Chapter 124 Visitation
"I didn't think about it before, but now, I want to work hard and let her accept me again!"

What he said was inconsistent, but he said it so seriously.

He said that he was going to chase her, and that Doudou's mother left because of a misunderstanding, and her family would not let him approach her again, and that he would let her accept him again.

He spoke as if, as if she was Doudou's mother.

Mo Qingran scratched her scalp in distress, and messed up her long hair, feeling that her thoughts were too absurd.

She never had Pei Beichuan in her memory, nor had she ever been in a relationship. How could she have a son as big as Doudou?

However, the people around her are too strange.

Luan'er, Li Jin, Cheng Ziqian, although they tried their best to deny that she knew Pei Beichuan, but they all seemed to be avoiding something.

It doesn't make sense that all of them, including Xiaolu, know Pei Beichuan, but she doesn't even have this person in her memory. This is unscientific!
And Mo Qingxuan's attitude, when he saw her coming back with Pei Beichuan, his obvious anger was completely in line with what Pei Beichuan said, her family did not agree with them being together.

With Mo Qingxuan's ability, he could definitely delete her memory selectively, and it would be almost difficult for her to find out.

Moreover, her memory four years ago, before Luan'er and Uncle Jiang had an accident, was far-fetched in some places, but if she added another person, it would make sense.

Mo Qingran, who had been thinking for a long time to no avail, fell asleep under the blanket with her head full of question marks.

I have to see Luan'er tomorrow, she can't go to the hospital with dark circles under her eyes.

Jing'an Hospital
Jiang Luan watched the nurse pull out the needle from Shi Mingyang's blood vessel. She stepped forward to take the cotton swab from the nurse to compress the hemorrhage, and watched the nurse pack up the empty medicine bottle and infusion belt after the infusion. , Can't help yawning.

"Aluan, are you tired after a busy day? You didn't have a good rest yesterday."

Shi Mingyang looked at Jiang Luan's tired face, held her hand with his distressed backhand, moved his body to one side, and gave her half of the bed to lie down and rest.

"I'm fine, don't move around, the needle hole hasn't stopped bleeding yet." Jiang Luan turned his hand over in a hurry, and pressed the needle hole on the back of his hand again with a cotton swab.

"But seeing you so tired makes my heart ache." Shi Mingyang looked at Jiang Luan tenderly, his eyes full of distress.

She looked really tired, with faint dark circles under her eyes, she was a little tired, and she felt like she could hardly lift her eyelids.

"If you feel distressed, you should quickly take care of your body. Only then can I rest in peace, can't I?"

Jiang Luan smiled playfully at him, unable to hide his tiredness, raised the cotton swab in his hand to see that the bleeding was no longer there, then threw the cotton swab into the trash can beside him, and yawned again.

"Be obedient, lie down and sleep for a while." Shi Mingyang patted the half of the bed that was made out beside him, and took her hand to let her lie down to sleep beside him, with a gentle attitude but very persistent.

"I'll go to sleep over there. I don't sleep in a good position. Don't touch your wound." Jiang Luan pointed to the accompanying bed next to her, pulled her hand out of Shi Mingyang's palm, took off her coat and got under the quilt.

Shi Mingyang lives in a high-end VIP room, which not only has a separate bathroom and bathroom, but also has a TV, air conditioner, and refrigerator. In addition, there is an accompanying bed.

Seeing Jiang Luan's slightly rosy cheeks, Shi Mingyang no longer forced her, but turned his head to look at her face.

Although he really wanted to sleep with her in his arms, he was injured now, and holding her was a sweet torture for him.

With her eyes closed, Jiang Luan didn't have the playfulness and agility she had when she was awake, and looked quiet like an angel.

Long and curly eyelashes covered the eyelids, the skin was delicate and smooth, and the red lips were like perfect petals, small and delicate.

She was sleeping on her side, and her short ear-length hair slid down to cover one cheek, making people want to reach out and brush it away for her.

She didn't sleep well last night, and she kept guard outside during his operation, and took care of him every step of the way when he left the operating room.

He was taken away by Mo Qingxuan early this morning. Although he came back not long after, he fed him, stared at him for infusion, took care of him, and was notified to transfer to another hospital at noon.

She was busy all day, and she hardly had a break.

More than a month ago, her gunshot wound was no less serious than his now, and it was even more serious. Her body hadn't even fully recovered. How could she bear such a torment?

However, he didn't realize until this time that besides her, he didn't know anyone else who could accompany him.

Both Li Ruiqing and Wu Miaoke like him, but he doesn't want them to take care of him at all.

Let it be his selfishness, even though he knew she was tired, he was still reluctant to let her go back to rest, he just wanted to see her all the time and have her by his side.

The next day, Shi Mingyang's ward welcomed the first visitor.

Li Ruiqing looked at Shi Mingyang's pale face lying on the bed with red eye circles, and rushed over to look at him: "Mingyang, how are you hurt? I was scared to death when I heard that you were shot yesterday. Fortunately, you fine."

Shi Mingyang frowned with a headache, and subconsciously looked at Jiang Luan behind Li Ruiqing, as if he was afraid that she might misunderstand something.

Jiang Luan smiled at him, lowered her eyelashes and stood behind.

She still remembered that Li Ruiqing inquired about her mother's birthday and gave her something to drink, which made her go crazy for four years.

She still remembered that Li Ruiqing wanted to kill her because she was jealous that Shi Mingyang liked her.

Li Ruiqing was her best friend, but for a man who didn't love her, she hurt herself repeatedly.

Jiang Luan couldn't think of Li Ruiqing as a friend anymore, so he didn't even mean to say hello to her when she came in.

"Don't you have to go to work today?" Shi Mingyang knew that Jiang Luan was no longer willing to consider Li Ruiqing as a friend, so he distanced himself from her indifferently.

"I heard that you came back today, so I transferred the shift with someone else, and I will go to work tomorrow." Li Ruiqing's eyes were red, but her face turned pale.

She mustered up the courage to look up at Shi Mingyang and answered him, then turned to Jiang Luan and said, "A Luan, I want to say a few words to you."

Jiang Luan clenched her fists tightly, pursed her lips, and looked at Li Ruiqing in front of her.

She looked haggard, not as radiant and graceful as before, but as if she had just recovered from a serious illness.

They used to be best friends, but Li Ruiqing hurt her again and again because of a man, one can imagine how sad she felt.

Jiang Luan didn't speak, Li Ruiqing also looked at her, now she looked like a Xiaojiabiyu, without the flamboyant demeanor of the past, a little more quiet and peaceful.

In the end, Jiang Luan looked over Li Ruiqing to Shi Mingyang, said "I'll go out for a while", and turned around and walked out of the ward first.

Li Ruiqing followed behind Jiang Luan, and when she turned around to close the door, she paused, glanced at Shi Mingyang through the crack of the door, and then gently closed the door.

The two stopped until they reached the window at the end of the corridor.

Li Ruiqing followed behind Jiang Luan, she didn't speak until she stopped.

"I used to think that as long as a man is willing to sleep with me, he will fall in love with me one day. But I found out that I was wrong. I have liked Mingyang since I was in school, but he has always only had you in his eyes. Finally At the beginning, I wished you well, but after seeing Mo Qingxuan, I realized that Mingyang was just wishful thinking. Slowly, I became jealous of you. I wanted him to fall in love with me, so I did A lot of things went wrong."

Li Ruiqing spoke very slowly, as if she was telling a story, and also as if she hoped that Jiang Luan would listen to her words.

"I sincerely apologize to you. I don't ask you to forgive me. I just want you to know that I have always regarded you as a friend. I have given up on Mingyang, and I will not force it to not belong to me. A Luan, I'm sorry." Li Ruiqing turned to Jiang Luan, looked her in the eyes, bowed seriously, and apologized to her.

Jiang Luan looked at her, no emotion could be seen in Qing Hongshui's eyes, but the pain of being hurt by her closest friend could not be seen, and the rest was just indifference.

"I don't blame you, I'm just sad that my best friend would treat me like this."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Li Ruiqing shed tears, her haggard face looked rather charming.

"You don't need to apologize to me, I said I didn't blame you." Jiang Luan frowned, and said a little bluntly.

She didn't want to face Li Ruiqing, it reminded her of her crazy mother who had disappeared for four years.

Li Ruiqing was stunned in place, looking at Jiang Luan's leaving back, knowing that the relationship between the two could no longer return to the past, she felt more and more uncomfortable, she wiped her tears, just when the elevator stopped on this floor, she walked in.

She has already figured it out, and she will never ask for the love that Shi Mingyang can never give her.

She offended Mo Qingxuan, her father decided to send her abroad, and she also wanted to go abroad to start her new life.

After Li Ruiqing left, Chu Huan, Bai Ge, Yan Luocheng, and Bai Jin all came, but Mo Jinxiu didn't come because he had an operation.

"Mom, Aunt Chu, Auntie, Auntie." Seeing them, Jiang Luan smiled tiredly and walked forward to hug Baige.

Bai Ge looked at her daughter's exhausted appearance with distress, and patted her on the back.

"Luan'er, you've been exhausted for the past two days. Let Ran Ran stay and take care of Shi Mingyang. You can go home and have a rest."

Jiang Luan left Bai Ge's arms, shook her head and said, "Senior Shi was injured to save me, so I have to stay and take care of him. Besides, how can I rest if he is like this now?"

"Luan'er, have you ever thought about Ah Xuan?" Bai Ge heard from Chu Huan that Luan'er didn't want to see Ah Xuan, so she didn't quite believe it.

But seeing her glance at Shi Mingyang, there was clearly affection, and the worry and concern from the heart didn't look like she was treating a lifesaver or a friend.

"Mom, what does it have to do with me taking care of Senior Shi and Mo Qingxuan?" Jiang Luan frowned when he heard Mo Qingxuan's name.

"Auntie, I like Aluan, please agree to our relationship." Shi Mingyang heard Baige's words and understood that it was impossible for them to accept him.

(End of this chapter)

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