Chapter 123 I Want to Chase You
"I'm going on a date with Aunt Mo, and I asked Auntie if I could take you with me." Doudou's voice also came over, sounding righteous and confident, not at all guilty of being caught in a puppy love.

Mo Qingran listened to the father and son arguing on the phone, and it didn't take long for Pei Beichuan's apologetic voice to clearly reach her ears from the microphone.

"Miss Mo? Doudou is messing around, I hope I didn't cause you any trouble."

"No, Doudou is very cute." The person on the other side of the phone changed, and the smile on Mo Qingran's face stopped immediately, and his voice was cold.

Pei Beichuan on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Auntie, Doudou is not messing around. Doudou really wants to date Auntie." Just when Mo Qingran was about to hang up, Doudou's voice came again.

Immediately afterwards, Pei Beichuan yelled in a low voice, as if he was afraid that Doudou would anger Mo Qingran, his voice was full of tension.

"Okay." Mo Qingran rolled her eyes.

Since I can't get any news from the group of people on my side, I might as well ask Pei Beichuan directly.

"What?" Pei Beichuan's voice reprimanding Doudou on the opposite side paused, and asked with some doubts.

"I mean Doudou wants to go on a date with me, and I agree." Mo Qingran couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he thought of the shock on that gentle but domineering face.

"Auntie agrees, give me the phone quickly." Doudou snatched the phone in her hand, made an appointment with Mo Qingran, and urged her father to change clothes before she could hang up the phone.

Mo Qingran hung up the phone, took out a piece of clothing from the closet after washing, put on a dress, put on a handbag, and went out with a plain face.

There were two handsome guys, one big and one small, standing at the entrance of the playground. They were wearing blue parent-child outfits. The big one was handsome and the young one was cute, attracting the attention of people coming and going.

Not long after, a taxi stopped not far away. Mo Qingran was able to take a taxi. She didn't drive.

"Aunt Mo." Seeing Mo Qingran get off the car, Doudou waved her hand to greet her from afar.

"Little guy, am I late?" Mo Qingran took two steps, picked up Doudou, raised it, put it down again, and reached out to ruffle Doudou's hair.

"No, no, boys should wait for girls on a date." Doudou shook her head, her voice was loud, and she bowed in a very gentlemanly manner.

Mo Qingran was amused by him, and bent over to look at him: "You know quite a lot, your father taught you?"

"I know it myself. My dad is so stupid, how could he understand this?" Doudou puffed out her small chest, and whispered the last sentence in Mo Qingran's ear.

"Then how do you want to date now?" Mo Qingran tilted her head and looked at him, asking for his opinion.

Doudou tilted her head and thought for a while, then took Mo Qingran's hand and walked to the playground.

"Let's go in and talk about how to date outside."

Mo Qingran shook his head, looked up and saw Pei Beichuan walking over, frowned, and looked away.

Pei Beichuan was surprised that Mo Qingran would agree to a "date" with Doudou, but he didn't want to miss the opportunity to meet Mo Qingran.

So even if Doudou was messing around, he still came.

As soon as Doudou entered the playground, he went straight to the shooting place, completely ignoring his father and "girlfriend".

Mo Qingran didn't intend to join in the fun, so he sat down on a bench in the parent's rest area, where he could see Doudou playing shooting, and occasionally helped him change the direction of the bullets he fired, hitting Target.

Not long after, Pei Beichuan came over with two drinks and handed one to Mo Qingran. Mo Qingran didn't even look at it, and had no intention of picking it up.

Pei Beichuan put the drink on the table in front of her and sat down beside her.

After a while, Mo Qingran still stared at Doudou, and asked him seemingly casually.

"We knew each other before, right?"

Pei Beichuan excitedly turned his head to look at Mo Qingran, but found that she didn't look at him at all, and her eyes didn't fluctuate at all. Suddenly, her expression darkened as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her, and she followed her gaze to look at Doudou.

"do not know."

"You look at me very strangely." Mo Qingran frowned. Although she didn't look at Pei Beichuan, she didn't let go of his actions just now.

"I like you, so I want to chase you." Pei Beichuan pursed his lips, feeling that his throat was a little dry, he unscrewed the drink bottle and took a sip.

"Where's Doudou's mother?" Mo Qingran raised his eyebrows. He had never heard them mention Doudou's mother, and during these two meetings, he had never heard Pei Beichuan or Doudou mention his mother.

"His mother left after giving birth to him because of a misunderstanding."

Thinking of what happened four years ago, Pei Beichuan's eyes were filled with pain.

If Pei Ruosang wasn't his sister, he really wanted to strangle her to death.

If it weren't for the stupid things she did, how could he not love her now, and could only silently be a single father?

"Haven't you thought about chasing her back?" Mo Qingran frowned and turned to look at Pei Beichuan.

His pain does not seem to be feigned, that is to say, he has not lost his love for Doudou's mother, why did he say he wanted to chase her before?

"I thought about it, but her family didn't give me a chance. They always thought that I hurt her." Pei Beichuan's voice was a little hoarse, it sounded a bit sexy, but also made people feel very sad.

"Love is a matter between two people. Her family stopped you out of love for her. Haven't you thought about fighting for it yourself?"

Mo Qingran scolded the coward in her heart, her family didn't give him a chance, so he changed his target?
"I didn't think about it before, but now, I want to work hard and let her accept me again!"

Pei Beichuan suddenly turned his head and stared seriously at Mo Qingran's side face, his eyes were full of deep affection.

Mo Qingran was shocked by his serious tone, turned her head to see him looking at her intently and affectionately, only felt palpitations, and became at a loss for the first time.

"That's a good thing, I wish you success soon." Mo Qingran sneered, bowing her head like a turtle, not thinking about what Pei Beichuan said.

Doudou got tired of shooting after playing for a while, so she came and took Mo Qingran to ride the roller coaster. Seeing that the two of them got along well, Pei Beichuan didn't intend to ride, so he only bought two tickets.

After playing for a day, Pei Beichuan sent Mo Qingran back. Doudou was tired from playing, and soon after getting in the car, she curled up in Mo Qingran's arms and slept soundly.

Mo Qingran didn't talk to Pei Beichuan any more, and kept avoiding him, feeling uncomfortable.

When they arrived at the old house of the Mo family, Mo Qingran carried Doudou out, Pei Beichuan hurriedly opened the car door and came out, took Doudou from her arms and carefully placed it on the passenger seat.

When Pei Beichuan was picking up Doudou, he accidentally touched Mo Qingran's finger. Mo Qingran quickly retracted his hand like an electric shock, almost waking Doudou awake.

"I'm going back, take your time on the road." Mo Qingran said in a cold tone, before turning around and walking towards the old house before Pei Beichuan could respond.

Pei Beichuan watched Mo Qingran enter the old house before turning around and getting into the car...

As soon as Mo Qingran entered the door, he saw a black door god standing at the door. Mo Qingxuan's sharp eyes were full of anger, and his aura was astonishing.

"where did you go?"

"Have you been drinking?" Mo Qingran twitched her nose, answered the wrong question, dragging Mo Qingxuan to enter the house.

"Who told you to go out with Pei Beichuan?" Mo Qingxuan didn't move at all, and there was incomparable anger in his voice.

"Why are you crazy? Do I need to report to you when I go out with someone?" Mo Qingran frowned, seeing that Mo Qingxuan couldn't be dragged away, she just ignored him and walked in after bypassing him.

Mo Qingxuan grabbed her arm, and there was a warning in his voice: "Don't go out with Pei Beichuan again, or you will regret it."

"What is the relationship between Pei Beichuan and me? Why are all of you hiding it from me?" Mo Qingran became more and more sure that he and Pei Beichuan knew each other before, otherwise Mo Qingxuan would not have reacted like this when he saw her coming back with Pei Beichuan big.

"You don't need to worry about this, he has nothing to do with you!" Mo Qingxuan let go of Mo Qingran's arm, rubbed his temples, and seemed to have a headache.

"Brother, are you alright?" Mo Qingran was afraid that if he continued this topic, he would quarrel with Mo Qingxuan, so he walked over to hold his arm and asked with concern.

Mo Qingxuan lowered his arms, his expression softened a little, and he let Mo Qingran walk inside with his support.

"Ran Ran, listen to me and ignore Pei Beichuan."

"Well, I know. Doudou is looking for me today, I didn't know Pei Beichuan would go with me." Mo Qingran lied because he was afraid that Mo Qingxuan would know what was on his mind.

Mo Qingxuan glanced at her suspiciously, but did not expose her.

Although he drank a lot of wine, he was not dizzy yet, and Mo Qingran couldn't fool him yet.

"Brother, I heard Aunt Baige say that Luan'er is now..."

Mo Qingran looked at Mo Qingxuan worriedly, but did not continue.

It must be because of Luan'er that he drank so much wine.

Although he was never drunk, it was not good to drink so much alcohol.

He never drank heavily before, and he always drank lightly. Since Luan'er fell off the cliff four years ago, they all thought she was dead, and Mo Qingxuan often went to Xuanye to drink.

She hadn't seen Mo Qingxuan drink so much in the past few days since she came back, and today she drank so much for Luan'er.

"Luan'er has been fascinated, I will find a way." Mo Qingxuan's handsome face showed a trace of bitterness, his eyebrows furrowed in pain, but his eyes were as cold as ice.

He might wish to tear Shi Mingyang into pieces now, but if he really did that, Luan'er might hate him for the rest of his life.

Mo Qingran held Mo Qingxuan's hand and said nothing, only hoping to give him some comfort.

"Tomorrow I will go to Luan'er."

Mo Qingran was very ashamed, her brother was in such pain, but she only cared about herself, and never thought of caring about the relationship between him and Luan'er.

And Mo Qingxuan, even in such a painful time, still did not forget to care about her, fearing that she would be deceived by Pei Beichuan.

In the evening, Mo Qingran took a shower and changed into pajamas, and sat on the head of the bed, Pei Beichuan's afternoon words rang in his mind.

"I like you, so I want to chase you."

"His mother left after giving birth to him because of a misunderstanding."

(End of this chapter)

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