The doctor's hands cover the sky, and the male gods can't stand high

Chapter 122 I'm Afraid He'll Hurt You

Chapter 122 I'm Afraid He'll Hurt You

Shi Mingyang was about to refuse, but Jiang Luan at the side echoed, with concern in his clear eyes.

"I'm not angry. I'm afraid that if I go to Jing'an Hospital, Mo Qingxuan will pester you again. I'm afraid you will be hurt by him." Shi Mingyang held Jiang Luan's hand and said gently.

Before Mo Qingxuan pulled Jiang Luan away from his hospital bed, after Jiang Luan came back, he always avoided him on purpose.

He can be sure that the love has not been unraveled, he can see the love for him from her eyes, but he just doesn't understand why she keeps avoiding him.

He knew Mo Qingxuan, Jiang Luan must have been threatened by him to promise something.

The two of them were childhood sweethearts, and the tacit understanding and familiarity between them had penetrated into their bones.

Mo Qingxuan knew very well how to make Jiang Luan at his mercy, and also knew how to make her obedient.

He didn't dare to bet, even if Jiang Luan loved him now, he couldn't guarantee that Jiang Luan would marry him smoothly.

"No, I won't give him a chance. Senior Shi, you were hurt because of me. If something goes wrong in the future..." Jiang Luan said, his eyes turned red, and tears fell down.

No matter what the attending doctor said was true or not, she didn't want Shi Mingyang to suffer from any hidden illness after all.

The time she was injured more than a month ago was in Jing'an Hospital. Although Shi Mingyang's injury was not as severe as hers, it was not serious. If something happened to her in the future, she would not feel better.

Shi Mingyang didn't care if there would be any sequelae, or he wished for something wrong, so that at least Jiang Luan would soften his heart when he saw the injuries he had suffered for her.

As long as Jiang Luan can stay by his side, he doesn't care what means he uses.

However, when he saw Jiang Luan's tears, he couldn't help feeling distressed.

Her tears seemed to have some special magical power. In his heart, she should be strong and optimistic, playful and smart, real and unaffected.

As far as I can remember, she rarely cried.

Although he is looking forward to her being able to rely on him, to let him make her laugh and make her happy when she is unhappy.

However, when he really saw her tears, he would feel distressed and flustered, wishing to take off all the stars and give them to her.

"Aluan, he was just talking. My injury is not serious, so there is no need to go to Jing'an Hospital."

"It's all hurt like this, and you still say it's not serious. You want me to worry to death, don't you?" Jiang Luan bit her lip and glared at him, tears falling like broken beads.

"Aluan, don't cry, I'm just afraid that you won't be able to beat Mo Qingxuan. He is authoritarian and domineering, and I'm afraid you will be hurt by him. Cough cough."

Seeing Jiang Luan crying more and more fiercely, Shi Mingyang struggled to sit up, but pulled the wound, coughed for a while, and his face turned pale.

"Don't move." Jiang Luan walked over and gently pressed his shoulders to let him lie back, and asked with concern, "Does the wound hurt again? Is there anything wrong? If you are injured, don't move around. This will treat you There is no benefit in recovering."

"Then you promise me not to transfer me to Jing'an Hospital. I am in good health and can recover here." Shi Mingyang took the opportunity to grab Jiang Luan's hand and forced her to look at him with earnest eyes.

Jiang Luan bit her lower lip and didn't look at him, as if annoyed that he refused to listen to her and didn't take her body seriously.

"Okay." Shi Mingyang compromised, "I can go to Jing'an Hospital, but you have to stay with me and try to avoid Mo Qingxuan."

Jiang Luan nodded quickly, pretending to be a good baby, and made Shi Mingyang laugh.

Just as Shi Mingyang started laughing, it turned into a suppressed gasp again, and Jiang Luan became nervous again when he touched the wound.

Chu Huan called Mo Jinxiu, during which Mo Qingxuan sat on the sofa silently, looking at the coffee table in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Ah Xuan, don't worry about Luan'er. Let's transfer Shi Mingyang to Jing'an Hospital first. No matter what Shi Mingyang did to Luan'er, it is a fact that he saved Luan'er. We will talk about other things when we return to City A Okay?" After hanging up the phone, Chu Huan looked at his sluggish son with distress, and advised him not to think about it for now.

After Luan'er got on the plane, Ah Xuan called her. At that time, she thought it was caused by him being too nervous and thinking wildly. After Luan'er got off the plane, there was nothing abnormal. She didn't care at that time, which led to the current situation. Case.

I still remember when Luan'er fell off the cliff four years ago, Mo Qingxuan seemed to have his soul taken out of him, like a walking dead.

Now, she suddenly had the feeling that her son had returned to that time.

At that time, he thought that Luan'er was dead and had nothing to love in life, so he wished he could go with her.

But, at least at that time they were in love.

Now, although Luan'er is still alive, he has to face the fact that she is in love with another man.

"Luan'er doesn't want to see me at all right now." Mo Qingxuan supported his forehead, his drooping eyelashes couldn't hide the panic and pain in his eyes.

He was afraid of losing Jiang Luan, and every time he thought of Jiang Luan's attitude towards him before, his heart felt as if someone had squeezed him hard, and he felt so much pain.

"You also know that it was Shi Mingyang's conspiracy. You don't want Luan'er to fall in love with a man she doesn't like at all without her own will, do you? Let's go back to City A first, and we can always find a way to save Luan'er. And didn't you hire a Granny Zhang? And Wu Miaoke, she also knows a little bit of witchcraft. As long as you don't give up, we will always find a way."

Chu Huan comforted Mo Qingxuan, but she wasn't sure about it herself.

After all, things like witchcraft are different from her special abilities, and no one around them understands this.

The old lady who saved Luan'er four years ago was a bit more powerful, but she was killed by Shi Yushan.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about it. I will use my own way to get Luan'er back."

Sensing Chu Huan's uncertainty, Mo Qingxuan raised his head to look at him, his eyes that were originally full of pain were now full of firmness.

So what if Luan'er doesn't love him?No matter what, he will lock her by his side, even if she hates him, he will never watch her fall into the arms of other men!
Looking at the determined Mo Qingxuan, Chu Huan's lips moved, but he didn't say anything.

If this can rekindle Mo Qingxuan's fighting spirit, it's not impossible.

With myself and Bai Ge watching, Mo Qingxuan would definitely not hurt Luan'er.

As for Luan'er, she is now fascinated by Shi Mingyang, and when she recovers, she may not blame them.

She knew very well that as much as Mo Qingxuan loved Luan'er, Luan'er loved Mo Qingxuan as much. If she married Shi Mingyang under such circumstances, she would definitely regret it in the future.

Moreover, Luan'er has been dominated by Mo Qingxuan since she was a child, and he knows how to love her better than all of them, so there should be no problem.

At this time, the director of the hospital where Shi Mingyang lived called Mo Qingxuan, expressing that Shi Mingyang was willing to be transferred to Jing'an Hospital. Mo Qingxuan thanked him lightly and said that he would arrange someone to contact him as soon as possible so that he could start Prepare for transfer.

After hanging up the phone, Mo Qingxuan's phone rang again. He checked the caller ID and it was Ah Jun.

Press the answer button, but what I hear is not Ah Jun's voice.

"Eldest young master, I am Goddess Zhang."

It was Goddess Zhang's flattering voice that came over the phone, making Mo Qingxuan subconsciously frowned.

"Grandma Zhang, what's the matter?" Mo Qingxuan could still use her now, so even though it was annoying, he still asked patiently, but his voice was unusually cold.

Goddess Zhang smiled awkwardly and said, "Shi Yushan has already been caught, so it's nothing to do with me. It's a rare trip to W City, I want to buy something for Minmin to take back, but I don't have that much money with me."

"How much do you want?" Mo Qingxuan frowned, it seemed that she wanted the lion to open his mouth.

She asked for a nanny before, what she wanted, Ah Jun and the others decided to give it, and he didn't bother to ask.

It seems that the number of people who need to greet him is not a small number.

"Not much, I just saw a set of jewelry, which matches Minmin's temperament very well, but they want 100 million, and I don't have that much money with me."

Mo Qingxuan remained silent, leaning on the sofa with cold eyes.

He hired Granny Zhang because he paid her a lot of money. If he would give her anything she wanted, there was no guarantee that she wouldn't make an inch of it.

Although he didn't take 100 million seriously, he couldn't just give it to her casually.

Granny Zhang originally wanted to take Joe, but Mo Qingxuan didn't speak for a long time, the phone in her hand was like a hot potato, and the salesman opposite her looked at her, which made her feel like a pain in her back, so she had no choice but to throw out her hole card.

"Miss Luan'er's fall in love can be solved. Even if the caster has a high level, there are other ways to solve it. I know that method."

Mo Qingxuan pursed his lips. Granny Zhang said that she had to meet Jiang Luan to be sure. Wu Miaoke just told him that Jiang Luan might have fallen in love with him. He had been in Chu Huan's room for less than half an hour. Granny Zhang How do you know.

"It was Ah Yang who called Ah Jun before and asked Ah Jun to tell me."

After Granny Zhang finished speaking, she remembered and hurriedly added another sentence.

Mo Qingxuan's eyes turned slightly. He told A Yang before that A Yang asked A Jun to ask Granny Zhang.

It's just that Granny Zhang knows the truth that the right doesn't have to expire, so she immediately pulls Ah Jun out to buy things.

Ah Jun may not be afraid to be the owner of the 100 million, but he understands that if this is the case, Granny Zhang can't continue to blackmail them with this as a condition.

"Let Ah Jun pay the bill."

After Mo Qingxuan finished speaking, he hung up the phone and didn't ask her what else to do, since she always wanted to talk anyway.

"Ah Xuan, this Granny Zhang is greedy and cannot be used for a long time. Have you asked someone to find another witch?"

Seeing Mo Qingxuan hung up the phone in disgust, Chu Huan asked.

Granny Zhang's appetite is getting bigger and bigger. She already knew about Zhang Min's psychological activities before. The two of them, grandpa and grandson, wanted to plot against the entire Mo family.

They definitely won't let her succeed, but it's frightening to keep this kind of person around, isn't it?

"Ah Xuan is looking for it, but there are not many people who understand witchcraft, so it is not so easy to find. With the lesson from last time, we still need to investigate the character and family background of the witch. The most important thing is to be able to cure Granny Zhang. Otherwise Even if she is sent away, it is still a hidden danger."

(End of this chapter)

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