Chapter 125 Are You a Stepmother?

The relationship between Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan's family is very good, and the two of them even made a baby marriage before they were born. Bai Ge would not want Jiang Luan to marry him.

But so what, he didn't believe that Bai Ge could disregard his daughter's wishes and insist on letting her marry someone she didn't love.

The white pigeon glanced at him and nodded.

"Luan'er has a marriage contract. Anyway, thank you for saving Luan'er."

"Mom!" Jiang Luan turned pale and took a step back.

"My engagement with Mo Qingxuan has ended since I fell off a cliff four years ago."

Seeing Jiang Luan's heartfelt disgust when he mentioned the engagement with Mo Qingxuan, Bai Ge couldn't help but look at Chu Huan in surprise.

"Luan'er, didn't you still love Ah Xuan before? Why now?" Yan Luocheng didn't know what was going on, she looked at Shi Mingyang who was lying on the hospital bed, and then at Jiang Luan.

Jiang Luan looked at Yan Luocheng, and shook his head in confusion, because he couldn't understand why Yan Luocheng thought he loved Mo Qingxuan.

"I didn't love him. He forced me all the time. Auntie, you know that he has such a domineering temper and bullied me since he was a child. How could I love him?"

Yan Luocheng and Bai Jin looked at Shi Mingyang who was lying on the bed. Although his face was pale and haggard because of the injury, he could tell that he was a very good man.

The key is that the way he looked at Luan'er clearly showed love to the bottom of his heart, so focused, so gentle, no worse than Mo Qingxuan.

However, Luan'er was annoyed when she said that she didn't want to marry Mo Qingxuan and that he was domineering, but the shame and love in her eyes couldn't be concealed.

At this moment, she said that she had never loved Mo Qingxuan, but the disgust and rejection in her eyes were not fake.

Even if she found her heart because Shi Mingyang was hurt for her, she shouldn't completely deny her previous feelings.

"Luan'er, why would you say that? Ah Xuan..." Bai Ge looked at her daughter with disbelief in her tone.

But her words were interrupted by Chu Huan.

Chu Huan pulled Bai Ge, walked to Jiang Luan and touched her face distressedly.

"Luan'er, no matter who you like, Aunt Chu treats you as her own child. But you have to take good care of your body, don't you? Seeing you suffer so hard, we will be worried."

Jiang Luan hated Mo Qingxuan, but had no hostility towards Aunt Chu.

Chu Huan has been good to her since she was a child, and because of Mo Qingxuan, she stayed in Mo's house longer than her own.

And Chu Huan treats her better than her own children, so she and Chu Huan are still very close.

"Aunt Chu, I will take care of myself."

Ever since Jiang Luan fell in love with Shi Mingyang, everyone seemed to find it incredible, and everyone around him was complaining about Mo Qingxuan.

Only Chu Huan was so kind to her at this time.

"Be obedient, you go back to rest, and come back tomorrow. Ran Ran will come here in a while, let her stay here to take care of her for a day, and it will also grind her temper. Pigeon, we are leaving too. Shi Mingyang just finished the operation not long ago, and yesterday he came from W Let’s not disturb him to rest when he comes back from the city.”

Chu Huan took Jiang Luan's hand and asked Bai Ge to take her home to rest.

Jiang Luan looked back at Shi Mingyang in embarrassment, with reluctance in his eyes, but he couldn't refuse Chu Huan and his mother several times, after all, they were doing it for their own good.

At this time, Mo Qingran just arrived.

"Mom, Aunt Bai. You didn't wait for me, why did you come so early?" Mo Qingran complained as soon as she arrived at the ward.

"Waiting for you? The sun is going to set when you're waiting. I don't know what I'm doing at night, and I don't wake up until so late every day." Chu Huan cast a glance at her and joked.

"No way." Mo Qingran wrinkled her nose, it's because she thought about Pei Beichuan too late last night and couldn't get up in the morning.

"Luan'er, what's the matter with you and my brother?" Mo Qingran saw the haggard Luan'er, stepped forward and took her hand and asked.

Jiang Luan looked at Mo Qingran and joked with her: "I have nothing to do with your brother anymore. Don't worry about letting me be your sister-in-law."

"Who misses you? Obviously you are the one who misses being my sister-in-law, okay?" Mo Qingran rolled her eyes, not understanding what Jiang Luan was doing.

She seemed really normal, and her relationship with everyone hadn't changed, but when Mo Qingxuan was mentioned, she noticed the flash of disgust in her eyes.

"How is it possible?" Jiang Luan patted Mo Qingran, signaling her to stop joking.

Shi Mingyang listened from behind, she didn't want Shi Mingyang to have unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Ran Ran, help Luan'er take care of Shi Mingyang for a day today, and let Luan'er go back to rest." Afraid that Mo Qingran's further words would anger Jiang Luan, Chu Huan interrupted.

"What? Why should I stay?" She came to see Jiang Luan, okay?She still has a lot to say to Jiang Luan, and now she pretends to be full of questions and wants to ask, why does she stay when Jiang Luan is gone?

"It's not negotiable. If you don't want Luan'er to be exhausted, just stay obediently." Chu Huan ignored her daughter's protest, she had no choice but her daughter-in-law was the biggest.

She didn't want her default daughter-in-law to be exhausted by taking care of other men.

"Are you a stepmother?" Mo Qingran protested to no avail, and complained with a bitter face.

"That's right, I sent you as a phone fee, and Luan'er is my own." Chu Huan took Jiang Luan's hand and was about to take her away.

Jiang Luan was dragged away by Chu Huan, and looked back at Shi Mingyang helplessly.

"Senior Shi, I'll go back first, and I'll be here tomorrow morning."

"Well, take a good rest. I'm afraid you'll be exhausted, too."

Shi Mingyang's eyes were full of reluctance, and his tone was still gentle.

He just knew that it was convenient for the group of women who were transferred to Jing'an Hospital to run around, not to mention disturbing their sweet time alone, and directly carrying A Luan away, but he couldn't say anything.

After Chu Huan, Baige and the others left, only Shi Mingyang and Mo Qingran were left in the ward, and it finally seemed less crowded.

Mo Qingran stamped her feet angrily, turned around and walked to the bed, pulled the stool beside Shi Mingyang's bed aside and sat down.

"What kind of medicine did you give Luan'er? Why doesn't she remember the relationship with my brother at all now?"

Mo Qingran is a person who can't hold back his words. It's no wonder that he can hold back when he sees Jiang Luan's abnormality.

"You are A Luan's friend. She likes me. If you don't support her, she will be very sad."

Shi Mingyang looked at Mo Qingran lightly, with a sincere expression.

"All of you are accusing Aluan. No one has ever thought that she also needs your support. Your opposition makes her feel very uncomfortable."

Mo Qingran frowned angrily: "We are doing it for her own good. You don't know what kind of magic you used to confuse her mind. If one day she wakes up and finds that she has been loving someone she shouldn't love, she will be even more painful !"

"Why do you think it's a sorcery that Aluan likes me? It's because you think that Aluan and Mo Qingxuan are a couple, right? She suddenly discovered that I'm the one who treats her best, and I'm the one who loves her the most , was moved, and found that the person she loves the most is me, why do you all think it is impossible?"

"Impossible! The relationship between Luan'er and my brother started at a young age, she can't have another love!" Mo Qingran raised her chin confidently, and they all saw the relationship between Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan.

Even Mo Han who likes Jiang Luan clearly understands that Jiang Luan will never be able to empathize with another in his life, so he chooses to guard silently.

"Nothing is impossible in this world." Shi Mingyang raised his eyebrows, closed his eyes, and didn't want to continue this topic.

Although he was refuting Mo Qingran, he had to admit that what she said was the truth.

Otherwise, he wouldn't give up his love for her, just because he also saw this fact.

No matter what Mo Qingxuan did to her, she would never be really angry. The tacit understanding and love between the two of them was beyond the reach of others.

"Everything is possible in this world, but it is impossible for my brother and Luan'er to change their minds!" Mo Qingran stared at Shi Mingyang, not believing his nonsense.

But Shi Mingyang closed his eyes and didn't intend to speak again.

Mo Qingran pursed her lips angrily, took the remote control from the air, and turned on the TV to watch the program.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, and a piece of news disturbed her mind.

"Pei Beichuan, president of the Pei Group, will hold a press conference at Xin Ye Hotel at [-]:[-] this morning. According to relevant sources, President Pei will announce important news at the press conference. This station will broadcast it live."

Mo Qingran froze for a moment, as if she had a premonition of Pei Beichuan's purpose for holding a press conference, her heartbeat was a little uncontrollable.

She raised her hand and looked at her watch. It was now 45:15, with [-] minutes left.

At this moment, her phone rang, she picked it up to check, it was the number that Doudou called her last time.

Mo Qingran stared at the phone screen for a while before pressing the call button.

"Auntie, watch TV quickly. Doudou is going to be on TV." Doudou's cute childish voice came from the other side of the phone.

Mo Qingran's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and she subconsciously looked at the TV.

A diaper commercial is being played on TV, and a fleshy child is crawling all over the floor in a diaper.

What exactly does Pei Beichuan want to do?
"Doudou, where's your father?" Mo Qingran cleared his throat and asked Doudou softly.

"Dad went out just now, and will be back in a while. I called you secretly." Doudou said in a low voice suddenly, and then whispered, "My dad is back, auntie remember to watch TV."

"Wait a minute." Feeling that Doudou was about to hang up, Mo Qingran hurriedly called out.

"Doudou, who are you calling?" Pei Beichuan's voice came from the phone.

Mo Qingran didn't wait for Doudou to speak, and said to him directly: "Doudou, give your father the phone number."

"Dad, Auntie wants to talk to you." Doudou's weak voice came over, and then the phone seemed to have changed hands. Mo Qingran could hear the man's steady breathing.

"Pei Beichuan, what exactly do you want to do?" Pei Beichuan answered the phone without speaking, and Mo Qingran didn't care, and asked him what he wanted to do.

(End of this chapter)

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