asked strangely: "What are you doing?"

No matter how bold Cheng Ziqian was, he would not dare to be presumptuous in front of his future mother-in-law, so he quickly jumped up and ran to Mo Qingran's sofa to get dressed in a hurry.

"Sister Ranran is messing around."

Bai Ge watched Mo Qingran grow up since she was a child, so she naturally knew her special hobby, and gave her a reproachful look, but she didn't forget the business.

"Now Luan'er is taking care of Shi Mingyang in the hospital."

When Baige dropped the bomb, the eyes of everyone in the hall widened unexpectedly.

"Where's Brother Qingxuan?"

"Is my brother okay?"

"How did Brother Xuan react?"

"Did Brother Qingxuan lose his temper?"

The four asked about Mo Qingxuan almost at the same time.

This time the matter is serious, Mo Qingxuan wished that Shi Mingyang would never appear in front of Jiang Luan, this time Shi Mingyang's injury was for saving Jiang Luan, and Jiang Luan had to stay to take care of Shi Mingyang, Mo Qingxuan was probably already Crazy?

Bai Ge was startled by their tacit understanding for a while, then shook her head and frowned suspiciously.

"Chuchu called me. She said that Luan'er had fallen victim to something evil, and she seemed to hate Ah Xuan very much."

"Did Shi Mingyang say something to Luan'er on the plane and brainwash her?"

Mo Qingran was stunned for a while, the relationship between Luan'er and Mo Qingxuan was obvious to all of them, so she didn't even believe what she said.

"Sister Luan'er was moved by Shi Mingyang, and then found out that the person she likes is actually Shi Mingyang?"

Qiao Yixun is a naive person, she loves to be a prince charming since she was a child to rescue her from Li Jin's misery, and then she dreams of being gorgeous with her body.

Jiang Lu and Cheng Ziqian looked at each other, shook their heads, and frowned in confusion.

"Impossible. Even if my sister doesn't blame Shi Mingyang, she will never be with him. Leaving aside her feelings for Brother Qingxuan, Shi Mingyang's grandfather killed my father four years ago, and he helped his grandfather to give my mother Lower your head, you wanted to hurt Brother Qingxuan some time ago. Even if he was injured in order to save my sister, it is impossible for my sister to fall in love with him."

"There's no way we can guess here. Brother Xuan is definitely not feeling right now." Cheng Ziqian finally put on his clothes, turned to Baige and asked, "Did Aunt Chu say when they will come back?"

"Chuchu said that Luan'er has agreed to transfer Shi Mingyang to Jing'an Hospital, but I don't know what Shi Mingyang said."

Bai Ge looked at the juniors in front of him, and lamented that it took a long time.

Since Jiang Bo left, nothing seemed to be going well, whether it was their life or the relationship of the children.

"My brother won't use threats again to get Luan'er to agree?"

Mo Qingran knew her elder brother's temperament clearly, and Luan'er would definitely not be able to take advantage of her elder brother.

"I'm not too clear about this, Chuchu didn't say anything." Nothing was clear on the phone, so I had to wait for them to come back before discussing it further.

"My sister has a way to convince Shi Mingyang." Jiang Lu said suddenly.

Although she accepted Cheng Ziqian, she still hadn't forgotten her love for Mo Qingxuan. Seeing that her withdrawal didn't satisfy the two of them at this moment, she was the one who felt the most uncomfortable.

"It's just that when my sister takes care of Shi Mingyang in the ward, how can brother Qingxuan bear it?"

Everyone was silent. Mo Qingxuan had dominated Jiang Luan since he was a child, and his desire to monopolize her was increasing day by day. Now he watched her go out with another man, and he couldn't do anything to that man. His pain can be imagined .

City W

"The bullet almost penetrated Mr. Shi's lungs and caused some damage to internal organs. Therefore, we suggest that Mr. Shi be transferred to Jing'an Hospital, otherwise there may be sequelae."

After the attending doctor gave Shi Mingyang a routine examination, he said to Jiang Luan and Shi Mingyang.

Jiang Luan remembered the conditions he agreed to Mo Qingxuan before, although he was not sure whether the attending doctor was guided by Mo Qingxuan when he said these words, but he didn't say anything.

If she transferred Shi Mingyang to another hospital, it would definitely take a lot of talking. With the proof of the attending doctor, it would be much easier for her to convince him.

"Can't your court cure even a small gunshot wound?" Apparently Shi Mingyang also guessed that Mo Qingxuan had tampered with, so he frowned and said in a cold voice.

"Mr. Shi misunderstood. It's just that Jing'an Hospital has better medical facilities and medical technology than our hospital. Mr. Shi's injury is more serious. We only make suggestions out of the heart of being responsible for the patient." The attending doctor was stunned. Let me explain.

"Senior Shi, what the doctor said is true. Your injury is indeed too serious. I know you don't like Mo Qingxuan, but you can't be angry with your injury."

(End of this chapter)

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